Winter Wonderland

Why did the grandmaster winter wonderland crystals disappear? i had, if i remember correctly, close to 300k in total, even though every one i opened was a 3*, still, why did i loose them. I’ve never seen that happen before. regardless of the update, we don’t loose crystals for champions.
I still have one unopened crystal and it is available.
The Shards only stay around for an extra 1 week after that month's content ends, for you to have extra time to finish actually using them to get their actual crystals and open them.
If you formed them into actual crystals, the crystals would have stayed with you (until their occasional purge of old crystals every couple years).
But SHARDS themselves for every month's content never roll over forever (just 1 week). And there is no way to get more Shards once a new month's stuff kicks in, so no need to keep track of the Shards.