Any Champion HOT TAKES You Would Like to Let Out

My hot take is that I think Gladiator is a great champion. Sure he has a couple flaws, but I think he is good. Recently got him as a 6 star from a featured and Im loving him.
many people disagree with this statement
How you get him fully ramped with 10 charges outside of incursions is a different matter.
Void is practically useless can't believe y'all still ride him in 2023
Dani moonstar hate us forced I get her kit needs a lot of things but y'all just saying she's the worst champ of the year is a blatant lie
Omega sentinel don't have that much damage but she got a lot utilities. If you don't have nimrod, Omega sentinel is extremely great as a substitute to handle mutants.
Also if omega sentinel was really overrated, she would've won the titan poll over warlock.
Also void still has one of the most consistent heal reverse in the game.
I don't know which other champ can CONSISTENTLY heal reverse opponent without despair mastery.
Heal block debuffs won't count, we are talking about heal reverse. Educate me.
R5 200 sig Angela with OG Thor relic & Odin synergy is 2 best champ in da game…🔥🔥🔥
Groot is of course nr 1 🫡
Guilly99 is able to reverse healing
When it comes to petrify, despite he relies on rng to get it fast, he is still the safest option.
Void is one of the old champs that have aged (and will keep ageing) like fine wine.
He is unique and truly a great champ to have on any roster 😉
Also Spidey Supreme kinda mid
Sersi: agreed
Idoom: think people expected a better version of regular doom but honestly i think he is just fine
Mr Fantastic: that heavy reach is his biggest vice