Does Kabam get audited for their drop rates

Just wondering because it's impossible for us to really know how accurate it is unless we take a large sample of crystals. There's really no way to tell unless you would have to trust them. The funny thing is, all the blunders where they have compensated people over the years, I don't ever recall a crystal one where the champ wasn't in there or the drop rates were wrong...hmmm
this u?
What exactly is the point of this Thread? There's easier ways to say you didn't pull what you wanted.
It would be really dumb to do, and there is a 0,00000001% chance for Kabam to do that 😂
P.S. Any large sample analysis that has been processed by players during these years the game runs, suggests that Kabam percentages for variable crystals are very accurate 😉
Just accept your bad luck and move on like 98% of us
I also posted the first data driven estimate of the old school featured crystals (the ones that turned out to be 20% featured), I’ve posted data on Uncollected and TB arena crystals, TB and Paragon daily crystals, and several other crystals like solo crystals. In no case have I found statistical drop rates inconsistent with the published ones, and in cases where the odds are not originally published, like Paragon daily crystals, my published data has roughly matched later disclosures.
Other players have looked at things like the GMC, the cinematic crystal, and a few others. And I even did an analysis of the champions that show up in the reel when crystals are slimmed, which are not entirely random (nor does Kabam claim they are).
The fact of the matter is, there has been so much nothing that has been found over the years, and so much work eventually uncovering all that nothing, that virtually no one even bothers anymore. Literally every single crystal odds related conspiracy theory or bias supposition has been shot down fairly definitively at this point.
And for those saying that I didn’t find anything because I didn’t want to find anything. I have found bugs or other issues in the past, and in fact I did side with players claiming a non-random bias in draft order in battlegrounds. If it is there, and the bias is high enough that a player can spot it with their own eyes, it’s not going to escape rigorous statistical analysis and it is unlikely to get past me if I look carefully. I have no specific interest in confirming Kabam published odds, and in fact most of my early work was done before Kabam published odds, meaning I had no idea what drop odds I was supposed to be confirming.
If Kabam was in fact perpetrating a fraud on its players, I don’t know why Netmarble, a large multinational game publisher, would allow them to expose Netmarble to that sort of legal jeopardy. If you believe that all the Kabam devs are in on this, and Kabam management, and their Netmarble overlords, I have no idea why you would trust an auditing company. I would trust a game studio to not commit fraud against their own interests more than I would the average software auditing company to properly report on such issues.
The Disagrees were added when people spammed the Abuse function and backed up the Mods' workload in reviewing things. It wad quite literally added as an innocuous way for people to troll comments.....and troll them they have.
I hate to break it to you, but if you're judging the content of what I say based on those reactions, you're going to be misguided. I'd say 90% of those comments were just spammed.
Maybe the champs on crystals you pulled save you sometime, just learn to play with them.
Or, try more to get a better one for you.
For me and a lot of summoners, Kabam is always fair. Zillion times we got compensation...even for something we didn't have anything about the case.
Just realize that drop rates are fair and the same for you, me and everyone else.
Once I pulled Zemo 6* and was shocked, even now, only few people have with the free Zemos maybe more people will have one.
But other 2 times,in a space of 1 month, trying the featured 6* , pulled....Old Man Logan twice...yes.
Keep playing and trying, you will pull Groot next ☺️
That reel doesn't reflect the drop rates not even in the slightest.
Let's say the drop rates are:
- 60% --- 3 * hero
- 30% --- 4 * hero
- 9% --- 5 * hero
- 1% --- 6* hero
You see in the reel more 5* + 6* than you see 3*.
And in most cases, the crystal will land on a 3* having on the left and right 5* or 6*.
The rates may be 100% accurate but the visual reel is 100% misleading.
With that said, it would be a worthy answer to claims like this one if the team actually (a) responded with a statement that they internally audit all of their paid crystal drops to ensure they are within an acceptable margin of error of the stated drop rates and/or (b) published some kind of annual report showing aggregate drop rates & quantities of, say, featured crystals for the past year by rarity.
Would it stop needless speculation? No, nothing will. But something like the reference material suggested above could bolster trust that there isn’t some undiscovered error impacting drop rates. If there’s any cause for inquiry, I would think that’s where it lies, not in some kind of “crystal conspiracy.”
This isn’t a regulated area, unlike casinos, even if it feels it should be at times. I don’t know if there’s some certification required by the relevant gaming stores (Apple/Google). But I’d be surprised if there was zero oversight.
Dr. Zola
I have also heard multiple times over the years that "the spinner images are for entertainment only," but I can say for certain that a spin never stopped on a champ I didn't see go by several times before I hit the screen to crack the crystal.
I am sorry you did not get the champ you wanted, but, odds are "he has been added to the pool" or is "in the pool" but he is not in every champ crystal you spin...
That is my opinion anyway.
If other parts of the game are prone to error and everyone accepts it, how and why could this one aspect be the unassailable shining beacon of perfection? I'm interested in hearing about the catch system, not the details of course, but we still don't really know how Kabam moves behind the scenes.