Hey guys, I see lots of feedback, and have been thinking about what to respond with. Honestly, I don't know if there is anything to respond with, and I don't think there's anything I can say that will change opinions here.
This event is something people look forward to, and it's something that we strive to deliver on. This year, we made improvements in every way possible, so your direct feedback with actual actionable items would be appreciated to help me understand.
We reduced the number of points available for opening each Greater Gifting Crystal, but also reduced the points needed to hit that same milestone last year. Last year, there was 15 Solo Event milestones, with the top reward being a 5-Star Relic at 100,000 points. Buy and opening 25 crystals got you that Milestone. This year, the 15th Milestone is at 75,600 points and is a 6-Star Abyss Nexus Crystal. To get there, you would need to buy and open 28 GBCs. Yes, that is 3 more than before, but it's also arguably a better reward than the Relic Crystal.
There are also 5 additional Milestones available, and while I get that people are looking at last year's as "I got everything for 25 Crystals", that's not really a fair way to look at this. We extended the runway, added more Milestones for those that want to complete it, and took nothing away from those who don't want to go any further than what they did last time.
The Alliance event also has one additional Milestone, but to hit the 15th Milestone, it requires fewer crystals from across the whole Alliance than it did to hit the 15th (and final) Milestone of last year. We added one more Milestone this year for those that want to go for it. I think people are looking at those rewards tables as 100% vs 100%, not as the number of milestones, which is how they really should be looked at.
Additionally, these Crystals have better rewards than the last year's crystals.
Of course, we can't compare last year's event to this one directly; there's been a lot of changes in the Game, with the addition of 7 Stars, Ascension, and higher ranks, but that doesn't mean that we are going to go crazy with all of those materials. There are a lot of comments on wanting more 7-Star Shards or Rank 3 Materials (we were explicit with where you can expect to get the first available R3 7-Stars), and while I understand where you're coming from, nobody wants to live in a world where we burn through 7-Stars in a year and need to introduce 8-Stars in 2024. There will always be taps that are opened slowly, otherwise we end up burning through content and that's not good for the game.
I appreciate all of your feedback, but if you have something a bit more actionable or precise as to why you're upset, I would love to take that to the team for future consideration. I want to understand, so we can improve for the future.
Last years 12th and 13th milestones were 1 x t3a and 1 x t6b they cost 15 and 18 crystals to get, this year those rewards are the 13th & 14th milestones and cost 21 and 24 crystals.
How can the same reward be worth 1800 units more 12 months in advance? And don’t say because you get better stuff in the crystal because that’s only dependent on rng rewards shouldn’t be watered down because you have a chance of getting something good.
Hey guys, I see lots of feedback, and have been thinking about what to respond with. Honestly, I don't know if there is anything to respond with, and I don't think there's anything I can say that will change opinions here.
This event is something people look forward to, and it's something that we strive to deliver on. This year, we made improvements in every way possible, so your direct feedback with actual actionable items would be appreciated to help me understand.
We reduced the number of points available for opening each Greater Gifting Crystal, but also reduced the points needed to hit that same milestone last year. Last year, there was 15 Solo Event milestones, with the top reward being a 5-Star Relic at 100,000 points. Buy and opening 25 crystals got you that Milestone. This year, the 15th Milestone is at 75,600 points and is a 6-Star Abyss Nexus Crystal. To get there, you would need to buy and open 28 GBCs. Yes, that is 3 more than before, but it's also arguably a better reward than the Relic Crystal.
There are also 5 additional Milestones available, and while I get that people are looking at last year's as "I got everything for 25 Crystals", that's not really a fair way to look at this. We extended the runway, added more Milestones for those that want to complete it, and took nothing away from those who don't want to go any further than what they did last time.
The Alliance event also has one additional Milestone, but to hit the 15th Milestone, it requires fewer crystals from across the whole Alliance than it did to hit the 15th (and final) Milestone of last year. We added one more Milestone this year for those that want to go for it. I think people are looking at those rewards tables as 100% vs 100%, not as the number of milestones, which is how they really should be looked at.
Additionally, these Crystals have better rewards than the last year's crystals.
Of course, we can't compare last year's event to this one directly; there's been a lot of changes in the Game, with the addition of 7 Stars, Ascension, and higher ranks, but that doesn't mean that we are going to go crazy with all of those materials. There are a lot of comments on wanting more 7-Star Shards or Rank 3 Materials (we were explicit with where you can expect to get the first available R3 7-Stars), and while I understand where you're coming from, nobody wants to live in a world where we burn through 7-Stars in a year and need to introduce 8-Stars in 2024. There will always be taps that are opened slowly, otherwise we end up burning through content and that's not good for the game.
I appreciate all of your feedback, but if you have something a bit more actionable or precise as to why you're upset, I would love to take that to the team for future consideration. I want to understand, so we can improve for the future.
You could remove the second 6 star awakening gem and the max sig gem and put something that is more appealing for paragons or valiant.
All you have to say is "we messed up were sorry we had too much Canadian syrup for breakfast". I think people want an apology for a event that a lot were hyped about we get it that you don't want the game accounts to progress but at least put better stuff in the banquet crystal even if it's rng based ex. 7* shards more maybe 2500 max low 500 tier 3 alpha full tier 6 basic full and maybe even for a rare chance 7* random awakening gem 0.1% or somthing. That's all we want
I think people want an apology[...]That's all we want
You're not going to get an apology from Kabam because Miike already explained why they made those decisions this year.
To apologize would be an admission of guilt and you already have an elaborate explanation as to why things are the way they are this year.
I wish it was different, and I think it's wrong like the rest of us, but if you're asking for an apology... you're never going to get it.
You don't always say sorry when you're wrong sometimes you say sorry so things don't escalate quickly or go to another level it's more so things calm down even if you're in the right. People want something like they're being heard instead of this is our game and you play it so we do what ever we want scenario.
