Introducing, something new - Carina's Trial: 7 for 7



  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,606 ★★★★★

    Loved this Challenge as something fresh and innovative!! Reward I understand why it wasn't upto the mark but it's Ok it really felt good doing this! So I would like to request Kabam for more such challenges with somewhat better rewards including some catalysts as well! But please do not keep Rank 2 necessities as that's not the easiest thing to have other than one or two of them.

    Yeah also the Symbiote emote is cute but if it's an Act 7 challenge I don't understand why the emote is a cute symbiote and not something that represents act 7 like Superior Kang
  • JlkmdJlkmd Member Posts: 41
    Do we have to do them in order??
  • XFREEDOMXXFREEDOMX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    Jlkmd said:

    Do we have to do them in order??

  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,871 ★★★★★
    Jlkmd said:

    Do we have to do them in order??

    Yes, I did one out of order just to see too and you don't get the objective.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Friggin' great, Kabam. You deserve kudos.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,337 ★★★★★
    just poppin in to say i really enjoyed this!
  • daemonarchddaemonarchd Member Posts: 35
    I'm just finished act 7.1.1 with team of 5 champions 7 stars and didn't receive any reward
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★

    I'm just finished act 7.1.1 with team of 5 champions 7 stars and didn't receive any reward

    Either u don't have the objectives or u used the swap champ node
  • KaituKaitu Member Posts: 4
    Very cool idea. Thanks kabam
  • kikiFurieuxkikiFurieux Member Posts: 255 ★★★
    Just noticed you have to do them in order... sigh...
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    L_217 said:

    Okay hear me out but...all of act 5 with 3 stars would be such a nice thing and a very nice way to demonstrate how far we've come in the contest. Also something involving Road to the Labyrinth would be fun

    Absolutely EFFIN not💀 you are out of your mind if you think you can take down collector with 3* without just throwing bucket loads of revives at him
  • Sceptilemaniac2Sceptilemaniac2 Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    Okay I just completed the challenge and MAN was it a blast.
    First off, the 7 stars that kabam has been releasing have been massively under-rated.
    Like we know aarkus and ronin are somehow a little good but not often in battlegrounds.
    This was an amazing challenge where we were able to use these champs and this also shows how well designed the whole of Act 7 was, especially the boss fights.
    All of the boss fights were absolutely fantastic.
    Look forward to content like this!!

    (Also, I currently have 15k titan shards, and there are 2.5k in 8.3 exploration. Does anyone know where we can get the other 2.5k?)
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    L_217 said:

    Okay hear me out but...all of act 5 with 3 stars would be such a nice thing and a very nice way to demonstrate how far we've come in the contest. Also something involving Road to the Labyrinth would be fun

    Absolutely EFFIN not💀 you are out of your mind if you think you can take down collector with 3* without just throwing bucket loads of revives at him
    Lemme tell you a story...
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★

    Okay I just completed the challenge and MAN was it a blast.
    First off, the 7 stars that kabam has been releasing have been massively under-rated.
    Like we know aarkus and ronin are somehow a little good but not often in battlegrounds.
    This was an amazing challenge where we were able to use these champs and this also shows how well designed the whole of Act 7 was, especially the boss fights.
    All of the boss fights were absolutely fantastic.
    Look forward to content like this!!

    (Also, I currently have 15k titan shards, and there are 2.5k in 8.3 exploration. Does anyone know where we can get the other 2.5k?)

    I think there are some in the next bg season rewards
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    Just finished the challenge it was on of the most enjoyable things I’ve done in this game. I would love to see more challenges like this where we aren’t forced to use weak champions but instead of a limited selection some how.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★


    So did you get him? 7* Thanos??
  • MidnightEvilMidnightEvil Member Posts: 2
    Is there a bug? I finish 7.1.2 with 7* and don’t have any rewards for that finish.
  • horrendous_toohorrendous_too Member Posts: 254 ★★★

    Is there a bug? I finish 7.1.2 with 7* and don’t have any rewards for that finish.

