Necropolis Team Advice needed (Especially from the Kate users)

So I bought the 1k EQ bundle, which has put revives in my stash, and now I'm feeling the pressure. Hence, I will be starting a necro run in the span of the next ten days. I need everyone's expertise to decide on a team that will optimise ease of use/item usage.
Bringing Kate (6r4 unascended) with Chavez(5r1) for synergy and either Wiccan(6r3) or Prof X(6r3) for the GM 1%
That leaves room for one mystic and one cosmic
Titania - Kate
Aarkus - (Mystic)
Omega Sent. - (Cosmic)
Air - Walker - Kate/(Mystic)
Britain - Kate
Wiccan - Kate
Psycho - Man - Kate
Guardian - (Cosmic)
Valk - Kate
Red Guardian - Kate
Cap Sam - Kate
Dragon Man - Kate
Cap IW - Kate
Nova - (Mystic(maybe Kate?))
Now, mystic options: Doom(unduped r3) and Abs Man(r3). Can take to r4. I see a lot of people using Doom. Main fights for the mystic champ would be Aarkus, possibly Air-Walker and Nova(not sure how well Kate works for him).
Cosmic primary options: Hercules(r5 ascended) and Gamora(7r1 sig 20). Other cosmics I have ranked up are Hulkling, Knull, Odin (all r4) and Adam Warlock at r3.
For the last spot, I think someone mentioned prof X can cheese the final phase due to special spam during mind control, so I was thinking him over Wiccan, unless someone thinks Wiccan can contribute to a path fight decently.
Anyone who has used one of the champs above for a fight with even relative success, feel free to share your thoughts.
If anyone has found a particular resource/guide/video detailing how to approach a particular fight with one of the above champs, do share.
If anyone who has done a run of necro has any general tips, let me know.
I'll link the write-up by Emilia and BItterSteel's video here for easy reference.
Will I get stuck due to lack of item prep? With non-zero probability. Does that stop me? Hell nah. If anything, it'll make me upset enough to take an actual break.
Bringing Kate (6r4 unascended) with Chavez(5r1) for synergy and either Wiccan(6r3) or Prof X(6r3) for the GM 1%
That leaves room for one mystic and one cosmic
Titania - Kate
Aarkus - (Mystic)
Omega Sent. - (Cosmic)
Air - Walker - Kate/(Mystic)
Britain - Kate
Wiccan - Kate
Psycho - Man - Kate
Guardian - (Cosmic)
Valk - Kate
Red Guardian - Kate
Cap Sam - Kate
Dragon Man - Kate
Cap IW - Kate
Nova - (Mystic(maybe Kate?))
Now, mystic options: Doom(unduped r3) and Abs Man(r3). Can take to r4. I see a lot of people using Doom. Main fights for the mystic champ would be Aarkus, possibly Air-Walker and Nova(not sure how well Kate works for him).
Cosmic primary options: Hercules(r5 ascended) and Gamora(7r1 sig 20). Other cosmics I have ranked up are Hulkling, Knull, Odin (all r4) and Adam Warlock at r3.
For the last spot, I think someone mentioned prof X can cheese the final phase due to special spam during mind control, so I was thinking him over Wiccan, unless someone thinks Wiccan can contribute to a path fight decently.
Anyone who has used one of the champs above for a fight with even relative success, feel free to share your thoughts.
If anyone has found a particular resource/guide/video detailing how to approach a particular fight with one of the above champs, do share.
If anyone who has done a run of necro has any general tips, let me know.
I'll link the write-up by Emilia and BItterSteel's video here for easy reference.
Will I get stuck due to lack of item prep? With non-zero probability. Does that stop me? Hell nah. If anything, it'll make me upset enough to take an actual break.
On the other hand, you just wake Aegon up from his slumber, give him some energy drink and he does the rest.
Coming back to point, I've seen more abs man players going in Necro than Doom, also abs man will shine in Atumma fight.
Guardian can't autoblock kate if you crush him first.
- Kate can take nova fairly rasily if you know how to dex his specials
- I personally used a r4 abs man for Aarkus and Air Walker, although doom may be safer cause of his power control. Kate can also do Air walker pretty easily but you need to get the tranquilize up fast.
