Sentry in necropolis

Just finished my first run of necropolis using Sentry as my Main.
Team used: Sentry, Void, Wiccan, The Champion, 5* Aegon
Sentry worked exceptionally well for Cap Britain, psycho man, Valkyrie, Dragon Man, CAIW, Nova and was my main for Grandmaster.
Void was used for wiccan and dragon man and was my second main for Grandmaster.
Wiccan was used for Vision, Omega Sentinel, Airwalker and final phase of Grandmaster.
Aegon was for the Sentry synergy but worked well for titania, guardian, red guardian, cap Sam.
The champion was only for the Sentry synergy
Revives used: 60 solo and 9 team revives ( 5-6 used for Grandmaster)

Team used: Sentry, Void, Wiccan, The Champion, 5* Aegon
Sentry worked exceptionally well for Cap Britain, psycho man, Valkyrie, Dragon Man, CAIW, Nova and was my main for Grandmaster.
Void was used for wiccan and dragon man and was my second main for Grandmaster.
Wiccan was used for Vision, Omega Sentinel, Airwalker and final phase of Grandmaster.
Aegon was for the Sentry synergy but worked well for titania, guardian, red guardian, cap Sam.
The champion was only for the Sentry synergy
Revives used: 60 solo and 9 team revives ( 5-6 used for Grandmaster)

I didn't actually solo any fight.
The fight I was close to soloing was against wiccan were void took down wiccan from 75% to 0% hp. Void can reverse his healing at sp1, that's where most of the dmg came in that fight.
Also, Aegon was used only for the fights I mentioned. As a 5* he only took 15-20% hp each time. I didn't use him anywhere else, especially in the Grandmaster. As a 5* he couldnt stand the block dmg.
Im not telling sentry is a better option than Kate or Aegon ofcourse, just an option for anyone who don't have those champs and just a challenge for me since I love sentry so much
Here are some more screenshots for anyone interested to try him as an option. I don't have any video unfortunately
Aegon gives him 1000 crit rate and 1000crit dmg
The champion gives him 60% attack dmg
And void gives him a fear of the void passive at this sp3 which is 50% plus more dmg and all the debuffs void puts.
I had no suicides on but I did fully boost him every time.
His medium hit for 11k, lights for 8k and heavy hit 66k (33k each hit) at his 20-29 combo range.
His sp1 hit 27k each beam hit at his 10-19 combo range
And his sp2 hit Max dmg cap at his 30-39 combo range
His dmg is when he has 5 reality warps without his considering the bonus attack from his fury in sp1, armor break from sp2 and fear of the void sp3
I don't remember exactly but with his fury/ armor break/ fotV he hit sth like 13k medium, 9k light, heavy 74k ( each hit 37k I think). There wasn't many times I got all of 3 active at the same time but he has a lot of ways to get dmg
Also last thing to notice: my sentry is R5 Ascended
Sentry in the whole run of necropolis had an average of chipping away 33% dmg each time ( which still is 1/3 hp). In some good runs by me he also dealt 40-45% dmg on a favoured match up like Valkyrie and CAIW( where I did a run of almost 50% dmg)
In his difficult match ups where I used him, I managed to deal 1,5mil hp at least before I went down ( this range appropriately to 15-20% hp)
In addition, one thing I didn't tell: with the correct mastery set up ( I run inequity and weakness debuff), sentry was really tanky through the whole run, able to tank a lot of hits or just block 0 dmg when at his 20-29 combo range. I did make mistakes but sentry saved my tries (and revives) by his sheer tankiness.
Great write up.
Im a huge fan.
Here is my write up experience of necropolis:
My planning for necropolis started before it went live. My mentality is to use my champions that i love and have already ranked up and not rank up someone that i dont like or just use them for necropolis and never again so i took my pen and paper and planned out my whole path. I got my masteries ready ( maxed inequity, weakness debuff and maxed science mastery- the one that gives 960 energy resist), grinded potions and revives and took the monthly event quest offers. My necropolis run lasted 3 days and was like this ( i didnt keep revive counter for every boss and i kinda remember them) :
Day 1
Titania- the most difficult fight since it was the ramp up. Here i ramped up my sentry to 4 reality warps dealing about 8-9% dmg, then I used aegon and reseting after ~130 combos on his counter. As you can imagine i didnt do much dmg cause aegon wasnt ramped and is a 5*. I used the most revives here (8-9) and a team revive.
