Latin incantations (EQ 1.2)
Member Posts: 836 ★★★★
I vaguely wondered what Hood was on about with his Latin spells. When I got to the last sentence I was like, wait a sec, I need to know what this means.
If anyone has translated the rest, feel free to post here
If anyone has translated the rest, feel free to post here
But if you do the whole thing
"One Extreme Bit of Evil Latin"
I could be wrong but I tried
Nonsense words! Random gruel! Nonsense!
Hoc translatum est. Ne alligent quidem conantur. Hoc! Iniuriam!
This has been translated. Do not even attempt to commit. This! Wrong!
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus
Meanwhile my Google translate shows this
“Malis” I’m assuming is in the plural ablative case (because the preposition “de” takes the ablative case) and intended to modify “Latin,” but I don’t think “Latin” is a plural noun, which would mean “malis” should probably be “malo.”
I’m also not familiar with the proper noun “Latin” as an actual Latin word, but it has been decades since proper conjugating and declining was bored into me by my drill sergeant of a Latin instructor.
Dr. Zola
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut nisi tellus. Cras est diam, auctor ut sapien quis, consectetur pharetra ipsum. Donec quis sem lobortis ligula faucibus suscipit imperdiet pretium ipsum. Phasellus vestibulum condimentum faucibus. Praesent eu ante a metus consectetur imperdiet. Sed volutpat consequat odio, ut laoreet nisl facilisis id. Vestibulum iaculis imperdiet semper. Maecenas sagittis nulla ultricies, vestibulum nisl eget, pellentesque sapien."
Apres moi, le deluge
Semper Fidelis
Ad Aspera Per Astra
Ex Astris Scientia
Untruque Paratus
wait, that second one was French. Never mind. 10 house points to anyone who knows the sources of 2 to 6 without googling.
anxius factus sum, et discessi
*sounds better if crammed into a single line
Here’s a humorous one from my otherwise staid Latin teacher: semper ubi sub ubi.
Dr. Zola
2nd is the motto of the Royal Air Force's no. 617 Squadron, aka The Dam Busters. (After me, the Flood)
3rd is the motto of the United States Marine Corps, (Always Faithful)
4th is the motto of the Royal Air Force (Through Adversity to the Stars)
5th is the motto of Starfleet (From the Stars, Knowledge)
6th is the motto of the British Army's Parachute Regiment (Ready for Anything.)