Under Vibranium are the BG matchups fair?

I am Paragon, not completed Necropolis and am in Diamond 3 and fighting against Valiant and players that have finished Necropolis. No chance in the 9 hells I win any of those fights. 3 or more r2 7* plus the 3 6* champs that are ascended. They need to fix the match up algorithm. I am more disengaged from BG then ever.
Oh wait, it's yours also. At least you didn't completely copy your last paragraph from there, only part.
Probably not since the excuse is pretty lame but if you believe it no one can stop you!
It is understood that upon entering Vibranium in BG you will be fighting based on your rank and nothing else (like in the gladiator circuit). However, while fighting beneath Vibranium it is also understood that you compete against those of a similar progression and strength (plus other factors).
Me being Paragon and not completed Necropolis (2 tries at about 50 revives each) I should NOT be facing those who are Valiant and completed Necropolis. The matchup system needs an overhaul.
First, the Victory track is there specifically to encourage participation in Battlegrounds, to a point. To do this, the Victory track has properties the Gladiator Circuit does not have. For one thing, you can't fall down below the tier you are in, so you can only ratchet upwards. That's not true in GC: you can literally fall all the way to the bottom of GC from the top of GC. Your place is due to your ability to win, and nothing else. Second, VT doesn't match by rating. VT matches based on two different criteria. First, you can only match against players in your tier, or depending on how many players are available to match with you can occasionally match against a player in an adjacent tier. No matter how much you win or lose, you will continue to match against players in your tier. And finally, VT contains additional protections for lower progress players from Bronze to about Platinum 2. In these tiers you are more likely to match against players of comparable roster strength and progression.
BG thus has three sections. Lower VT, where players match against comparable roster strength within their tier, upper VT where players match against all other players in the same tier, and GC, where players match against other players of identical rating. This is designed to balance the desire for players to be encouraged to participate even if they are not competitively strong with the desire for BG to be a competitive PvP mode where the strongest players rise to the top
Because you match against players within your tier, who you match against depends not only on which tier you are in, but when you play. All other things being equal, stronger players will promote higher, which means tiers tend to get weaker over time. In the early days of a season strong players start low and have to climb to the top of VT or into GC, and thus many VT tiers contain very strong players. But those players keep promoting upward and leaving the lower VT tiers, making way for less strong players to advance in their wake.
People complain about BG not being fair every single season, often at the start of the season. However, BG is fair in that it takes many steps to make things easier for lower progress players, and it gives them the opportunity to advance by the nature of VT tiers which players cannot backslide below their current tier, so everyone only moves upward. Stronger players cannot backslide either deliberately or accidentally, and so eventually even mediocre players have opportunities to advance to higher VT tiers or eventually into GC.
At this point, I honestly could care less if a player thinks the current structure is unfair or if they decide not to play the mode in protest. However, I believe the vast majority of players will continue to play, and just need to learn or be told how the mode works to make it work for them in the best way possible. In the early days of a season, your best bet is to farm milestones and allow VT tiers to deplete the strong players as they promote, so that the competition is closer to your own strength before making pushes to advance upward. If you get roadblocked, take a break and switch back to farming milestones. Push upwards when conditions are more favorable, farm milestones when it is less favorable. Do that and you can go far.
Or, bash your head into a brick wall and complain about the headache. The game mode rewards not just good gameplay, but also good understanding and knowledge about how the mode works. As it should.
I got a Note 23 with the pencil, want me to draw it out for you?
Matches are what they are, but I'm also concerned about the direction the game mode is going. The last 2 Seasons have become more and more narrow, and I've seen a drop in interest overall.
Without commandeering the Thread, I will say it's what my overall concerns have been. A competitive game mode is what it's supposed to be about, but when you add an increasing level of stress and challenge, in an already-highly competitive game mode, you run the risk of making it not worth the effort.
I'm watching and participating here and there, but if it continues to become more and more tight in terms of counters, adding to the climb that it currently is to make it to the GC for those who don't every Season, plus the speed at which Players are progressing their Accounts, it's not going to bode well for continued participation.
My solo milestone went from 400k to 130k last season.
Solo and alliance milestones are meh, specially solo ones. The last milestone for example its 1000 6* shards.. and I am not bragging but i got a stash of 300k after getting every feat 6* on the current one... There is absolute no incentive to push which means less matches.