Aarkus - i used only wiccan here. Started with neutralize debuff right of the start and heavy attacked him after parry ( that wasnt shrugged off) or sp1 punish to take off his first power gain buff. Then the fight was pretty easy, continuous cycle of sp2 and keeping neutralize active. I didnt use sp3 much cause when i did, he shrugged my energy vuln. I used sth like ~5-6 revives here.
Omega Sentinel - my original plan was to use the champion cause of his true strike but im not a good champion player and did absolutely nothing with him ( and didnt use him again until GM). My MVP here was wiccan since he didnt let OS get her armor ups and bait her sp1 constantly to make her lose her armor buffs. Almost same fight like aarkus but i blocked a little more in this fight. Wiccans sp1 heal saved me one or two times here. ~5-6 Revives here i think.
Airwalker - This fight was again with wiccan and was pretty easy ... until i died once at 38% and gave him his persistent charges. Wiccan took down 62% alone and then i just couldnt stop airwalker from gaining power. Thing is: i believe void could solo this fight if played perfectly and let him get to his regeneration but after one death to airwalker he cant do it. i used wiccan and Aegon (not fully ramped up yet) and powered my way through for his last hp percent. 5 revives for only 38%hp here but it can be soloed
Cap Britain - I used only Sentry here. With the science mastery, cap brit dealt no dmg from blocked hits even when enraged(phase 2). I pushed asap to 10-19 combo and used sp1 to get my 20-29 combo. In this combo range i stalled as much as possible to get max dmg from heavies ( ~37k each crit hit with 5* max cap America relic dealing 2-3k dmg of them) and get as much power to get to sp2. When i reached 30-39 combo i used sp2 and dealt usually max hp cap. After this i rushed to 50-59 range and continued. Huge thing to notice: Sentry's indestructible doesnt get affected by necropolis node since its passive, so when i got hit by cap brit's sp1 i survived cause its just the right duration of indestructible to not take dmg. ~5 revives here and i had a run were i dealt ~36% dmg here. ( if the 20-29 combo phase doenst activate i would either rush to sp2 phase if i had an sp2 ready or rush to sp3 and inflict the fear of the void passive for +50% and rush to the next 20-29 combo phase)
Treasure deadpooloid - Since the max hp cap in necropolis, the 60 sec timer and the upcoming fight being wiccan the only way to go here was Void. In order to get the +25 attack boost i relied on my weakness debuff dmg and looked to increase it. I cycled one sp1 to get my void debuffs, then rushed to striker (6* spiderman relic) and with my weakness mastery i had 5 debuffs fairly quickly and easy. With the sentry synergy i rushed to sp3 after the first sp1 and relic and got the 20 sec +250% dmg passive fury which melt the deadpooloid immediately. His challenges were fairly easy to get down pretty fast to not lose dmg. ( Got the +25% attack dmg on void for 2 fights)
Day 1 ended here
Day 2
Wiccan - I used only void here. First run didnt go as planned cause i got hit by his sp2 and dealt ~25% only. Good thing is i got his hp down which means wiccan's heal was more potent (+7% missing hp heal). Next run ( with attack boost active) i used solo sp1 and bait only sp1 from wiccan. The more i took his hp down the more wiccan lost. This fight lasted till the last enrage phace. When at 18% hp i used one sp3 to deal more dmg with the +250% fury ( i have one point in assassin mastery). With ascended Void this fight can be soloed. 1 revive
Physco-Man- I used almost sentry here. I started on run with aegon cause i still wasnt 999 hits ( i need aegon for guardian) but didnt go well and dealt only ~13% dmg. Then it was just sentry run. Whole game plan is rush to 20-29 combo block as much i can and gain sp2 or sp3 while hitting heavies and completing his objectives. Didnt parry a lot just punished his specials or heavies cause of tranquilize. Sentry dealt ~25 % each time on average( one run was ~32% and another was 15%). ~4-5 revives
Guardian - Aegon was ramped to 999 so it was an okay fight. Dealt sth like~20% each time and i didnt change my combo cause sometimes aegon didnt crit and guardian blocked so i just played it safely. Not very interesting just did aegon things cause i didnt have shock immune champ. Still 5 revives used here
Valkyrie - This fight was amazing. I never expected sentry to be this good here, taking >30% each time. Same thing with cap brit: Valkyrie's sp1 is the same duration as sentry's indestructible passive, that saved me a couple times here. Gameplan: cycle sp1-sp2 at the corresponding combo phase and hitting block from time to time. I mostly skipped the 20-29 combo range but I did punish her heavies and sp1 from time to time. One thing to notice is that when at 20-29 range you still take 0 block dmg but you take a big number dmg taking a good amount of my hp. I had very fun with this fight cause I love the changing combo mechanic and I hit the dmg cap very often here. 3-4 revives here.