T5b and t2a have no place in this event for many players. There’s a reason you just unlocked the ability to sell those resources.
A 6-star Abyss nexus Carrie’s less value to many players because a champ needs to be r4 for most competitive play, and at this point the Abyss nexus probably only has a 1/4 chance to have your most desired champ anyway.
It’s hard to comment without knowing exact drop rates, but anything involving t5b, t5cc, and t2a will feel like a huge dud to me, and I won’t be thrilled for 4000 6-star shards either.
I spent 21000 units on cyber weekend focused primarily on rankup materials, but these milestones don’t do anything in the current game economy.
If you want to know what they’re worth, tally them up and compare to if they were bought with glory or BG trophies. Then do the same for last year. Yikes.
There should’ve been an uncollected/cavalier crystal for 150 with these items that I’m griping about, and a crystal for TB+ players with better odds at t6b/t6cc/t3a/7-star shards. I know that won’t happen because the opportunity for rapid growth of lower accounts is a big financial win for Kabam and a way to replace departing players. The alternative would’ve been milestone selectors by progression level. 3 t6b for valiant, 2 for paragon, 1 for TB, for example.
I think the main problem is that a lot of us saved up units because this event always delivers and this is the first time that I can recall that it has just not lived up to the hype and is very underwhelming to most. I’ll still participate in it but I won’t spend many of my units for this event this time
Hey guys, I see lots of feedback, and have been thinking about what to respond with. Honestly, I don't know if there is anything to respond with, and I don't think there's anything I can say that will change opinions here.
This event is something people look forward to, and it's something that we strive to deliver on. This year, we made improvements in every way possible, so your direct feedback with actual actionable items would be appreciated to help me understand.
We reduced the number of points available for opening each Greater Gifting Crystal, but also reduced the points needed to hit that same milestone last year. Last year, there was 15 Solo Event milestones, with the top reward being a 5-Star Relic at 100,000 points. Buy and opening 25 crystals got you that Milestone. This year, the 15th Milestone is at 75,600 points and is a 6-Star Abyss Nexus Crystal. To get there, you would need to buy and open 28 GBCs. Yes, that is 3 more than before, but it's also arguably a better reward than the Relic Crystal.
There are also 5 additional Milestones available, and while I get that people are looking at last year's as "I got everything for 25 Crystals", that's not really a fair way to look at this. We extended the runway, added more Milestones for those that want to complete it, and took nothing away from those who don't want to go any further than what they did last time.
The Alliance event also has one additional Milestone, but to hit the 15th Milestone, it requires fewer crystals from across the whole Alliance than it did to hit the 15th (and final) Milestone of last year. We added one more Milestone this year for those that want to go for it. I think people are looking at those rewards tables as 100% vs 100%, not as the number of milestones, which is how they really should be looked at.
Additionally, these Crystals have better rewards than the last year's crystals.
Of course, we can't compare last year's event to this one directly; there's been a lot of changes in the Game, with the addition of 7 Stars, Ascension, and higher ranks, but that doesn't mean that we are going to go crazy with all of those materials. There are a lot of comments on wanting more 7-Star Shards or Rank 3 Materials (we were explicit with where you can expect to get the first available R3 7-Stars), and while I understand where you're coming from, nobody wants to live in a world where we burn through 7-Stars in a year and need to introduce 8-Stars in 2024. There will always be taps that are opened slowly, otherwise we end up burning through content and that's not good for the game.
I appreciate all of your feedback, but if you have something a bit more actionable or precise as to why you're upset, I would love to take that to the team for future consideration. I want to understand, so we can improve for the future.
I think the inflation's been the biggest it's ever been since I started playing this year. Last banquet I was spending to get enough GBCs to get a generic 6* AG for my AA, and was doing zone 25 incursions pushes in Kate and Viv month to get an AG crystal. Right this second I could throw 3 generic AGs away without a second thought (seriously, anybody tag me with 3 champs and if I have them unawakened as 6* I'll do it). 7*s have been introduced and already gone to R3, and R4 6*s are starting to feel less and less relevant. Meanwhile, R5s and even R4s are competing with 7* R2s for rankup materials, and it's leading to an environment where I've got a bunch of 7*s that need to go to R2 and a bunch of god tier unranked 6*s so throwing Fantaman onto the pile with Galan/Silk/Absman/CGR/Warlock/etc/etc/etc isn't the most appealing of ideas
Ultimately, you've been burning through 7*s pretty quick, and giving out non-ascension 6* materials like crystals, AGs and sigs much more liberally than a year and a half ago. You had to slow down at some point with 7*s, and it seems this is it. Even if you didn't, the rewards were never going to seem great coming out of necropolis. This has led to an environment where R5/R2 materials and 7*s are the only things players really care about though, so everything else feels like a dud.
But hey, those are the relatively jaded opinions of a valiant who, aside from Colossus from a titan, has been getting a lot of good pulls recently. Maybe the people who got Spider-man and Gwen from necropolis completion instead of Hulk and Titania feel differently.
As for actionable feedback, keep the inflation down? Obviously the glaring thing is doing banquet right after releasing everest content that massively skews everyone's value of in game items, so don't do that again I guess?
@Kabam Miike EDIT: Right is left, left is right, damn, its 2 AM here
Since its kinda meh to write it, I just edited some of the fixes I think would be appropiate without destroying the economy of the game:
First of all, the Greater Banquet Crystals:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
I dont think at the current state of the game, we should have 2 6* Sig Stone prizes, so I changed it so we only have the generic ones only.
Buffed the 7* Shards a little bit, since I dont know the chances still, guessing those are above the lower % ones, I think those buffs are kinda fair, both basic and Titan shards.
