It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here!



  • Roronoazoro99Roronoazoro99 Member Posts: 15
    PT_99 said:

    The economy of the game must be a mess, we're getting a second revive nerf, CW wasn't all that impressive and now the nerf of banquet points....if you ask me i think pushing 7* for rank 3 so soon caused a lot of trouble in the game's economy, we have 7* rank 3 in less then a year after release?
    Hell i think it's been 6-7 months and now the game has to make 7* rank 2 more achievable because having a 7* star rank 3 it's not that complicated anymore, a single completition in necropolis will do the job

    I was talking about it the moment 7r2 were easily achievable, the requirments for 7r2 should be what r3 is of, so that 6r5 wouldn't be too obsolete.
    Because other than top 2-3 champs in each class, there's no point in doing 6r5 as you can just 7r2 them.

    Kabam is to blame themselves for that stunt they pulled on July4 and now they're trying to do damage control in most yikes way possible, first horrible cyberdeals and now Banquet. Necro is what keeping community altogether.
    it was the same when 6*s were released, all materials were already available to r2 6*s when they released.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 728 ★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    The economy of the game must be a mess, we're getting a second revive nerf, CW wasn't all that impressive and now the nerf of banquet points....if you ask me i think pushing 7* for rank 3 so soon caused a lot of trouble in the game's economy, we have 7* rank 3 in less then a year after release?
    Hell i think it's been 6-7 months and now the game has to make 7* rank 2 more achievable because having a 7* star rank 3 it's not that complicated anymore, a single completition in necropolis will do the job

    I was talking about it the moment 7r2 were easily achievable, the requirments for 7r2 should be what r3 is of, so that 6r5 wouldn't be too obsolete.
    Because other than top 2-3 champs in each class, there's no point in doing 6r5 as you can just 7r2 them.

    Kabam is to blame themselves for that stunt they pulled on July4 and now they're trying to do damage control in most yikes way possible, first horrible cyberdeals and now Banquet. Necro is what keeping community altogether.
    it was the same when 6*s were released, all materials were already available to r2 6*s when they released.
    Yeah but it took a hell of a long time to get a rank 3, with 7* it took like 4 months after people got their rank 2 lmao
  • EMSims11EMSims11 Member Posts: 14
    So if I join a new alliance today, I can still get all the rewards I just won’t be able to start getting rewards or being able to contribute till the 21st? Or will I miss out in rewards if I join a new alliance now.
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    EMSims11 said:

    So if I join a new alliance today, I can still get all the rewards I just won’t be able to start getting rewards or being able to contribute till the 21st? Or will I miss out in rewards if I join a new alliance now.

    You can still get all the rewards. You just won't be able to contribute points to the event until the 14-day buffer expires. As long as you earn the 34.5k points, you'll get 100% of the alliance rewards.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,926 ★★★★★
    Warlockjr said:

    DrZola said:

    200 unit GBCs might redeem this event.

    Dr. Zola

    ong bro this is sad coming from me a new tb player
    I feel you.

    Dr. Zola
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Big W for kabam and Big L for community. Kabam just revealed the biggest joke of the year LOL.
  • Pab1991Pab1991 Member Posts: 11

    What's up with the new point system? I did some quick math, and you have to purchase 42 GBCs in order to reach the final milestone of solo event. 42 x 300units= 12600units. Are the banquet crystals going to be cheaper this year, or has the economy changed? Obviously, accolades and GBC milestones will give some pts, but that's still twice as much as last year. Last year was around 6-6500 units after accolades and milestone pts were counted.

    Classic Ka-scam true to their recent form. Absolutely not worth it now imo.
  • Tinnr95Tinnr95 Member Posts: 69
    Kabam, this is the time to listen to your community and content creators - we’re all saying the same thing.

    You still have time to change the rewards! Do what’s best for the community. If not anything watch Legacy YT video about the banquet. He’s spot on and it hurts that you’ve made the game turn into “pay to win” to the highest rate especially the top 1 for the rewards.

  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,221 ★★★★★
    This is a good summary of the overall feeling of the Banquet event this year I think
  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    edited December 2023

    First the underwhelming Cyber Offers and now this lackluster Banquet event that feels it was made for 2022...! Great job ending the year with a bang !

