The most wonderful time of the year?

It's finally here! December is one of the best months of the year for so many people. With the holidays and new year approaching we get to spend time with our friends and families and enjoy each other's company. The mobile game many of us love so much has it's anniversary and holiday events every year, where we can get lots of rewards to grow our rosters to get ready for the new year.
So this year for December Kabam decided to give us the worst AW Meta since the "Bugged" Armor burn meta (Domino should never be a tactic defender ever). But thank god we get more war rewards to entice people to play next season right? The season that starts 4 days before the biggest holiday of the year for majority of MCOC fanbase? Better join AW after you open your presents kids!
And then the biggest event of the year for this lovely game; Banquet event! This year you can expect 75% of the exact same rewards as last year in the milestones! 1 total 7* related milestone! And expect to pay 3x as much as last year if you want to get all milestones! All while your stash fills up with T5B and T2A that you'll never use!
Happy Holidays everyone! Let me know what YOU think of this month's events below!
So this year for December Kabam decided to give us the worst AW Meta since the "Bugged" Armor burn meta (Domino should never be a tactic defender ever). But thank god we get more war rewards to entice people to play next season right? The season that starts 4 days before the biggest holiday of the year for majority of MCOC fanbase? Better join AW after you open your presents kids!
And then the biggest event of the year for this lovely game; Banquet event! This year you can expect 75% of the exact same rewards as last year in the milestones! 1 total 7* related milestone! And expect to pay 3x as much as last year if you want to get all milestones! All while your stash fills up with T5B and T2A that you'll never use!
Happy Holidays everyone! Let me know what YOU think of this month's events below!
To stay indoors and consume large amounts of food
I would add that cost escalates quickly for folks with anything other than an active, full alliance. And there are quite a few Summoners playing in those, mainly because they love the game but don’t want to make it a career. Perhaps the solo event is for them.
Dr. Zola
Throttling rewards so content can catch up is, however:
I only see 1.25 each of t3a and t6b and only 1 t6cc in the milestones. We need 7 each of the former and 4 of the later to r2 a 7 star. No one is calling r2 materials trash. It’s the quantity of those that is trash.
That’s an economic correction? I don’t think so. The July 4th correction doesn’t explain this… and the whaliest of whales are still getting absurd rewards. Compare their rewards to the 1% rank. It’s absurd.
Btw who's fault is it to make 7r2 be achievable the minute 7* were released for general public? Who's fault was it to launch giga broken July 4th deals? Who's fault is it to make every 6* useless other than top3 from each class?
The requirement to reach 7r2 should be what 7r3 is, that way game would move at steady pace.
Kabam could've sold stuff slowly, maybe one T4 Alpha each during each sale, 1 on July 4, 1 on Cyber and 1 on Banquet, so it'll take whole 2023 to reach 7r2 but no, let's hotshot July4 deals and make rest of the year's deals down the drain.
2. It's a non progression locked event generalized to everyone. It's absolute hot garbage to the higher progression tiers. It doesn't matter if thronebreaker and lower benefit. You completely missed the point of all of this like Chuck said. You argument makes no sense and is invalid
2. Enjoy your “trash” rewards
Don't get me wrong, a lot of the milestones are hot garbage, but it is nice how necropolis is giving the best rewards in the game for this year, and not banquet.
1. It’s trash for my Valiant account. I’ll be saving my units for July.
2. It’s bonkers for my baby Cav account. Only 950 units for a nexus abyss, 6* ascension and a 7* is a big win.
This argument really needs to stop
Also lol, jailed again
If the rewards need to do X, they must be high enough to do X, and no higher. If the rewards don't need to do X, then they don't need to be that high. If the designer wants the rewards to do X but discovers that this is not possible within the current economy limits, then they don't just try to go as high as possible to get as close as possible. They change their goals to do Y instead, and then make the rewards high enough to do Y, and no higher.
When someone says they don't want game breaking rewards, but they could at least do more, that just isn't how it works. They could always do more. But the goal isn't to add as much rewards as possible. It is usually the opposite.
There are some people who would say that at the very least, the goal should have been for the banquet rewards to be sufficiently relevant for everyone to want to participate fully. But given the spread of what different players want, that was an impossible goal. And once again, in economic terms when you have an impossible goal you don't just go as high as possible to get as close as possible, you set different goals. And the reason why all of this is true is specifically because every reward design must find a balance between the forces pushing you to increase those rewards to be as attractive as possible and those pushing you to decrease those rewards to be as small as possible. If you remove the latter constraint and just try to go as high as you can, that goes places no game designer ever wants to go.
You can argue they picked the wrong balance point, but it will always be the wrong balance point for someone. They could always do more for that guy. And a little more for the next guy. And the next. Where ever you draw the line, someone will be standing half an inch from it screaming that they could have gone just a little farther but refused to do so because they are idiots.
I like that content rewards give more than events that do not evolve playing (like banquet event) While still giving an option for mega whales to pay for the bills. I'd think that they either don't targeted or didn't want to target end gamers that are casual spenders, seems like a "all in" or "none" movement, but I could be wrong.
But I'd love to see some rewards in those events that would help me clearing content, like big boost, team revives, those are useful at any progression level. You used to be able to gift those consumables and it helped me in the past playing the game. I understand why they got removed, but they could have been added into the milestones...