Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

no AQ this week? [official comms]



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    MimboMimbo Posts: 13
    Never set dummy data. Never know what might happen//what won’t be removed. I’ve seen funny dummy data before because it wasn’t deleted.
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    KidTristanKidTristan Posts: 67
    FYI : Monday is NOT burned. Monday AQ is very much alive, for ppl who might have tinkered with the enlistment for NEXT WEEK and the game magically moved it up to CURRENT WEEK.
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,996 Guardian
    Enlistment for AQ now seems to be working correctly for me for both this week and next week (which is Raid Week #1). You might need to restart game client to see the fixes.
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    Pdexter86Pdexter86 Posts: 81
    I have sorted this weeks AQ but can only enlist 1 BG into raid week. Is that intended?
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    KidTristanKidTristan Posts: 67
    Pdexter86 said:

    I have sorted this weeks AQ but can only enlist 1 BG into raid week. Is that intended?

    I seem to be able to enlist more than 1 BG for Raids. Although I didn't save it.
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    HaudraufwienixHaudraufwienix Posts: 11
    In addition we are missing ~8 million points in the current leaderboard
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    Pdexter86Pdexter86 Posts: 81
    And last weeks rewards?
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    NeinoIIINeinoIII Posts: 64
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    Looks like the game team were able to find the issue.

    As a result, it appears Monday is burned and alliances will need to reenlist, targeting the remaining six days of the week. This should be available to alliance leadership now.

    We've added a banner to the top of the forums and are hoping to push out an in-game message ASAP.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Wanna give us a week off instead of forcing us to do AQ over the weekend since it's not our fault? Prettyyyy pleaseeee 👉👈
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★
    Damnnn ittt..
    Wanted a no AQ week and free rewards.
    Damn you kabam team damnnn you
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    MagonusMagonus Posts: 521 ★★★
    Does anyone know how to "opt out" of Raids for next week. The announcement stated you could opt into Raids every 4 weeks or opt out and run AQ as per normal.... I just dont see it in the Calendar.
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,317 Guardian

    Note, next week, each BG can do *either* the normal style AQ Map, *or* the new RAID Map.

    See below, 1st pic showing setup as normal AQ maps.

    To setup Raid instead, click on the RED “RAID” button under the BG #.
    Then, in the Map select, you can use the usual Left / Right Arrows to switch between “no raid” and the “raid” map.
    Then (as normal) click back into an empty area of screen, and the setting for Raid Map will be active for that BG. Still have to press “SAVE”.

    Note, to switch back from a Raid setting to normal AQ setting for that BG, go back in, and use the Left / Right arrows to switch away from Raid Map back to NO-MAP.
    Then click off that, then the week-long Raid will go away, back to the normal 7-day selectors for that BG (which you can then go back in and use Arrows to select from Map-1 thru Map-8, as normal).

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    MagonusMagonus Posts: 521 ★★★
    Will last week's rewards come tomorrow then?
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    MagonusMagonus Posts: 521 ★★★
    @SummonerNR I cannot set it to AQ. Raid is the only option for us for next week and we were going to opt out of raids for the first while.... My options are NO MAP SELECTED with an arrow to the right being the only option. Hit the arrow right which makes it a RAID MAP. Only arrow remaining is to go back left to NO MAP SELECTED.

    We have no regular AQ available for next week per the announcement. Maybe I will restart the game....
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    MagonusMagonus Posts: 521 ★★★
    found it. click on the empty days in the CAL, toggle around, and you will find regular AQ options.
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    bdawg923bdawg923 Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Not working again!
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    bdawg923bdawg923 Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Stuck in pending
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    bdawg923 said:

    Stuck in pending

    As seen by others all week, new days of AQ seem to have the old 15 minute (or so) WAIT before being able to start new day.
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    bdawg923bdawg923 Posts: 764 ★★★★
    All week? Yesterday worked fine.
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