Red guardian - Still aegon. I couldn't bother with his stun from the shield to try any other champ. Taking 25% hp each try. The thing is i had 2 runs were i had a great time. The main threat here was the very fast enrage phase (5* has 120 necro charges). Here his sp1 would just kills me the moment he presses it but i managed to not get him to throw it for a hug amount of time by pushing him to his sp2 with my own specials or relic (5* black panther relic). In one of those run i even managed to get to the unblockable enrage and survive for a bit. Interesting fight and only 4 revives used.
CASW - Same fight with guardian. Just Aegon doing Aegon things. I don't even remember revives, the only thing I remember is that I lost at 1% and finished with sentry ( didn't revive Aegon until GM). A few revives used here though ( i dont remember, pretty uninteresting fight for me). I had injured my thumb this day and didn't play sentry this much. Missed my chance to use him on CASW. I believe he could see some use from his dmg at his 20-29 range and punishing CASW heavies and sp1.
Treasure Deadpooloid - Void. Same reasons as the first one but this time it's dragon man next
Day 2 ended here.
Day 3 - The finale
Dragon Man - Void was really good here taking down ~25%-30% each time for two reasons: power reverse and inequity mastery. I use the sp1-striker-sp3 rotation here to deal as much dmg I could as fast as possible (I couldn't dodge well at the enrage phase). I parried dragon man right at the start of the fight and then used sp1. By the time I had sp3 dragon man had his power blocked and after a few more petrify, his power reversed. Although his power gain isn't that big and therefore his reverse also not that substantial, it's enough to stop him from spamming specials. Here is where inequity weakness debuff mastery and science mastery shine. I was able to reduce dragon man defense down to 50% for most of the fight making him hit minimal dmg to my block. I died 3 times here with void leaving him with 10% hp. I didn't revive void after this and used Sentry to finish the job. Just rushed to sp3 to power block him and then spam sp1. Didn't use sp2 to not get the armor break dmg from Dragon man.
The rest from here is only sentry fights and had science boosts active
CAIW - sentry was amazing here dealing every time >35% dmg ( I believe a have a run where I got 45% down). Here I used a standard sentry rotation making the most out of each phase ( and I was lucky with his 20-29 combo phase): rush to sp1 phase then play slow at his heavy phase then just get off an sp2 at his sp2 range ( I even managed to get 2 of with +200% science power boost and +12% science special attack dmg boost)and repeat. I was worried that CAIW skill phase would be a problem but with the weakness mastery I just made him lose all kinetic charges all the time therefore making him not glance my attacks. 3 revives here and lot of fun just by seeing capped dmg from my sp2s.
Nova- a nerve-cacking fight! From dodging his sp1/sp1 perfectly to getting in and out of striking distance while thinking about the combo ender each time, what a fight!! I loved every second of it! Gameplan: rush to sp3 to power block nova's power gain from his medium attack and then do standard sentry rotation until the time to get another FotV passive from your sp3 on him was on. My tries were >30% hp dmg and used about 3 revives
I had a 4-hour break and went to grand master
Grandmaster- phase 1->3 my MVPs were Sentry and void. The champion was ok just one time and Aegon did absolutely nothing since just by blocking I was losing all my hp. I used mostly team revives here.
