Can someone with some industry knowledge explain how this keeps happening, particularly with final bosses in new content?
How does a timer suddenly function different in the live environment if it was tested prior to launch?
I feel like I must be missing something in the process because I don’t see how these issues are missed in pre-launch testing.
No amount of explaining will make you understand. The only way you'll truly accept things like this can happen is by being in the industry. But things like this aren't out of the ordinary and happen with all kinds of software. If gives the illusion that things are tested but when new code meets old code, things can go wrong.
Can someone with some industry knowledge explain how this keeps happening, particularly with final bosses in new content?
How does a timer suddenly function different in the live environment if it was tested prior to launch?
I feel like I must be missing something in the process because I don’t see how these issues are missed in pre-launch testing.
Their QA environment probably isn't a 1:1 clone of prod so while the tests passed in QA when it moved to the prod environment there was something in there that messed with the code
How does a timer suddenly function different in the live environment if it was tested prior to launch?
I feel like I must be missing something in the process because I don’t see how these issues are missed in pre-launch testing.
There's no simple explanation either.
But yeah that really sucks, I feel your pain. I wasted a lot of revives myself there.