For next week is there no Regular AQ available? Is it Raid or nothing?

I thought it was announced that every fourth AQ week you could continue with AQ if you preferred and not enter into yet another game mode. Did I misread or misunderstand this part?
Big yellow banner
"Raid Events are here. This is a new twist added every 4th week to Alliance Quests where players can choose to opt in and play against the Raid bosses or opt out and play AQ as normal."
So now i need to figure out if I can opt out and play AQ per normal
See post …
Middle of Page-3 in that thread.
Note, to setup normal AQ instead of Raids, just *DON'T* press the Red Text that says RAID! under the BG # in leftmost BG column of grid. You’ll still be able to setup 4 days worth in each BG like normal.
The Red Text RAID! is not indicating that it is setup for raids, that is just the button to use to go into setting up for a Raid.
(at least, from earlier today, unless something changed since then)
It looks like you can, but does that feel counter to their launch statements?