Phase 1 - MvP: Sentry I went in with sentry just to get used to the fight and the green light red light mechanic ( which I really liked) and managed to power through this phase.
Phase 2 - MvP: Void was the main MvP here. Grandmaster says mechanic was quite fun but got me one or two times. Kinda liked it. Void was amazing in wounded phase cause of the striker increasing duration therefore making his debuff dmg deal even more.
Phase 3 - Misery: I hated this phase. I used 3-4 team revives just trying to learn to play and complete tasks with inverted controls. In this phase I got wounded 3 times. One was with void where I got GM from 30% to 20%. Then I got one with champion where he got 7% off and finally I got my last wounded phase with sentry where I pushed grandmaster to phase 4. If this phase wasn't hard enough already the Grandmaster says mechanic is still kinda bugged and sometimes I just didnt see his prompts at all or if he said "grandmaster says". I used the 5 out of 6 revives I used on GM here.
Phase 4 - After phase 3 I did what I could with sentry not expecting much. In my surprise I managed to intercept and use my sp1 at the Grandmaster making my next try with wiccan an easy walkthrough. Without wasting a revive I just used sp2 and sp3 and won the necropolis.
Day 3 and my run ended here.
( Between the bosses I was reviving and healing a bit the champs I would use and used 2 team revives when everyone was dead. Every boss take was while fully boosted.)
And that's my run. I hope you liked it.
I was so happy then and Im still is. Getting to do this type of content with my most favorite champ (sentry) and second most (void), was one of the best things I've done in this game. The power of a million exploding suns against necropolis.
Thank you for your time.
I wish I had resources to burn to experiment like that!
I just think it's great when people take a champ they love, but others don't rate; and show what can be done with them. Bravo!
Ultimately, though, what I'm hearing is: he really needs a couple of those synergies rolled into his base kit... 😉
For ex:
Sentry is 100% resistant to Incinerate effects
When Incinerated, Sentry has a 30% chance to generate 1 hit in his combo meter.
Note: Sentry’s incinerate resistance now makes him a great option for incinerate paths, nodes and annoying defenders such as Wiccan and Bishop.
Sentry’s dual personality both benefits and detriments him in fights
Sentry at the start of any fight is granted a permanent Regeneration and Power Gain buff passive, healing X amount of Health per second and gaining X% of a bar of power per second. However due to his conflict with the Void, he also suffers from a permanent Petrify debuff that reduces Regeneration by 80% and Power Rate by 15%.
The Sentry is also immune to other effects that lower his Regen or Power rate, such as Exhaustion if he has the 80% Petrify. Whenever any opponent tries to reverse or block out his healing and power via other means (like via the Spectre debuff), they suffer Degeneration, dealing 100% of the damage Sentry would have taken from the heal reversal as well as get power drained for the same amount. He will also heal from the same amount.
Reality Warps:
Sentry gains 1 Reality warp every 20 hits in his combo. A maximum of 5.
When reaching 5 warps, he gains a persistent charge that counts as 1 warp. Max: 5
Reality warps grant Sentry the following benefits:
+X attack and crit rating
+X Block proficiency
+X Physical and Energy resistance
When knocked down, Sentry loses 1 reality warp.
When hit by a sp3, Sentry loses all 5.
States of Mind: Sentry enters a different state of mind
Unyielding Fortitude: 0-20 hits
In this state, when Sentry gets struck, he loses 5 hits and gains a Combo shield passive for 3 seconds
Overpowering Light: 21-40 hits,
Special 1 is now Unblockable and gains X attack rating.
Sentry’s heavy attacks now can Armor break for 20 seconds.
Steadfast Approach: 41-60 hits
Heavy attacks now can detonate Armor Ups into bursts of Incinerate damage.
He also has 100% chance to perfect block
Absolute Strength: 61-80 hits
Special 2 is now Unblockable
Heavy attacks now can refresh any Incinerate debuff on the opponent from the Sp1
Peak condition: 81-100 hits
When Struck, Sentry now only loses 1 hit from his combo meter and gains a Combo shield
Notes: The States of Mind are now guaranteed to trigger instead of only having a chance to trigger. This makes Sentry viable for any kind of fight.