- I personally used Adam for my cosmic but mine is r5 ascended, so id probably recommend going Odin or Knull
- Regarding the last phase if you have a Juggs he is probably the best option, if not id go Prof X if what you said was true. I did use Wiccan in one of my runs and he was solid enough.
I used herc for cosmic and he worked kind of alright, adam is the best option but I've seen a r2 7 star knull solo guardian before.
As for last phase, any reversed controls immune and it's a breeze
Then again my Chavez is a rank 2 7 star, so if i did have a strong cosmic 7* I’d have brought them. Issue is my only 7* cosmics are gorr , angela, vtd, and gamora so I think absorbing man is still better.
Also as mentioned earlier, Kate wrecks Nova, I'm pretty sure I soloed him 2 out of the 3 times I fought him. Corner him and he throws sp1s like no one's business. It is an easy enough dex and an easy punish for pausing your arrows.
Also how is Abs Man against Guardian?
For cosmic Adam warlock is great for omega sentinel and guardian, high sig really helps him heal up on sp2 which lets him stay alive alot longer. He takes some practice but he was very useful.
Definitely bring a reverse control immune champ.
You need them for phase 4 but can also use them for phase 3, the degen won’t kill you, just brings you too low Hp, and I’d much rather fight at low Hp and avoid blocking than deal with reverse controls.
Much better to just bring in someone who can take out the techs
Mine's r2 and I don't really want to take him all the way to r4 just for 1 path
I have Hercules, Cgr, Knull as other options
That Knull is only an r3 sig 20.
@Zuro @ThePredator1001 @Pikolu Would that still better than an absorbing man?
Abs can be helpful for Nova and Aarkus as well IF I do bring him, but my r2 Chavez although unduped can still probably take them?
Assuming that Shuri does Psycho , Kate does OS, I see three possible options for my 5th slot
1) Knull r3 s20 (just for Guardian)
2) Absorbing Man
3) Suck it up and use Kate for Guardian and bring someone like Heimdall or Fury
I know its very helpful for Aegon, but for Kate/Shuri/Chavez how practical would it be , i.e would they even get to sp3 often?
I'm agreeing with you but trying to decide if Fury will benefit more. I’m leaning towards Fury
I am probably going to take my Adam to r4(smiles painfully after seeing the gold cost)
I wish I had wong tho
He looks to be putting in some serious work in Necro for those who have him(looks at MSD and Normax)
After some amount of research, youtube videos, and a lot of write-ups, I've made the following choices:
The mystic is going to be Abs Man, I'm just not sure whether I should take him to r4 for it because I don't love him as a champ, and he won't be doing more than aarkus + gm contribution
The rev control immune will be Wiccan, he gives some combat power rate and block proficiency to kate, and can also do some contribution against aarkus
As for the queen herself, I think I'll be able to take her to r5 soon. I'm just waiting on the last t6cc, which I'll be able to get from the calendar + next BG store reset. The only issue is, the revives start expiring three days after the BG store reset, so either I'll have to play it close starting with a r5 kate, or start with a r4, maybe do some fights and rank her when I can. It might be better resource wise to just start with the r5, let's see about this.
You might have noticed that I haven't mentioned the cosmic yet. That is precisely because Polygon's thread on the same topic has given me food for thought. Is it better to bring a cosmic to deal with guardian, or just get through with kate, but bring nick fury for a 20% damage boost on every single fight?
We all know the magic equation, More Damage = Shorter Fight = Less time to Die = Lesser Resources. The issue is that while it holds universally qualitatively, it's a bit more murky quantitatively. I don't have a data hoarding obsession like certain members of our community, so I don't know what the answer is quantitatively. But it might not matter.
Our friend Polygon has a seven-star Shuri, who, it seems, is a good GM option. I would be bringing r5 ascended Hercules not just for Guardian, but as someone to do consistent damage against Grandmaster. My other cosmic option for Guardian would be r4 Odin, but I think Herc is probably better for GM.
So, once again, let me know your thoughts on these two:
(i) Is it worth ranking abs-man to r4 for just aarkus + GM
(ii) Bring herc / Bring odin / Bring nick fury
Kate and r5 doom
Will doom work for grandmaster?