We had also 2 prizes for T5 basic, the lowest one was removed.
No more changes here.
Also changed the ISO rewards inside the GBC, the first amounts are the current ones, the last amounts are the ones I would wish for, the ones in the middle are the fair ones.
Now, the Solo Milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
Removed the T2 Alpha rewards and lowered one Tier the points overall.
6* Awakening Gem reduced to one, and lowered the points till put it right after the Deathless piece.
T5 Basic Cats removed.
5-Star relic turned into Nexus.
T5 CC, T3 Alpha and T6 Basic buffed from 1 to 3.
6-Star Relic turned into Nexus. ( I dont think its that gamebreaking to make it Nexus)
T6 Class Catalyst Selector points lowered.
6* Rank Up Crystal 4 to 5 added.
Titan Shards added.
I think those changes are fair enough without being gamebreaking.
And finally the alliance milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
T2 Alpha and T5 Basic removed and T3 and T6 added instead, one of each.
Tier 1 Primordial Dust removed .
6* Shards points lowered into the T1 Dust place.
6* Rank Up Gem 3 to 4 added.
T3 Alpha frags removed, T6 Class 50% Crystal added instead.
T6 Basic Frags removed, 7* Shards added instead; 2500 (I dont think its too much, can be lowered but I think this is fair enough)
Now, I think this changes are enough to fix the players negative feedback, but the ranked rewards need also need several tweaks, rewards from 601-2600 to 100% should be looken into, in this case Ill just write it down instead of make a comparison table:
Minimum 6 Rank up Gems should be 3 to 4, remove the lower ones.
7* Shards should be buffed, how come top 601 spender only gets 2.500 Titan shards, I dont think thats fair at all, same with the basic ones.
We need more Relic Nexuses for top rewards.
6* Crystals, nexus or not, should be class at least for higher ranks.
And some buffs in calendar rewards from Dec 21 to Jan 3:
Turn 2k 4*Shards into 10k 5* Shards.
Turn 5k 5*Shards into 5k 6*Shards, both days
Turn 4k 6*Shards into 2.5k 7* Shards.
Those would be the changes overall, I think most of them are fair enough for both the players and the company, I dont know if you guys have enough time to change them or not, but I think it would be very nice to give an additional "compensation" or "gift" package with the rewards I changed above for the players that would have reached that rewards.
I hope this at least helps for the next event if you cant fix this one before it starts.
@Kabam Miike EDIT: Right is left, left is right, damn, its 2 AM here
Since its kinda meh to write it, I just edited some of the fixes I think would be appropiate without destroying the economy of the game:
First of all, the Greater Banquet Crystals:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
I dont think at the current state of the game, we should have 2 6* Sig Stone prizes, so I changed it so we only have the generic ones only.
Buffed the 7* Shards a little bit, since I dont know the chances still, guessing those are above the lower % ones, I think those buffs are kinda fair, both basic and Titan shards.
We had also 2 prizes for T5 basic, the lowest one was removed.
No more changes here.
Also changed the ISO rewards inside the GBC, the first amounts are the current ones, the last amounts are the ones I would wish for, the ones in the middle are the fair ones.
Now, the Solo Milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
Removed the T2 Alpha rewards and lowered one Tier the points overall.
6* Awakening Gem reduced to one, and lowered the points till put it right after the Deathless piece.
T5 Basic Cats removed.
5-Star relic turned into Nexus.
T5 CC, T3 Alpha and T6 Basic buffed from 1 to 3.
6-Star Relic turned into Nexus. ( I dont think its that gamebreaking to make it Nexus)
T6 Class Catalyst Selector points lowered.
6* Rank Up Crystal 4 to 5 added.
Titan Shards added.
I think those changes are fair enough without being gamebreaking.
And finally the alliance milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
T2 Alpha and T5 Basic removed and T3 and T6 added instead, one of each.
Tier 1 Primordial Dust removed .
6* Shards points lowered into the T1 Dust place.
6* Rank Up Gem 3 to 4 added.
T3 Alpha frags removed, T6 Class 50% Crystal added instead.
T6 Basic Frags removed, 7* Shards added instead; 2500 (I dont think its too much, can be lowered but I think this is fair enough)
Now, I think this changes are enough to fix the players negative feedback, but the ranked rewards need also need several tweaks, rewards from 601-2600 to 100% should be looken into, in this case Ill just write it down instead of make a comparison table:
Minimum 6 Rank up Gems should be 3 to 4, remove the lower ones.
7* Shards should be buffed, how come top 601 spender only gets 2.500 Titan shards, I dont think thats fair at all, same with the basic ones.
We need more Relic Nexuses for top rewards.
6* Crystals, nexus or not, should be class at least for higher ranks.
And some buffs in calendar rewards from Dec 21 to Jan 3:
Turn 2k 4*Shards into 10k 5* Shards.
Turn 5k 5*Shards into 5k 6*Shards, both days
Turn 4k 6*Shards into 2.5k 7* Shards.
Those would be the changes overall, I think most of them are fair enough for both the players and the company, I dont know if you guys have enough time to change them or not, but I think it would be very nice to give an additional "compensation" or "gift" package with the rewards I changed above for the players that would have reached that rewards.
I hope this at least helps for the next event if you cant fix this one before it starts.
Man I was wondering when someone would do this! lol thanks for doing this man I think its definitely better then before
Hey guys, I see lots of feedback, and have been thinking about what to respond with. Honestly, I don't know if there is anything to respond with, and I don't think there's anything I can say that will change opinions here.
This event is something people look forward to, and it's something that we strive to deliver on. This year, we made improvements in every way possible, so your direct feedback with actual actionable items would be appreciated to help me understand.