Special attacks:
Special 1: Light Blast
Inflicts Incinerate for 10 seconds
Inflicts a random single stacking debuff for 10 seconds. These debuffs can be:
Petrify (100% reduction to power rate)
Energy vulnerability
Physical vulnerability
Every time Sentry gains a Reality warp, the debuffs last twice as long.
At 5 Reality warps, these debuffs last indefinitely except against Skill champions
Stuns for 1 second
Grants Sentry a Fury passive for 15 seconds
Special 2: Solar Smackdown
Stuns for 2 seconds
Reduces the potency of the self Petrify by 40% for each Reality Warp and increases the potency of the regen and power gain passives
Armor Breaks for 10 seconds
Special 3: Conquering the Void
Sentry inflicts himself and the opponent with 3 incinerate debuffs lasting for 20 seconds.
Inflicts a Fear of the Void passive on the opponent, combining the effects of all of the sp1 debuffs on the opponent which normally lasts 20 seconds. If Sentry has 5 warps, this lasts indefinitely.
Signature ability:
When Sentry would be struck, he would have a 20-80% to gain a passive Indestructible for 5 seconds.
Note: The original sig ability was bugged, now this is fixed which allows Sentry to truly use his indestructible to tank certain special attacks
I want a magneto level rework for the character but realistically all kabam needs to do is incorporate the synergies from aegon and champion into his kit and bring him up to speed with modern science champs. She hulk is the long form content science champ but if sentry was able to get greater use from the persistent charges he'd be a great tag along character with Aegon in abyss/necropolis runs.
Something along the lines of keeping his current rotating stances playstyle (heavy needs to be 100% and not 60% trigger for consistency) would be a start and the numbers for each phase could use a buff.
Phase 1 (0-10) grants combo shield, phase 2 (10-20) grants unblockable sp1, phase 3 (20-30) grants heavy damage and unstoppable on heavy attack (x) seconds cooldown, phase 4 (30-40) grants unblockable sp2 and cycle repeats to build persistent charges.
Maybe give him nullify immunity and do a burst of damage (like negative and overseer) when a nullify, stagger or fate seal are used on him. could even go as far as Sentry buffs cannot have duration reduced by mystic characters to counter champs that like mojo and for the sig ability against abs man. Incinerate immunity would also be neat as he does have the power of 1 million exploding suns.
Reduce the potency of persistent charges but increase the cap so when fully ramped he is far superior to the current version.
Persistent charges grant (x) attack rating, x (critical rating) and (x critical damage rating)
Combo grants (x) perfect block chance (capped at (x)% for fairness), (x) physical resist and (x) energy resist (when combo is lost these last for 5 seconds and have a cooldown of (x) seconds) so you are rewarded for keeping combo and not punished so heavily when you mess up in long form content but frequent mistakes are punished.
Sp1 could grant a fury like it currently does but also place a physical vulnerability debuff on the opponent (x) potency for (x) seconds. Place 1 vulnerability per persistent charge
Sp2 should armour break include an overload debuff as well so he can partially bypass the damage cap when using his special attacks. Place 1 overload per persistent charge
Sp3 could grant a regen effect that increases with persistent charges (x)% and even a fear the void type buff to sentry that also grants further attack rating based on persistent charges.
As for the awakened you could keep the current one but I think a small regen buff per persistent charge when entering a fight instead of the indestructible would help the overall sustainability of the champ and match the title of molecular reformation. This makes him reliant on awakened sig 200 (lot of investment like aegon) which is perfectly fine as with these proposed changes he would be more designed for long form content.
I think this would be a great direction for allowing Sentry to be a super strong character with a prominent role without making them a pain to face in modern competitive content. We'd get the power of a million suns champ in a place where massive healthpools allow for you to rack up some insane damage over the course of a fight and in doing so design a champ who can also tackle the future of act content as healthpools increase. That being said I think if he has the strength in this area he should be reasonably weak in AW and BG's or other shorter form content.
Regardless I honestly wish we'd get the follow through from the "Battlerealm's changing..." and the "... time we change too" synergies as Sentry is the only one who didn't get his rework or buff out of that group.
hope you enjoyed the Essay if you got this far. Probably needs a bit of tuning even from this proposal but that sums up my perspective on the champ.