    Why must the community always complain that FREE stuff SUCKS??? 🤦🏻

    The rewards reflect the current game meta. 🤷🏻

    No one should be able to buy their way to the top of this game and this year the Black Friday deals and gifting event rewards are finally reflecting this. 👏🏻

    Y'all should be happy the game has shifted back to a game of skill instead of a game of who's got the deepest pockets. 🙃

    I have a feeling the people complaining about these Rewards have paid their way through this game and suddenly it's hit them that they can no longer do that and they actually have to start learning how to play the game. lmfao y'all aren't going to get any sympathy from me. 🙅🏻

    It's freaking free stuff lolz! Be happy and enjoy it! 😁
  • XelexxxXelexxx Member Posts: 16

    First the underwhelming Cyber Offers and now this lackluster Banquet event that feels it was made for 2022...! Great job ending the year with a bang !

    Why must the community always complain that FREE stuff SUCKS??? 🤦🏻

    The rewards reflect the current game meta. 🤷🏻

    No one should be able to buy their way to the top of this game and this year the Black Friday deals and gifting event rewards are finally reflecting this. 👏🏻

    Y'all should be happy the game has shifted back to a game of skill instead of a game of who's got the deepest pockets. 🙃

    I have a feeling the people complaining about these Rewards have paid their way through this game and suddenly it's hit them that they can no longer do that and they actually have to start learning how to play the game. lmfao y'all aren't going to get any sympathy from me. 🙅🏻

    It's freaking free stuff lolz! Be happy and enjoy it! 😁
    Current meta are 7 star, I don't know what you're talking about, 90% of the rewards revolve around 6 stars, if you are free to play good, you just have to log in and claim your free stuff and shut up, if you are going to spend more than 10k units then you have every right to complain.
  • TaintmanTaintman Member Posts: 32
    Rewards are good, they are just not worth 300 per crystal. Also Kabam is a business, the claim that it shifted to a game of skill is ridiculous, don't be naive. It's all about milking the wallets and most of the people understand and respect that. Point is when they do that, people should be happy when they spend, and leave happy. Ridiculous RNG factor doesn't help either. What they do is they have bad sell offers trough the whole year and people are so used to it that, when they put up a slightly better one it looks like you get a lot more for the same amount. Never forget this is a business.
  • Young_Man_LoganYoung_Man_Logan Member Posts: 1
    I’m just pissed at myself currently. Took the 6* Zemo blindly with the selector, taking 20 more sigs bc I knew I was going to take him into Necropolis with no Aegon. I don’t have the 4/5* and didn’t realize it when I made the selection… I wish I had another Zemo to bring along to make it easier. Now I’m desperately trying to pull him but may just have to push through it

    Don’t want to overspend on the Banquet and get stuck in Necropolis. My ignorance on my roster and the synergy is killing me
  • Sceptilemaniac2Sceptilemaniac2 Member Posts: 368 ★★★
    I dont understand how the crystal is meh. I think this is the best 7 star crystal yet (except the current titan).
    Moondragon, adam warlock, Prof X, shocker all are absolutely top teir champions. Sandman is good too, only pull I wouldn't be happy with is diablo who is still a pretty good champion.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,901 ★★★★★
    EBG78 said:

    I dont understand how the crystal is meh. I think this is the best 7 star crystal yet (except the current titan).
    Moondragon, adam warlock, Prof X, shocker all are absolutely top teir champions. Sandman is good too, only pull I wouldn't be happy with is diablo who is still a pretty good champion.

    Would you be happy spending $330 for one of them?
    With all of the free crystals, it only takes 950 unit spend to get the 7* crystal in the alliance event, if you also reinvest the units from milestones. Assuming your alliance is participating.
  • Sceptilemaniac2Sceptilemaniac2 Member Posts: 368 ★★★
    I can see how people who saved up throughout the year, didn't spend on cyber weekend would feel this is a pathetic event and for them, no doubt it is.
    For someone like me tho who only has units because of the platpool events, I'm not too mad about it. Still wish there was T6cc, a LOT of it but there isn't and that sucks.
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