We reduced the number of points available for opening each Greater Gifting Crystal, but also reduced the points needed to hit that same milestone last year. Last year, there was 15 Solo Event milestones, with the top reward being a 5-Star Relic at 100,000 points. Buy and opening 25 crystals got you that Milestone. This year, the 15th Milestone is at 75,600 points and is a 6-Star Abyss Nexus Crystal. To get there, you would need to buy and open 28 GBCs. Yes, that is 3 more than before, but it's also arguably a better reward than the Relic Crystal.
There are also 5 additional Milestones available, and while I get that people are looking at last year's as "I got everything for 25 Crystals", that's not really a fair way to look at this. We extended the runway, added more Milestones for those that want to complete it, and took nothing away from those who don't want to go any further than what they did last time.
The Alliance event also has one additional Milestone, but to hit the 15th Milestone, it requires fewer crystals from across the whole Alliance than it did to hit the 15th (and final) Milestone of last year. We added one more Milestone this year for those that want to go for it. I think people are looking at those rewards tables as 100% vs 100%, not as the number of milestones, which is how they really should be looked at.
Additionally, these Crystals have better rewards than the last year's crystals.
Of course, we can't compare last year's event to this one directly; there's been a lot of changes in the Game, with the addition of 7 Stars, Ascension, and higher ranks, but that doesn't mean that we are going to go crazy with all of those materials. There are a lot of comments on wanting more 7-Star Shards or Rank 3 Materials (we were explicit with where you can expect to get the first available R3 7-Stars), and while I understand where you're coming from, nobody wants to live in a world where we burn through 7-Stars in a year and need to introduce 8-Stars in 2024. There will always be taps that are opened slowly, otherwise we end up burning through content and that's not good for the game.
I appreciate all of your feedback, but if you have something a bit more actionable or precise as to why you're upset, I would love to take that to the team for future consideration. I want to understand, so we can improve for the future.
I will try to stick to Actual Actionable Items as you say, and try to be realistic in suggestions (ie not adding 7 star awakening gems or anything like that).
There is one big thing that sticks out to me, and that is the emphasis on 6 star stuff. Now I understand that GBC and the milestones are progression level neutral, and therefore to some players those are worth quite a bit. In this emphasis on 6 stars, its somewhat apparent that the rewards have not shifted significantly vs last year, despite the massive shift forward in game economy. Last Christmas it was almost impossible to R5 a 6 star, now there are people with entire BGs decks of 7 star R2/3s or ascended 6R5s. Its just a different economy and values have changed.
1. Many players are at the point where they are just selling T5B, T5CC and T2A since the last update. I would say that changing the T2A and T5B to perhaps a chance at a generic 6 star 3-4 gem would possibly be a good solution? I think that would seem fair to me, and not a pull that most people would feel was a waste of 300 units. I think that removing these 3 solo milestones and replacing the T2A/T5B with a R4 gem, and the T5CC with a R5 Gem would be fair. The R5 Gem could even be shuffled to a higher milestone too. I dont think that R5 gems in milestones would be breaking the economy, there are a lot of people out there who already have 30+
2. 6 star shards. I would just increase the quantity of them in the GBC. 4000 is honestly just a joke. Thats less than what I usually get from Summoners Advancement now I think. I would change the quantities from 4k, 10k, 15k to 10k, 20k, 50k. Again, I dont think its really gamebreaking given the economy. I think that changing 10k to a featured crystal would be good too.
In the Milestones, the 15k is meh but its a low milestone so whatever. Its not the biggest issue.
3. 6 star awakening gems: again, the economy of the game has made these essentially worthless recently. I have so many saved up in my inventory. I would just move these to the regular crystal, and for the milestone maybe add like 100 sig stones to that milestone?
4. Lack of 7 Star Shards: I mean there are none in the milestones.... given that we can get 3k just from the paragauntlet every month, among other fairly easy to access options, I think that its not unreasonable to expect some shards at some milestone. Doesnt need to be too many but 2.5-5k seems like an easy change to make that would make a lot of people happy. The 750 sharda option in the GBC crystals is kind of a feel bad amount too. Bump it up to 1000 Id say. 1000 just feels better!
5. To add to 4., I think that Titan shards are a glaring exception from the top of the milestones. We get 2.5k from the valiant calendar, I think 2.5k would be a compelling reason to buy enough GBC to get to the end.
7. Lastly, I would say to just put the amount you get per GBC back to the 3k. Its about 4k more units this year to get the top milestones vs last year, and while I se3 your point about there being more milestones, that seems like a fairly extreme difference.
@Kabam Miike EDIT: Right is left, left is right, damn, its 2 AM here
Since its kinda meh to write it, I just edited some of the fixes I think would be appropiate without destroying the economy of the game:
First of all, the Greater Banquet Crystals:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
I dont think at the current state of the game, we should have 2 6* Sig Stone prizes, so I changed it so we only have the generic ones only.
Buffed the 7* Shards a little bit, since I dont know the chances still, guessing those are above the lower % ones, I think those buffs are kinda fair, both basic and Titan shards.
We had also 2 prizes for T5 basic, the lowest one was removed.
No more changes here.
Also changed the ISO rewards inside the GBC, the first amounts are the current ones, the last amounts are the ones I would wish for, the ones in the middle are the fair ones.
Now, the Solo Milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
Removed the T2 Alpha rewards and lowered one Tier the points overall.
6* Awakening Gem reduced to one, and lowered the points till put it right after the Deathless piece.
T5 Basic Cats removed.
5-Star relic turned into Nexus.
T5 CC, T3 Alpha and T6 Basic buffed from 1 to 3.
6-Star Relic turned into Nexus. ( I dont think its that gamebreaking to make it Nexus)
T6 Class Catalyst Selector points lowered.
6* Rank Up Crystal 4 to 5 added.
Titan Shards added.
I think those changes are fair enough without being gamebreaking.
