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Who is your fun to play champ?



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    SammyDeSammyDe Posts: 979 ★★★

    There are a few. Per Class:

    Cosmic: Venom / Venompool
    Tech: Warlock / Hulkbuster
    Mutant: Nimrod / Iceman
    Skill: Hit Monkey / Massacre
    Science: Red Hulk / Luke Cage
    Mystic: Scarlet Witch

    Nimrod will not be happy with your classification…

    I love all champs that can cheese fights like Ronan and Guilly. I will name Apoc, IBom, Falcon and Warlock even though they are up there with the top champs.
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    WonderWanderWonderWander Posts: 53
    Animations are top notch . Fun to play full on attacker champ
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    MasterAMasterA Posts: 531 ★★★
    Spider ham
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,948 ★★★★★
    Anti venom and Carnage.

    I'm paragon and still haven't pulled a 6* Carnage so I recently ranked my 5* for fun. 😁
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    TheSaithTheSaith Posts: 635 ★★★
    I love playing Corvus. Yes i still love him . Venom is fun too. Nom nom buffs 😜
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    StantonaStantona Posts: 108
    Not sure if I should say this but, I love playing with my Man-Thing :#
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,585 ★★★★★
    SammyDe said:

    There are a few. Per Class:

    Cosmic: Venom / Venompool
    Tech: Warlock / Hulkbuster
    Mutant: Nimrod / Iceman
    Skill: Hit Monkey / Massacre
    Science: Red Hulk / Luke Cage
    Mystic: Scarlet Witch

    Nimrod will not be happy with your classification…

    I love all champs that can cheese fights like Ronan and Guilly. I will name Apoc, IBom, Falcon and Warlock even though they are up there with the top champs.
    What kind of fights mystic gully cheeses as an attacker?
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    BanannaPandaBanannaPanda Posts: 106
    Definitely not built for many nodes but feels so good once concussions get up

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    laserjohn26laserjohn26 Posts: 1,529 ★★★★★
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    KingSkeletorKingSkeletor Posts: 116
    Cosmic : Herc, Adam and CGR
    Tech : Lmao I am not a tech fan
    Mutant : Kitty
    Skill : Valk and Shang Chi
    Science : Humant Torch and Silk
    Mystic : Baldy and Dr Doom
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    ThomildoThomildo Posts: 473 ★★★
    Hulk. Mindless mashing is fun!
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    VaniteliaVanitelia Posts: 369 ★★★

    SammyDe said:

    There are a few. Per Class:

    Cosmic: Venom / Venompool
    Tech: Warlock / Hulkbuster
    Mutant: Nimrod / Iceman
    Skill: Hit Monkey / Massacre
    Science: Red Hulk / Luke Cage
    Mystic: Scarlet Witch

    Nimrod will not be happy with your classification…

    I love all champs that can cheese fights like Ronan and Guilly. I will name Apoc, IBom, Falcon and Warlock even though they are up there with the top champs.
    What kind of fights mystic gully cheeses as an attacker?
    The EQ path where if you regen, places a power drain and you get furies. She is fun on those paths.
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    UnobtainiumClawsUnobtainiumClaws Posts: 201 ★★

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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,585 ★★★★★
    Vanitelia said:

    SammyDe said:

    There are a few. Per Class:

    Cosmic: Venom / Venompool
    Tech: Warlock / Hulkbuster
    Mutant: Nimrod / Iceman
    Skill: Hit Monkey / Massacre
    Science: Red Hulk / Luke Cage
    Mystic: Scarlet Witch

    Nimrod will not be happy with your classification…

    I love all champs that can cheese fights like Ronan and Guilly. I will name Apoc, IBom, Falcon and Warlock even though they are up there with the top champs.
    What kind of fights mystic gully cheeses as an attacker?
    The EQ path where if you regen, places a power drain and you get furies. She is fun on those paths.
    She has 3% lifesteal chance If I'm not wrong right? I donno much about post buff gully tho
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    GrO_otGrO_ot Posts: 35
    Mutant: Cable with Apoc
    Science: Void
    Tech: Yondu
    Cosmic: Angela with Odin
    Mystic: Juggs
    Skill: Killmonger with WS
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    LemonloafLemonloaf Posts: 117

    There are a few. Per Class:

    Cosmic: Venom / Venompool
    Tech: Warlock / Hulkbuster
    Mutant: Nimrod / Iceman
    Skill: Hit Monkey / Massacre
    Science: Red Hulk / Luke Cage
    Mystic: Scarlet Witch

    I believe you've incorrectly classified Nimrod.

    For me, if we're excluding the generic responses of Nimrod, Ghost, Kitty, Herc, Absorbing Man, etc...

    Cosmic: Silver Surfer/Nova/VTD
    Tech: Silver Centurion/Gladiator
    Mutant: Rogue
    Skill: Night Thrasher/Ronin
    Science: Immortal Abomination/Overseer/Mr. Negative
    Mystic: Wiccan/Wong
    I believe you did the same thing, pretty sure gladiator is cosmic.
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    AzdefAzdef Posts: 168
    Elsa , Hulk , Silk...
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,585 ★★★★★
    GrO_ot said:

    Mutant: Cable with Apoc
    Science: Void
    Tech: Yondu
    Cosmic: Angela with Odin
    Mystic: Juggs
    Skill: Killmonger with WS

    What is that synergy between km and ws?
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    JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Posts: 1,021 ★★★★
    Used ebony maw in 7 for 7 for the first time and he’s pretty fun to play. The falter every 20 creates easy openings and counters. Also kate bishop is super fun to play. Crazy in abyss/labyrinth and takes away evade chance.
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    bm3eppsbm3epps Posts: 1,153 ★★★
    Viv Vision
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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 886 ★★★
    I still say (like I did two years ago) bwdo is one of, if not the funnest champs to play. Her animations and combos just feel smoother than every other character in the game. I wish they would tweak her damage just a tiny bit.....
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    Luke9523Luke9523 Posts: 917 ★★★

    GrO_ot said:

    Mutant: Cable with Apoc
    Science: Void
    Tech: Yondu
    Cosmic: Angela with Odin
    Mystic: Juggs
    Skill: Killmonger with WS

    What is that synergy between km and ws?
    100% chance to activate True Strike after an intercept.

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    MagonusMagonus Posts: 521 ★★★
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    Gabriel_207Gabriel_207 Posts: 56
    Invisible woman I rank 4 her an ascended her too gonna rank 5 her too she is definitely underrated
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    Gabriel_207Gabriel_207 Posts: 56
    Invisible woman I rank 4 her an ascended her too gonna rank 5 her too she is definitely underrated
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    ErosenseiogErosenseiog Posts: 287
    Kingpin massacre zemo ghost tigra
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    Cgr for me. His animations are clean, and obviously the damage speaks for itself. He’s someone who can run you through a quest in 5 minutes without having to even remotely try.
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    BENNYJBENNYJ Posts: 100

    I still say (like I did two years ago) bwdo is one of, if not the funnest champs to play. Her animations and combos just feel smoother than every other character in the game. I wish they would tweak her damage just a tiny bit.....

    The damage output in the EQ paths with the skill fury/purify nodes are nuts with her
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    Renaxqq said:

    OG Scarlet Witch

    I have to go with this. I still bring my 5* into content because she slaps
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