Thoughts on Banquet Rewards?



  • NosrepNosrep Member Posts: 88
    Good rewards (worth spending units on)
    Banquet rewards are usually very good. Much better than what you get for the other events.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Good rewards (worth spending units on)
    They are better than last year, so what else do you want?
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  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,207 ★★★★★
    Good rewards (worth spending units on)
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,861 ★★★★★
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)

    They are better than last year, so what else do you want?

    You're from another timeline?
    Their Nexus event (being wholly disappointed in Kabam) hasn't happened yet.
  • Mpd1Mpd1 Member Posts: 101
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)
    Terrible rewards. Mid crystal loot. I guess Kabam is trying to stop new/lower level accounts from dramatically changing for the better. Unfortunately, this event does almost nothing for paragon and valiant accounts.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    Mpd1 said:

    Terrible rewards. Mid crystal loot. I guess Kabam is trying to stop new/lower level accounts from dramatically changing for the better. Unfortunately, this event does almost nothing for paragon and valiant accounts.

    Newer and lower progression accounts are exactly the accounts that have the most chance for dramatically changing for the better. I have no idea how anyone could look at the banquet rewards and say they don't help lower progress players. Unless you think lower progress players are mid level Paragons, and mid tier progress players are Valiants with only two R3s.

    They aren't nearly as helpful to higher Paragons and Valiants, but whether that's a good thing or not is a separate discussion.
  • GalactikDonutGalactikDonut Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)
    i think they could’ve included like 5k titan shards and one regular 7 star or even half a 7 star. nothing too crazy that could further the gap between valiants and the rest of game, but enough to be a little exciting for endgame players. idk about other valiants but 6 star resources just aren’t exciting for me, really wish there was a little more in the way of 7 stars. maybe a few 7 star sig stone crystals
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)


    When is the spring cleaning event?

    Are you sure about that?
    Because after CW and now Banquet, Kabam seems to have changed approach on annual events rewards 🤔
    Don’t take the bait fellow summoners and until things change don’t sell off your precious units on trash, HODL 👍
  • Cryptoman78Cryptoman78 Member Posts: 64
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)
    It would have been so much better if they did a progression solo rewards and maybe paragon players get titan crystal for achieving all the solo rewards and valiant get the titan selector. Just seems a bit underwhelming for spending 10k worth of units.
  • ChrisP55ChrisP55 Member Posts: 16
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)
    The most baffling part of this event and why I find it so abhorrent is the fact that some random person with a trust fund could download this game, drop an absolutely obscene amount of money, and instantly have the best account in the game with the rarest title in the game. Does that not strike anyone as incredibly disingenuous? I understand Kabam is a business and they require events like this to support the game, but other live service games, even some of the worst, aren’t this egregiously disrespectful to the vast majority of the player base.
  • ChrisP55ChrisP55 Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2023
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)
    ChrisP55 said:

    The most baffling part of this event and why I find it so abhorrent is the fact that some random person with a trust fund could download this game, drop an absolutely obscene amount of money, and instantly have the best account in the game with the rarest title in the game. Does that not strike anyone as incredibly disingenuous? I understand Kabam is a business and they require events like this to support the game, but other live service games, even some of the worst, aren’t this egregiously disrespectful to the vast majority of the player base.

    To clarify on this, I’m talking about the Rank 1 Solo Reward. The other rewards are fairly lackluster, but for someone to come into the game right now, play till they hit level 40, join an alliance, and then receive the most game breaking rewards in the game should they spend the most seems somewhat, strange no?
  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    Absolute garbage!
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    Didn’t someone spend like 100k last banquet. Wonder if that’ll happen again with these rewards
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)
    The gifting/banquet event was the best thing ever three or four years ago, but ever since then, I've gotten disappointed with it every year. I'm at a point in the game where very few of the rewards entice me very much. Last year, I praised Kabam for structuring the solo rewards in such a way that f2p players could get some really good stuff while paying players obviously got even better stuff. This year, however, I hardly see anything among the rewards that I'm interested in. There's one t3a and t6b, which is the same I get from the Paragon gauntlet on any given month. Then there's a special 7* crystal at the end but without anything interesting up until then, it feels kind of meh. Especially since there's absolutely nothing to help me rank my new champ up.

    I feel like the most rewarding use of my units would be to largely save them for further Necropolis runs.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,579 ★★★★★
    Mid rewards (Not worth it)
    I just have to decide if I want to reach all solo milestones. Literally the only thing with it is the 7* at the end as someone who has already explored necropolis. I'm hearing it will take about 10k units but haven't done the math myself yet. Even if I decide to I'll just use units I've grinded and saved. There is nothing of value in this. Especially the ggc. Spending 10k units to end up with 100s of t5b and t2a as someone who is at the point of just needing 7r3 this event is nonsensical.
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