And finally the alliance milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
T2 Alpha and T5 Basic removed and T3 and T6 added instead, one of each.
Tier 1 Primordial Dust removed .
6* Shards points lowered into the T1 Dust place.
6* Rank Up Gem 3 to 4 added.
T3 Alpha frags removed, T6 Class 50% Crystal added instead.
T6 Basic Frags removed, 7* Shards added instead; 2500 (I dont think its too much, can be lowered but I think this is fair enough)
Now, I think this changes are enough to fix the players negative feedback, but the ranked rewards need also need several tweaks, rewards from 601-2600 to 100% should be looken into, in this case Ill just write it down instead of make a comparison table:
Minimum 6 Rank up Gems should be 3 to 4, remove the lower ones.
7* Shards should be buffed, how come top 601 spender only gets 2.500 Titan shards, I dont think thats fair at all, same with the basic ones.
We need more Relic Nexuses for top rewards.
6* Crystals, nexus or not, should be class at least for higher ranks.
And some buffs in calendar rewards from Dec 21 to Jan 3:
Turn 2k 4*Shards into 10k 5* Shards.
Turn 5k 5*Shards into 5k 6*Shards, both days
Turn 4k 6*Shards into 2.5k 7* Shards.
Those would be the changes overall, I think most of them are fair enough for both the players and the company, I dont know if you guys have enough time to change them or not, but I think it would be very nice to give an additional "compensation" or "gift" package with the rewards I changed above for the players that would have reached that rewards.
I hope this at least helps for the next event if you cant fix this one before it starts.
Man I was wondering when someone would do this! lol thanks for doing this man I think its definitely better then before
It took a while to put it all together to look decent lol, I hope its a little bit useful at least
@Kabam Miike EDIT: Right is left, left is right, damn, its 2 AM here
Since its kinda meh to write it, I just edited some of the fixes I think would be appropiate without destroying the economy of the game:
First of all, the Greater Banquet Crystals:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
I dont think at the current state of the game, we should have 2 6* Sig Stone prizes, so I changed it so we only have the generic ones only.
Buffed the 7* Shards a little bit, since I dont know the chances still, guessing those are above the lower % ones, I think those buffs are kinda fair, both basic and Titan shards.
We had also 2 prizes for T5 basic, the lowest one was removed.
No more changes here.
Also changed the ISO rewards inside the GBC, the first amounts are the current ones, the last amounts are the ones I would wish for, the ones in the middle are the fair ones.
Now, the Solo Milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
Removed the T2 Alpha rewards and lowered one Tier the points overall.
6* Awakening Gem reduced to one, and lowered the points till put it right after the Deathless piece.
T5 Basic Cats removed.
5-Star relic turned into Nexus.
T5 CC, T3 Alpha and T6 Basic buffed from 1 to 3.
6-Star Relic turned into Nexus. ( I dont think its that gamebreaking to make it Nexus)
T6 Class Catalyst Selector points lowered.
6* Rank Up Crystal 4 to 5 added.
Titan Shards added.
I think those changes are fair enough without being gamebreaking.
And finally the alliance milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
T2 Alpha and T5 Basic removed and T3 and T6 added instead, one of each.
Tier 1 Primordial Dust removed .
6* Shards points lowered into the T1 Dust place.
6* Rank Up Gem 3 to 4 added.
T3 Alpha frags removed, T6 Class 50% Crystal added instead.
T6 Basic Frags removed, 7* Shards added instead; 2500 (I dont think its too much, can be lowered but I think this is fair enough)
Now, I think this changes are enough to fix the players negative feedback, but the ranked rewards need also need several tweaks, rewards from 601-2600 to 100% should be looken into, in this case Ill just write it down instead of make a comparison table:
Minimum 6 Rank up Gems should be 3 to 4, remove the lower ones.
7* Shards should be buffed, how come top 601 spender only gets 2.500 Titan shards, I dont think thats fair at all, same with the basic ones.
We need more Relic Nexuses for top rewards.
6* Crystals, nexus or not, should be class at least for higher ranks.
And some buffs in calendar rewards from Dec 21 to Jan 3:
Turn 2k 4*Shards into 10k 5* Shards.
Turn 5k 5*Shards into 5k 6*Shards, both days
Turn 4k 6*Shards into 2.5k 7* Shards.
Those would be the changes overall, I think most of them are fair enough for both the players and the company, I dont know if you guys have enough time to change them or not, but I think it would be very nice to give an additional "compensation" or "gift" package with the rewards I changed above for the players that would have reached that rewards.
I hope this at least helps for the next event if you cant fix this one before it starts.
the main gripe for people will be solo ones. i understand kabam crashed mentioned next year it will be progression based that will sort out everything. if its not to late then get rid of some milestones that are there twice like 6ag or t5 add paragon/valiant restricted one or two milestone on top. Ally one maybe not this year next year. Late paragon or valiants have no use for most stuff in solo. Also kindly 1t6b and 1t3a? come on last year it was the same you can bump it upto 3. cav or tb getting one r4 wont be game breaking but community will appreciate these small changes.
Hey guys, I see lots of feedback, and have been thinking about what to respond with. Honestly, I don't know if there is anything to respond with, and I don't think there's anything I can say that will change opinions here.
This event is something people look forward to, and it's something that we strive to deliver on. This year, we made improvements in every way possible, so your direct feedback with actual actionable items would be appreciated to help me understand.
We reduced the number of points available for opening each Greater Gifting Crystal, but also reduced the points needed to hit that same milestone last year. Last year, there was 15 Solo Event milestones, with the top reward being a 5-Star Relic at 100,000 points. Buy and opening 25 crystals got you that Milestone. This year, the 15th Milestone is at 75,600 points and is a 6-Star Abyss Nexus Crystal. To get there, you would need to buy and open 28 GBCs. Yes, that is 3 more than before, but it's also arguably a better reward than the Relic Crystal.
