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Act 6 difficulty

I know kabam made act 4 and 5 easier when are you gonna do act 6 because act 6 is actually super difficult to do im stuck on act 6 chapter two and have been for quite some time now kabam this is a plea u made act 4&5 easier so can u please do the same for act 6 and improve the rewards to as its not fun being stuck on the same fight for months on end


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    Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Posts: 1,076 ★★★★
    edited November 2023
    Damn, the ops got me for being toxic. Aight, I will try being helpful now. What quest are you stuck on?
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    Yukzii_IIYukzii_II Posts: 107
    edited November 2023
    Act 6 shouldnt get nerfed imo, theyve already nerfed act 4 and 5 which were unnecessary although better rewards are good. Some of the bosses are a bit counter reliant however theres always one or more counter you have making it challenging. This is where they create the peasant gate and make you either learn how to intercept and properly improve your skills or just get stuck (or unitman). It’s good as is although it’d be good if they buffed the rewards with the same difficulty considering the economy is such that cav players are getting rank 4 mats and act 6 has none of that
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,447 ★★★★
    If you're luke me who has difficulty with reverse controls.. bring Juggernaut 6* rank3 or 5* Juggernaut rank5.. I rank3 my undupe 6* just for the very purpose.. have revives and potions ready.. I am sure I used a lot to get to Grandmaster.. but I was able to beat him eventually.. watch mcoc noob for his useful tips and suggestions on easiest path to take.. play when you are relaxed and least stressed.
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,447 ★★★★
    I typed 'if you're like me'... and word suggests went with Luke.. is 'Star Wars' trending? LoL

    Anyway, OP.. who are you using vs Grandmaster?
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 2,016 ★★★★★
    Kabam, seriously, stop nerfing everything. Now everybody wants a participation trophy!

    Seriously if you're having trouble, check out YouTube, practice and develop your roster.
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    Ranshahar5Ranshahar5 Posts: 5
    Hi, I need a tip please. I'm facing the champion in act 6 cap 2 (round two) and I can't beat him. When the champion reaches 10% health he gets charges. I don't understand how to cancel the charges to damage him? Which champion should I use to beat him?
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,688 ★★★★★
    Now he's posted this twice...
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    ChrisPowellChrisPowell Posts: 129
    They should un'nerf act 4&5, you'll need those skills to beat act 6.

    My main advice is plan to level 1 or 2 champions for each chapter to help you get through. YouTube guilds are a great help when you're stuck. Though follow those guides with a grain of salt on who to level for act 6 since there are probably 100 new options since those guides were made.

    To beat some of the bosses you'll have to learn new skills others you'll just have to grow your roster. But be patient, expect stalls. Make a plan, and stick to it unless you get better information and then adapt your plan.

    Good luck, don't give up. With time and effort you'll get through.
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    AvnishAvnish Posts: 399 ★★★
    Thronebreaker title is not title you can get easily. You have to earn it. I remember 2 year ago. I fought 2.5 hours to beat the grandmaster and I also defeated him 5 time once I get some experience against GM. and also there was no Hercules to save my revives. You are stuck at champion boss. He used be much harder than now and 6* champion was a rare thing on that time.
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    CvlrCvlr Posts: 221 ★★
    People who explored act6 initial difficulty years ago with 5* 💀
    Kabam Jax said:

    @Charliejiggens I feel your pain as I only pushed through Act 6 a couple months ago, and it required a lot of time, units and bad feels. [sad face] As a gate to a different progression level, I don't see it changing anytime soon. There are many resources within the community (youtube, forums etc.) that can definitely give you a leg up and help you work smarter not harder.

    As a note... I've seen a lot of "skill issue" and "git good" comments lately. These are the definition of unconstructive.
    We've said this on the forums before, and some of you may have gotten the message in warnings: disagree with ideas and concepts, do not turn your attention to people.

    This community is at its best when Summoners are helping each other. I've seen streaks of brilliance in here before. Let's, please, not devolve into name calling and dismissive comments. Isn't it just easier to not comment than to go out of your way to belittle someone who has expressed they're struggling?

    Food for thought.

    [sad face] emoji is top
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    JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Posts: 412 ★★★
    Awesome roster Charliejiggens! What quest number are you stuck on? I’ve been planning paths for my girlfriend as she plays catch up through act 6, so I’ve got a little bit of experience making guides for people!

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