    You have to do the quests in order (7.1.1 first and then 7.1.2) and you cannot use the choice node before the boss at all, even to swap in a different 7 star. If you did both of those and only had 7 stars on your team then it might be a bug and you would have to contact support.
  • CHuck_fINACHuck_fINA Member Posts: 156
    I just completed a path in 7.1.1 that I had never done before. Used all 7*s, skipped the choice node, and it did not count.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    This was a refreshing thing to do while waiting for 8.3 to drop. Ideas to improve for the future:

    1. maybe put some mid-progress milestones for say beating the 7.1.6, 7.2.6, and 7.3.6 bosses, and more at the end. Even if that means lowering the rewards for each step on the way. Much like how 8.3 rewards are mostly in completion and exploration, and not "evenly distributed for each path"... content like this should have rewards similarly distributed.
    2. keep them coming... maybe do this for all the variants, labyrinth, and abyss to make that existing content relevant again
    3. realize that this challenge had great timing for now / reasonable rewards, but they will quickly become dated, as will the "difficulty" as more people acquire more 7 stars (including soon to be r3 versions). This was a great idea for the here and now, but adapt for the next iteration
    4. this challenge eats up A LOT of energy. I am not saying an energy refill in each objective would have been necessary, but something to offset it a bit would have been nice.
    5. Keep them coming. Even if people do say 3 paths every 4 days... doing 24 paths would take only a month. In other words, this would be like a long "side quest". I appreciate wanting to have relevant rewards, and not flooding the "economy of the game"... but having something like this come out any month there isn't "8.3" or other major content dropping would be awesome to keep end-gamers engaged.
    6. Have an option to "buy more rewards" similar to completion packs for exploring story content. Maybe for another 1000 units get another 7 star crystal or for 3000 units get another 10,000 titan shards or something like that.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★
    edited October 2023
    Look, I think we can all agree that they’ve opened the floodgates for future Carina content by removing the act 6-7 restrictions on 4-stars.

    Get ready to take down the Grandmaster with a 4-star.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,851 ★★★★★
    Just finished my run of this 7 for 7 trial and it was so thrilling for me as my 7s aint the best for it but i finished it and i want more of this it felt fun it felt challenging it felt what act content should be a challenge where u need to think i hope to see this also for act 8 when act 8 finishes up
  • KLZKLZ Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    edited October 2023
    Hey guys, what are the best counters for Gwenmaster?
    First time i beat her with 6*Herc (juiced path iirc - only completion) and didn't bother to learn the phases, but i don't know which 7* works better..
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,871 ★★★★★
    edited October 2023
    KLZ said:

    Hey guys, what are the best counters for Gwenmaster?
    First time i beat her with 6*Herc (juiced path iirc - only completion) and didn't bother to learn the phases, but i don't know which 7* works better..

    @KLZ here's my write-up part from Gwenmaster. The first time I fought her,(regular, not the Carina) I used a ton of revives on the same path.

    7.2.6 Debuff Synthesis: ArmorBreak/Stun HB/Juiced +300%attack node path/Gwenmaster
    Team: IMIW for path, bishop, domino, Gorr
    Path: IMIW mvp. Parry, heavy until sp 2, then convert to plasma. Make sure to have relic. His second hit on his heavy applies armor break, which stops the unblockable. His so2 also has armor break. Better yet, his mlm can’t be evaded, nor can his heavy. Emma was taken down by HB, get to one bar of power, get her in regular form, then sp1 into block. I thought that it would be too hard with not being able to parry in diamond form to use IMIW. Heavy attack in corner, hope and pray. HB finished fight at 29% health
    Gwenmaster: Gorr took down without putting on debuffs, survived sp2. Just make sure that you don’t dex when she was 4 prowess. I found Emma’s form the easiest phase to do. Keep the fight gong, gain more attack. As long as you keep the fight going, anyone should be able to do it. I'd personally would think champs that hit hard or have a high health pool/Regen would be best (since the health can help extend the fight-gwenmaster doesn't seem to hit that hard against the 7*)

    Chapter MVP: IMIW – I honestly don’t know which path I could have done if I didn’t have him. I probably would have done the same path with just HB and revive a ton.
    Potions: Revives: 0/0
  • KLZKLZ Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    Thanks mate, i don't have Gorr, but i will try Venom, he's quite tanky, and i think he works for both Kangs too
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,871 ★★★★★
    KLZ said:

    Thanks mate, i don't have Gorr, but i will try Venom, he's quite tanky, and i think he works for both Kangs too

    Good luck. Venom I think would work better than Gorr (looking back on it). Let us know how it goes.
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