There are also 5 additional Milestones available, and while I get that people are looking at last year's as "I got everything for 25 Crystals", that's not really a fair way to look at this. We extended the runway, added more Milestones for those that want to complete it, and took nothing away from those who don't want to go any further than what they did last time.
The Alliance event also has one additional Milestone, but to hit the 15th Milestone, it requires fewer crystals from across the whole Alliance than it did to hit the 15th (and final) Milestone of last year. We added one more Milestone this year for those that want to go for it. I think people are looking at those rewards tables as 100% vs 100%, not as the number of milestones, which is how they really should be looked at.
Additionally, these Crystals have better rewards than the last year's crystals.
Of course, we can't compare last year's event to this one directly; there's been a lot of changes in the Game, with the addition of 7 Stars, Ascension, and higher ranks, but that doesn't mean that we are going to go crazy with all of those materials. There are a lot of comments on wanting more 7-Star Shards or Rank 3 Materials (we were explicit with where you can expect to get the first available R3 7-Stars), and while I understand where you're coming from, nobody wants to live in a world where we burn through 7-Stars in a year and need to introduce 8-Stars in 2024. There will always be taps that are opened slowly, otherwise we end up burning through content and that's not good for the game.
I appreciate all of your feedback, but if you have something a bit more actionable or precise as to why you're upset, I would love to take that to the team for future consideration. I want to understand, so we can improve for the future.
I think the inflation's been the biggest it's ever been since I started playing this year. …
But hey, those are the relatively jaded opinions of a valiant who, aside from Colossus from a titan, has been getting a lot of good pulls recently. Maybe the people who got Spider-man and Gwen from necropolis completion instead of Hulk and Titania feel differently.
As for actionable feedback, keep the inflation down? Obviously the glaring thing is doing banquet right after releasing everest content that massively skews everyone's value of in game items, so don't do that again I guess?
In April, I had no r5 champs. Now i have 15 plus 4 7r2 and I haven’t done necropolis. What inflation?
I only have 106 different 6-stars at r3 or higher. These t5b and t2a will be a huge help to fix this roster deficiency.
Seriously though - last year’s milestones were building something that I literally didn’t have. This year’s milestones are giving me one champ in a pool of 20.
I don’t care about the points, just the actual cost to hit the milestone. If it’s still 300 units per crystal then measuring/comparing milestones in crystals makes sense.
Most of the comparisons I’ve see show fairly equal rewards to last year for the same milestones. That’s a big let down given how much the game has shifted in the last year.
I haven’t read every comment but I haven’t seen anyone actually asking for R3 materials. That is an extreme ask and I agree with excluding those this year.
I did expect to see significantly more 7* crystals/shards and 7*R2 materials.
I also hoped to see 6* 3-4 and 4-5 gems to help save catalysts for 7* rank ups. I don’t think generics would be game breaking but 6*4-5 class gems would tone it down a bit and still be welcome.
In years past, the banquet could be account changing for me. I always lag a bit behind “end-game” status. This year, I don’t see anything being account changing as announced. More 7*s, 7* R2 materials, and 6* 4-5 gems could be though if I get lucky. And that’s the fun part to me. Cyber deals are known, banquet is a big roll of the dice.
I’ve commented plenty in this thread and others. Actionable suggestions can be found there.
Three points:
1. It seems out of touch for players to believe Banquet would be sufficient to catapult players to Valiant/R3s. 2. It seems equally out of touch to believe that a rehash of last year’s Banquet prizes would delight players, especially given all that has transpired in-game in the intervening year. 3. There is ample room between 1&2 to have built an event that would have delighted players.
So many casual spenders are not going to spend a dime on this event including me. @Kabam Miike you've just shot yourself in the foot with one of your biggest money maker events.
The rewards allround (with the exception of the pinnacle solo rewards) are pitiful to put it lightly. Go have a look at your monthly thronebreaker quest, what your various stores sell and then think about what you are offering to your player base.
I cannot believe a game team (and especially you the community managers) is so out of touch with what your player base wants. They literally comment on these forums daily.
I’ve commented plenty in this thread and others. Actionable suggestions can be found there.
Three points:
1. It seems out of touch for players to believe Banquet would be sufficient to catapult players to Valiant/R3s. 2. It seems equally out of touch to believe that a rehash of last year’s Banquet prizes would delight players, especially given all that has transpired in-game in the intervening year. 3. There is ample room between 1&2 to have built an event that would have delighted players.
Dr. Zola
Point number one is essentially a straw man to detract from any discussion about the relative rarity of 6r5/7r2 mats IMO. (I don’t mean from you…I mean from Miike)
Hey guys, I see lots of feedback, and have been thinking about what to respond with. Honestly, I don't know if there is anything to respond with, and I don't think there's anything I can say that will change opinions here.
This event is something people look forward to, and it's something that we strive to deliver on. This year, we made improvements in every way possible, so your direct feedback with actual actionable items would be appreciated to help me understand.
We reduced the number of points available for opening each Greater Gifting Crystal, but also reduced the points needed to hit that same milestone last year. Last year, there was 15 Solo Event milestones, with the top reward being a 5-Star Relic at 100,000 points. Buy and opening 25 crystals got you that Milestone. This year, the 15th Milestone is at 75,600 points and is a 6-Star Abyss Nexus Crystal. To get there, you would need to buy and open 28 GBCs. Yes, that is 3 more than before, but it's also arguably a better reward than the Relic Crystal.
There are also 5 additional Milestones available, and while I get that people are looking at last year's as "I got everything for 25 Crystals", that's not really a fair way to look at this. We extended the runway, added more Milestones for those that want to complete it, and took nothing away from those who don't want to go any further than what they did last time.
