Question for those of you who explored Necropolis: Which path did you find hardest?

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
I’ve decided that I’m going to explore Necropolis despite being a mediocre to poor player. I had originally planned just to do completion, but after some consideration have decided to go for it.

Like most people, I did the Titania/Guardian path for completion. I’m just wrapping up my second path, (Path 6 - Odin/Mantis) and just have to finish up the Grandmaster to be done with it. I definitely found this one to be harder, in part due to the fact that I was an idiot and forgot to re-equip a relic on Aegon.

As I plan the rest of my routes, wanted to see what the community thinks is the hardest path. I’m going to assume it isn’t Titania obviously. For me I’m planning to wrap up the right side before I go back to the left in the hopes of pulling a 7* Shuri before then.

So what did you all experience? Which was the toughest?

Question for those of you who explored Necropolis: Which path did you find hardest? 105 votes

Path 2 - Mr F/Apoc
Herbal_TaxmanTheHeroDeservedPlayboy22567TJ107PrentexSpagNidusBatman1234PybruhDeadpoisdeadYuriusPapersRuwqiersaLickyNuclearRagnarLothbrok99ProjecteXSagaChampionSnorlaxKam 17 votes
Path 3 - Sauron/Silver Surfer
laserjohn26LordSmasherHulkbusterN1Soyheyor123Skerry10ZeroGoldenBlackSouls 7 votes
Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
VaniteliaHeinz11RaganatorSIlverProfessorege999menLongshot_33Masterduxfrodo2377Thecrusher_9756Lucky7LucianoHeattblasttFydaneIamnikeTechonefortyGrootman1294IvarTheBonelesshorrendous_tooBugmat78OGAvengerKRANꓘ 58 votes
Path 5 - Roblin/Elsa
Spity68Suros_moonMiniMFJethuapapaloh02 5 votes
Path 6 - Odin/Mantis
ZatbustMhd20034GodrohrGarloAssumedNamedzikidzikJustcause102PikoluH3t3rSwarmOfRavenswillrun4adonutDanish0528Death33HatsumomoCtfz30MarvelNoobvictor158mmartin5817 18 votes


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,867 ★★★★★
    Path 6 - Odin/Mantis
    Hardest was jubilee path, but I found that Mantis the most annoying so I picked that.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,722 ★★★★★
    How much did the Odin/Mantis path cost you?
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    Aegon was fine for mystic spidey. He’s constantly gaining buffs.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★★
    Path 2 - Mr F/Apoc
    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    I used HT for Diablo and Stryfe. Wiccan did a fair amount of work on Galan and then i just hammered out the remaining health with Aegon.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    Emilia90 said:

    How much did the Odin/Mantis path cost you?

    @Emilia90 it isn’t pretty. Guessing I’ll be at 140 revives when I’m all done, but probably 20-30 of that is my stupid tax for forgetting my relic on Aegon.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe

    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    I used HT for Diablo and Stryfe. Wiccan did a fair amount of work on Galan and then i just hammered out the remaining health with Aegon.
    HT and Wiccan are my plan for Diablo, Stryfe, and Galan also. Managed to pull Wiccan as a 7* this week which will really help.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,222 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe

    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    Aegon was fine for mystic spidey. He’s constantly gaining buffs.
    See, this is what i said but got downvoted into oblivion
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    Aegon was fine for mystic spidey. He’s constantly gaining buffs.
    See, this is what i said but got downvoted into oblivion
    lol probably people that didn’t do the fight with Aegon
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,867 ★★★★★
    Path 6 - Odin/Mantis

    ahmynuts said:

    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    Aegon was fine for mystic spidey. He’s constantly gaining buffs.
    See, this is what i said but got downvoted into oblivion
    lol probably people that didn’t do the fight with Aegon
    I did it with Aegon and Sinister. Both worked really well.
  • HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Path 3 - Sauron/Silver Surfer
    My average revive count for each path was about 50-65 20% revives. The cheapest was path 2 (fantastic/apoc), I spent here less than 20 revs, thanks God I had 7* 2/35 Shuri and duped Wong, who saved me a lot.
    On each path there were some annoying fights, but, I guess, the most annoying was to ramp up aegon on path 3 (sauron/surfer), so I’ll probably choose this one. If you are a skilled Kate player, you will probably have no problem on this one, but first half using Aegon didn’t bring me that much fun.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    It was the most costly for me, 81 revives used.
    This was mainly because it was my first pass from the right leg of the quest and haven’t watched any videos on it, and because of this annoying do at least five hit combos or you get a miss for few seconds.
    Diablo was more annoying than I expected.
    Attempted him with Shuri on first try, but potion brewing on top of the other nodes and having to keep shock effects up made me mess and Diablo was only 90%.
    Outraged went in with Aegon fully boosted, despite I’ve read several posts that this is one of the fights Aegon can’t take, and after eight revives Diablo went down.
    If someone is willing to throw some revives, Aegon can surely take this fight too.
    Stryfe isn’t that bad if you understand what’s going on, and take the invisible/unstoppable effects for yourself instead of him 🙂
  • TnkeesmanTnkeesman Member Posts: 13
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    I managed to get the solo using a r2 wong. The level of safety that wong has against stryfe is crazy once fully ramped.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★
    Path 3 - Sauron/Silver Surfer
    ahmynuts said:

    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    Aegon was fine for mystic spidey. He’s constantly gaining buffs.
    See, this is what i said but got downvoted into oblivion
    You just only hit block with aegon. It's the second easiest and quickest fight in the whole thing except for mantis.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe

    Emilia90 said:

    How much did the Odin/Mantis path cost you?

    @Emilia90 it isn’t pretty. Guessing I’ll be at 140 revives when I’m all done, but probably 20-30 of that is my stupid tax for forgetting my relic on Aegon.
    @Emilia90 ok it was 136. Yeah really bad. But, my R5 Aegon is now ascended and his relic isn’t coming off again until I finish exploration so next runs should be much cheaper.
  • Ngoalong711Ngoalong711 Member Posts: 329 ★★

    Hardest was jubilee path, but I found that Mantis the most annoying so I picked that.

    mantis was so fun for me. took 40% with a 6r1 proxima midnight with suicides.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    not even close
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    edited December 2023
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    i 2-shotted stryfe with shuri , that is not really a hard fight , rather a draining boring one @Polygon . Plus providing that u got a wiccan in your team for necro GM , he can do galan really well. even at r1 7 star unduped , it only took me like 4 revives , and he also worked decent against knull too. So yeah , just wiccan that galan instead of wasting another slot
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,318 Guardian
    Path 6 - Odin/Mantis
    I found the Odin section to be the hardest part 1 path and the stryfe section to be the hardest part 2 path. Reverse controls and untouchable both suck if you stop paying attention for half a second.

    I personally found Jubilee to Mantis very easy with Guillotine 99. She doesn't crit so the Jubilee path is a cakewalk with her. She is also amazing for that Kitty Pryde since she doesn't crit.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    edited December 2023
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    Pikolu said:

    I found the Odin section to be the hardest part 1 path and the stryfe section to be the hardest part 2 path. Reverse controls and untouchable both suck if you stop paying attention for half a second.

    I personally found Jubilee to Mantis very easy with Guillotine 99. She doesn't crit so the Jubilee path is a cakewalk with her. She is also amazing for that Kitty Pryde since she doesn't crit.

    Are there streams of people using G99 with Aegon (or with Kate)?

    Despite her being good because of the no crits, I still hardly see many people using her. Sure it might be because people are hesitant to rank 2 her, but she would save a ton of revives over Aegon.

  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    Path 6 - Odin/Mantis
    See I did odin-stryfe so........
  • MocamanMocaman Member Posts: 70
    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    My 7* R3 Gamora makes stryfe light work
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,722 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    How much did the Odin/Mantis path cost you?

