Lets talk about Sassy in EQ this month

I've never been stuck on an EQ Boss for a Loooooooong time....I usually have counters to every Boss.....
but this Node.....That Combined with Falter, No Reverse Regen & ofc the Unstoppable....
and the Highlight....NO USE OF TORCH! due to Energy Ressistance & Regen on DOT!
Yes there are Counters....
but sadly I have only 2 & they are 5 Star Rank 4s
Sad that Kabam put this Champion in these Nodes....
Sassy is a PITA Champ even without these Nodes.....The Nodes make them Worse
but this Node.....That Combined with Falter, No Reverse Regen & ofc the Unstoppable....
and the Highlight....NO USE OF TORCH! due to Energy Ressistance & Regen on DOT!
Yes there are Counters....
but sadly I have only 2 & they are 5 Star Rank 4s
Sad that Kabam put this Champion in these Nodes....
Sassy is a PITA Champ even without these Nodes.....The Nodes make them Worse
Also I'm 99% sure a 4* qs can easily solo that boss and I believe we were all given a 4* qs for free when he was released.
I just came back 2 months back so I don't have a 4 Star QS
That Yondu you have works just fine. Keep Sassy bled so he can’t go unstoppable (you can trigger these through block as well if he’s being passive), don’t parry repeatedly, and spam sp1s for heal block and more bleeds
You basically just need someone with bleeds or slow. Don't Parry too much or you'll get faltered.
Zemo works too.
I can be patient & deal Damage....But Sassy's Regen is what pisses me
Asking for help.