The Alliance event also has one additional Milestone, but to hit the 15th Milestone, it requires fewer crystals from across the whole Alliance than it did to hit the 15th (and final) Milestone of last year. We added one more Milestone this year for those that want to go for it. I think people are looking at those rewards tables as 100% vs 100%, not as the number of milestones, which is how they really should be looked at.
Additionally, these Crystals have better rewards than the last year's crystals.
Of course, we can't compare last year's event to this one directly; there's been a lot of changes in the Game, with the addition of 7 Stars, Ascension, and higher ranks, but that doesn't mean that we are going to go crazy with all of those materials. There are a lot of comments on wanting more 7-Star Shards or Rank 3 Materials (we were explicit with where you can expect to get the first available R3 7-Stars), and while I understand where you're coming from, nobody wants to live in a world where we burn through 7-Stars in a year and need to introduce 8-Stars in 2024. There will always be taps that are opened slowly, otherwise we end up burning through content and that's not good for the game.
I appreciate all of your feedback, but if you have something a bit more actionable or precise as to why you're upset, I would love to take that to the team for future consideration. I want to understand, so we can improve for the future.
Miike I’m going to be as constructive as possible and sum it up in one little explanation. The problem is with necropolis dropping and 7 stars being pushed on us, and valiant requiring 2 r 3 7 stars you guys have almost made 6 stars irrelevant. That I believe is the biggest backlash for the banquet event. Yes rewards are nice but not pushing much to enable rank 5 6 stars, r2 7 stars, and in no way helping rank 3 a 7 star in order to reach the newest progression level. You want us to advance you say but it’s all behind a pay wall. The only way to r3 7 stars and become valiant until 8.4 drops if you have finished 8.3 was to spend out the yin yang over cyber weekend for lackluster deals or 100% necropolis. I think everyone was hoping to see a bit more 7 star mats, 7 star shards, ascension materials, etc. With 7 stars being the pushed future 6 stars have now become the new 5 star and almost working towards irrelevancy. Just my take on what I see going on in the thread.
How can the same reward be worth 1800 units more 12 months in advance? And don’t say because you get better stuff in the crystal because that’s only dependent on rng rewards shouldn’t be watered down because you have a chance of getting something good.
To apologize would be an admission of guilt and you already have an elaborate explanation as to why things are the way they are this year.
I wish it was different, and I think it's wrong like the rest of us, but if you're asking for an apology... you're never going to get it.
A 6-star Abyss nexus Carrie’s less value to many players because a champ needs to be r4 for most competitive play, and at this point the Abyss nexus probably only has a 1/4 chance to have your most desired champ anyway.
It’s hard to comment without knowing exact drop rates, but anything involving t5b, t5cc, and t2a will feel like a huge dud to me, and I won’t be thrilled for 4000 6-star shards either.
I spent 21000 units on cyber weekend focused primarily on rankup materials, but these milestones don’t do anything in the current game economy.
If you want to know what they’re worth, tally them up and compare to if they were bought with glory or BG trophies. Then do the same for last year. Yikes.
There should’ve been an uncollected/cavalier crystal for 150 with these items that I’m griping about, and a crystal for TB+ players with better odds at t6b/t6cc/t3a/7-star shards. I know that won’t happen because the opportunity for rapid growth of lower accounts is a big financial win for Kabam and a way to replace departing players. The alternative would’ve been milestone selectors by progression level. 3 t6b for valiant, 2 for paragon, 1 for TB, for example.
Ultimately, you've been burning through 7*s pretty quick, and giving out non-ascension 6* materials like crystals, AGs and sigs much more liberally than a year and a half ago. You had to slow down at some point with 7*s, and it seems this is it. Even if you didn't, the rewards were never going to seem great coming out of necropolis. This has led to an environment where R5/R2 materials and 7*s are the only things players really care about though, so everything else feels like a dud.
But hey, those are the relatively jaded opinions of a valiant who, aside from Colossus from a titan, has been getting a lot of good pulls recently. Maybe the people who got Spider-man and Gwen from necropolis completion instead of Hulk and Titania feel differently.
As for actionable feedback, keep the inflation down? Obviously the glaring thing is doing banquet right after releasing everest content that massively skews everyone's value of in game items, so don't do that again I guess?
Since its kinda meh to write it, I just edited some of the fixes I think would be appropiate without destroying the economy of the game:
First of all, the Greater Banquet Crystals:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
I dont think at the current state of the game, we should have 2 6* Sig Stone prizes, so I changed it so we only have the generic ones only.
Buffed the 7* Shards a little bit, since I dont know the chances still, guessing those are above the lower % ones, I think those buffs are kinda fair, both basic and Titan shards.
We had also 2 prizes for T5 basic, the lowest one was removed.
No more changes here.
Also changed the ISO rewards inside the GBC, the first amounts are the current ones, the last amounts are the ones I would wish for, the ones in the middle are the fair ones.
Now, the Solo Milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
Removed the T2 Alpha rewards and lowered one Tier the points overall.
6* Awakening Gem reduced to one, and lowered the points till put it right after the Deathless piece.
T5 Basic Cats removed.
5-Star relic turned into Nexus.
T5 CC, T3 Alpha and T6 Basic buffed from 1 to 3.
6-Star Relic turned into Nexus. ( I dont think its that gamebreaking to make it Nexus)
T6 Class Catalyst Selector points lowered.
6* Rank Up Crystal 4 to 5 added.
Titan Shards added.
I think those changes are fair enough without being gamebreaking.
And finally the alliance milestones:
Right side is the current one, left side is my change
T2 Alpha and T5 Basic removed and T3 and T6 added instead, one of each.
Tier 1 Primordial Dust removed .
6* Shards points lowered into the T1 Dust place.
6* Rank Up Gem 3 to 4 added.
