Question for those of you who explored Necropolis: Which path did you find hardest?

I’ve decided that I’m going to explore Necropolis despite being a mediocre to poor player. I had originally planned just to do completion, but after some consideration have decided to go for it.
Like most people, I did the Titania/Guardian path for completion. I’m just wrapping up my second path, (Path 6 - Odin/Mantis) and just have to finish up the Grandmaster to be done with it. I definitely found this one to be harder, in part due to the fact that I was an idiot and forgot to re-equip a relic on Aegon.
As I plan the rest of my routes, wanted to see what the community thinks is the hardest path. I’m going to assume it isn’t Titania obviously. For me I’m planning to wrap up the right side before I go back to the left in the hopes of pulling a 7* Shuri before then.
So what did you all experience? Which was the toughest?
Like most people, I did the Titania/Guardian path for completion. I’m just wrapping up my second path, (Path 6 - Odin/Mantis) and just have to finish up the Grandmaster to be done with it. I definitely found this one to be harder, in part due to the fact that I was an idiot and forgot to re-equip a relic on Aegon.
As I plan the rest of my routes, wanted to see what the community thinks is the hardest path. I’m going to assume it isn’t Titania obviously. For me I’m planning to wrap up the right side before I go back to the left in the hopes of pulling a 7* Shuri before then.
So what did you all experience? Which was the toughest?
Question for those of you who explored Necropolis: Which path did you find hardest? 105 votes
But yeah its Jubilee path. You need to bring counters for the two I mentioned AND theres an annoying Galan that needs a lot of revives with Aegon. But at the same time if you bring someone for him then that only leaves room for 1 synergy for Aegon
On each path there were some annoying fights, but, I guess, the most annoying was to ramp up aegon on path 3 (sauron/surfer), so I’ll probably choose this one. If you are a skilled Kate player, you will probably have no problem on this one, but first half using Aegon didn’t bring me that much fun.
This was mainly because it was my first pass from the right leg of the quest and haven’t watched any videos on it, and because of this annoying do at least five hit combos or you get a miss for few seconds.
Diablo was more annoying than I expected.
Attempted him with Shuri on first try, but potion brewing on top of the other nodes and having to keep shock effects up made me mess and Diablo was only 90%.
Outraged went in with Aegon fully boosted, despite I’ve read several posts that this is one of the fights Aegon can’t take, and after eight revives Diablo went down.
If someone is willing to throw some revives, Aegon can surely take this fight too.
Stryfe isn’t that bad if you understand what’s going on, and take the invisible/unstoppable effects for yourself instead of him 🙂
I personally found Jubilee to Mantis very easy with Guillotine 99. She doesn't crit so the Jubilee path is a cakewalk with her. She is also amazing for that Kitty Pryde since she doesn't crit.
Despite her being good because of the no crits, I still hardly see many people using her. Sure it might be because people are hesitant to rank 2 her, but she would save a ton of revives over Aegon.
What makes shuri good for stryfe? She doesnt counter unstoppable or miss like torch does.
Hardest paths were right side
Overall hardest was path 6 to me, it felt like the only path that had actually annoying fights. Being my last path after blitzing the others probably didn’t help since I couldn’t bother drafting counters for them.
Nothing more demoralising than dashing into a special because your reverse controls was still up by 0.2s
BWCV was annoying until you get a hang of it
Shang chi was annoying even after getting the hang of him
Future ant-man is banned from all BG decks henceforth
@Oakenshield did you have a similar experience for this lane being that tough? Which defenders were annoying?
The Kraven and Sunspot on the Roblin path were pretty bad, not sure if the Odin lane’s defenders are much worse (claire, shang, FAM)
I do think the other lanes will be somewhat better because I now know many of the right side fights, I have my relic equipped, have ascended my Aegon, and have good counters for the Jubilee lane. We’ll see next week when I run the remaining two paths on that side.