    @Emilia90 it isn’t pretty. Guessing I’ll be at 140 revives when I’m all done, but probably 20-30 of that is my stupid tax for forgetting my relic on Aegon.
    @Emilia90 ok it was 136. Yeah really bad. But, my R5 Aegon is now ascended and his relic isn’t coming off again until I finish exploration so next runs should be much cheaper.
    Thanks for the update! Sorry to hear that the attempt didn’t go so well, but 136 without a relic on him is pretty good. I’ll probably bank about half of that for my run with Kate
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 560 ★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    Saved the Jubilee/Stryfe path for last. Pretty tired by then since I did the last 2 paths on back to back days on a weekend. Should be noted that those that push over 1-2 days are animals. Hands get tired, mistakes are made. Hats off.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    Jack2634 said:

    Polygon said:

    Who did people find to be the best Stryfe counters? Im thinking torch since he works for diablo too and i can use him maybe for mystic spidey?

    But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon

    i 2-shotted stryfe with shuri , that is not really a hard fight , rather a draining boring one @Polygon . Plus providing that u got a wiccan in your team for necro GM , he can do galan really well. even at r1 7 star unduped , it only took me like 4 revives , and he also worked decent against knull too. So yeah , just wiccan that galan instead of wasting another slot
    @Jack2634 i dont have wiccan for galan, bringing juggernaut (rank 4). So i guess its gonna be 10 revives with Aegon lol.

    What makes shuri good for stryfe? She doesnt counter unstoppable or miss like torch does.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    Path 6 - Odin/Mantis
    Was not expecting to see jubilee/stryfe with such a clear lead but I can kind of see it.

    Hardest paths were right side

    Overall hardest was path 6 to me, it felt like the only path that had actually annoying fights. Being my last path after blitzing the others probably didn’t help since I couldn’t bother drafting counters for them.

    Nothing more demoralising than dashing into a special because your reverse controls was still up by 0.2s

    BWCV was annoying until you get a hang of it

    Shang chi was annoying even after getting the hang of him

    Future ant-man is banned from all BG decks henceforth

  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe

    Was not expecting to see jubilee/stryfe with such a clear lead but I can kind of see it.

    Hardest paths were right side

    Overall hardest was path 6 to me, it felt like the only path that had actually annoying fights. Being my last path after blitzing the others probably didn’t help since I couldn’t bother drafting counters for them.

    Nothing more demoralising than dashing into a special because your reverse controls was still up by 0.2s

    BWCV was annoying until you get a hang of it

    Shang chi was annoying even after getting the hang of him

    Future ant-man is banned from all BG decks henceforth

    If I recall you didnt use Aegon though so I’m not sure if Aegon users also ran into similar issues against those defenders or overall the Odin lane being the hardest (I only ranked Aegon for those 3 bottom paths/paths on the right because I heard Kate sucks for them compared to him.)

    @Oakenshield did you have a similar experience for this lane being that tough? Which defenders were annoying?

    The Kraven and Sunspot on the Roblin path were pretty bad, not sure if the Odin lane’s defenders are much worse (claire, shang, FAM)
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    The second half of path 4 without aegon made me wanna cry
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
    edited December 2023
    Path 4 - Jubilee/Stryfe
    @Polygon It was definitely tougher than the Titania lane, although in part that was because I had forgotten to equip my Aegon with a relic. I had the hardest time with BWCV given her death touch and not having the relic as an emergency save, Shang Chi because I just really didn’t figure the fight out, Silver Centurion again due to the lack of relic, Kitty, and Spidey Supreme (although I finally figured that one out closer to the end of the fight so will be better next time). Most of the other fights weren’t too bad, including FAM which I had heard was really bad but ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be. I’d say in general part of the issue was the relic, part of the issue was it was my first right side path so I didn’t know the fights, and partially because I’m just not that great a player.

    I do think the other lanes will be somewhat better because I now know many of the right side fights, I have my relic equipped, have ascended my Aegon, and have good counters for the Jubilee lane. We’ll see next week when I run the remaining two paths on that side.
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 171 ★★
    Path 6 - Odin/Mantis
    ill say that the fight i hated the most in necro was stormx and nova with the no dex, but for me spot and galan werent that bad with wong and kate, strfye wasnt fun but you could just get him down slowly but surely, shang tho,.... shang was sooo bad i still dont understand the fight and fant and kitty were just really painfully slow fights, it was my first time using aegon so maybe thats part of it but i just seriously disliked that path. in terms of trap nodes though, worst on the right side was the untouchable followed by reverse controls imo. i used 262 solo revs for exploration and 73 for odin path
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