T3 Alpha frags removed, T6 Class 50% Crystal added instead.
T6 Basic Frags removed, 7* Shards added instead; 2500 (I dont think its too much, can be lowered but I think this is fair enough)
Now, I think this changes are enough to fix the players negative feedback, but the ranked rewards need also need several tweaks, rewards from 601-2600 to 100% should be looken into, in this case Ill just write it down instead of make a comparison table:
Minimum 6 Rank up Gems should be 3 to 4, remove the lower ones.
7* Shards should be buffed, how come top 601 spender only gets 2.500 Titan shards, I dont think thats fair at all, same with the basic ones.
We need more Relic Nexuses for top rewards.
6* Crystals, nexus or not, should be class at least for higher ranks.
And some buffs in calendar rewards from Dec 21 to Jan 3:
Turn 2k 4*Shards into 10k 5* Shards.
Turn 5k 5*Shards into 5k 6*Shards, both days
Turn 4k 6*Shards into 2.5k 7* Shards.
Those would be the changes overall, I think most of them are fair enough for both the players and the company, I dont know if you guys have enough time to change them or not, but I think it would be very nice to give an additional "compensation" or "gift" package with the rewards I changed above for the players that would have reached that rewards.
I hope this at least helps for the next event if you cant fix this one before it starts.
I will try to stick to Actual Actionable Items as you say, and try to be realistic in suggestions (ie not adding 7 star awakening gems or anything like that).
There is one big thing that sticks out to me, and that is the emphasis on 6 star stuff. Now I understand that GBC and the milestones are progression level neutral, and therefore to some players those are worth quite a bit. In this emphasis on 6 stars, its somewhat apparent that the rewards have not shifted significantly vs last year, despite the massive shift forward in game economy. Last Christmas it was almost impossible to R5 a 6 star, now there are people with entire BGs decks of 7 star R2/3s or ascended 6R5s. Its just a different economy and values have changed.
1. Many players are at the point where they are just selling T5B, T5CC and T2A since the last update. I would say that changing the T2A and T5B to perhaps a chance at a generic 6 star 3-4 gem would possibly be a good solution? I think that would seem fair to me, and not a pull that most people would feel was a waste of 300 units. I think that removing these 3 solo milestones and replacing the T2A/T5B with a R4 gem, and the T5CC with a R5 Gem would be fair. The R5 Gem could even be shuffled to a higher milestone too. I dont think that R5 gems in milestones would be breaking the economy, there are a lot of people out there who already have 30+
2. 6 star shards. I would just increase the quantity of them in the GBC. 4000 is honestly just a joke. Thats less than what I usually get from Summoners Advancement now I think. I would change the quantities from 4k, 10k, 15k to 10k, 20k, 50k. Again, I dont think its really gamebreaking given the economy. I think that changing 10k to a featured crystal would be good too.
In the Milestones, the 15k is meh but its a low milestone so whatever. Its not the biggest issue.
3. 6 star awakening gems: again, the economy of the game has made these essentially worthless recently. I have so many saved up in my inventory. I would just move these to the regular crystal, and for the milestone maybe add like 100 sig stones to that milestone?
4. Lack of 7 Star Shards: I mean there are none in the milestones.... given that we can get 3k just from the paragauntlet every month, among other fairly easy to access options, I think that its not unreasonable to expect some shards at some milestone. Doesnt need to be too many but 2.5-5k seems like an easy change to make that would make a lot of people happy. The 750 sharda option in the GBC crystals is kind of a feel bad amount too. Bump it up to 1000 Id say. 1000 just feels better!
5. To add to 4., I think that Titan shards are a glaring exception from the top of the milestones. We get 2.5k from the valiant calendar, I think 2.5k would be a compelling reason to buy enough GBC to get to the end.
7. Lastly, I would say to just put the amount you get per GBC back to the 3k. Its about 4k more units this year to get the top milestones vs last year, and while I se3 your point about there being more milestones, that seems like a fairly extreme difference.
I only have 106 different 6-stars at r3 or higher. These t5b and t2a will be a huge help to fix this roster deficiency.
Seriously though - last year’s milestones were building something that I literally didn’t have. This year’s milestones are giving me one champ in a pool of 20.
I don’t care about the points, just the actual cost to hit the milestone. If it’s still 300 units per crystal then measuring/comparing milestones in crystals makes sense.
Most of the comparisons I’ve see show fairly equal rewards to last year for the same milestones. That’s a big let down given how much the game has shifted in the last year.
I haven’t read every comment but I haven’t seen anyone actually asking for R3 materials. That is an extreme ask and I agree with excluding those this year.
I did expect to see significantly more 7* crystals/shards and 7*R2 materials.
I also hoped to see 6* 3-4 and 4-5 gems to help save catalysts for 7* rank ups. I don’t think generics would be game breaking but 6*4-5 class gems would tone it down a bit and still be welcome.
In years past, the banquet could be account changing for me. I always lag a bit behind “end-game” status. This year, I don’t see anything being account changing as announced. More 7*s, 7* R2 materials, and 6* 4-5 gems could be though if I get lucky. And that’s the fun part to me. Cyber deals are known, banquet is a big roll of the dice.
Three points:
1. It seems out of touch for players to believe Banquet would be sufficient to catapult players to Valiant/R3s.
2. It seems equally out of touch to believe that a rehash of last year’s Banquet prizes would delight players, especially given all that has transpired in-game in the intervening year.
3. There is ample room between 1&2 to have built an event that would have delighted players.
Dr. Zola
The rewards allround (with the exception of the pinnacle solo rewards) are pitiful to put it lightly. Go have a look at your monthly thronebreaker quest, what your various stores sell and then think about what you are offering to your player base.
I cannot believe a game team (and especially you the community managers) is so out of touch with what your player base wants. They literally comment on these forums daily.