Kabam, why are heavies auto-connecting from way across the screen?

I was way out of reach and when the AI launched it I was stuck to it from the get-go and couldn't even evade it. This is ridiculous.

^this is the distance right as he's launching his heavy. this is some cheap AI tactics designed to unfairly bleed us of units.

^this is the distance right as he's launching his heavy. this is some cheap AI tactics designed to unfairly bleed us of units.
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Yup, specials too, not just heavies. They get locked on you and you can't evade them.
3 L1s, all with different attack lengths and the first one locks on and hits no matter what without a chance to evade.
You guys getting this too?
Kabam's done something to special and heavy mechanics where it lunges at you from across the screen and accuracy is 100% if it wants it to be.
It's been a problem ever since they cut the evade distance in half about 2 years ago. It used to be when you dash back you will dash all the way to the end of the screen, but then they changed it.
And yes I'm pretty sure this is intended to screw us over which is why they will never admit it's a bug or even acknowledge it.
This is another issue. I've played about a year but I've noticed within the last MONTH that there's a giant problem with our evade distance even compared to 2-3 months ago. It's a lot more shallow and after we evade AI attacks (heavies etc..), they follow up with more attacks because our evade isn't long enough. They've definitely messed with something and it's really infuriating.
Current dexterity/evade almost feels like the double dexterity bug of 13.0 all over again. Kabam, can we get answer on any changes to evade/dexterity. It's obvious something's been done to it. It's been much worse after maintenance sometime last month.
You are the only one is saying this , it’s not every time you got caught , it’s random and it’s true not just a conspiracy. If you didn’t come across with such an issue it doesn’t mean all these people are just making things.
Yes I was trying to recall and but couldn't remeber they have it the worse
I have been playing a long time and I learned how to avoid heavies on the first week.
Heavies are NOT supposed to:
1. Autoconnect, like it did in the video. When the AI starts a heavy we normally have a window to evade it. Wasn't the case in the video. I had no opportunity to evade it, it was glued to me the whole time and I couldn't do anything to evade it.
2. Hit us when we're clearly outside the striking range of a heavy. Heavies aren't supposed to launch from across the room and hit us.
I am clearly out of heavy distance yet I get it.
You can see both issues in the video. It autoconnects, and it does so from way across the screen. We need answers, cause this is happening all too often now and it's starting to feel like a money grab.
Yea I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. If you tried to evade before that heavy then that’s just because sometimes evade doesn’t work. That’s normal dude this game is broken af. Has nothing to do with the heavy attack
Noobs with less than a month of play get hit with heavies.
Vets get hit with heavies when the AI does things it's not supposed to, like auto-connecting and landing from way outside heavy distance.
That's why this thread was made.
But you weren’t outside heavy distance dude. You think you are, but you weren’t. That’s why your a noob. If you would have dashed back, you would’ve been fine. You keep saying it auto connected. Did you try to swipe back or what?
I was way outside the normal distance that a Starlord heavy can travel AND it wouldn't even let me evade. I was stuck to it the instant he went for the heavy.
Noobs don't have r4 SLs and noobs don't play in Tier 1.
Don’t get overwhelmed, OP just had an issue , and if he feels that way it’s fine you may be a skilled player but what you are doing isn’t right. There are so many issues in this game and everyone has their own way of seeing things. OP is sharing what he feels wasn’t correct but you have different opinion which is ok. Be nice and don’t just show off.
My issue is that OUR heavies don't travel the same distance. Having just finished the Ragnarok event I launched my fair share of heavies trying to finish the fights that way and if I had done that with Starlord, I would have been lucky to cover half that distance.
The player and the AI animations should behave the same way... they don't.
(FYI - I was north of 1.5m points so you figure out how many fights that was finishing with a heavy).