Game Boring for Valiant

KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 332 ★★★
Game lately seems boring for Valiant players

seems best rewards for valiant is daily valiant crystal other than that crystal why login every day to play?

Raids is only once per month, why not every week?

regular AQ is just boring and not appealing to me personally.

AW is not something i like either

BGS were ok a while ago but now is just boring, and rewards definitely don’t motivate to play it.

Monthly EQ is done no actual Valiant level difficulty so again boring

Monthly side event is a joke.

honestly just right now im on a login daily for crystal until something new comes along

Necropolis was cool but thats 100% now
only new thing that could come is 8.4 so i guess i just maybe wait for that

I think things that could spice things up and make it worthwhile to play the game more consistently

would be to add more things for Valiant

new Valiant EQ could be something similar to gow paragon is but make it way harder.

monthly side event needs a new higher difficulty

sigil store needs new valiant stuff

BGS should have new valiant store items

also maybe a fresh update to it, it needs some updating for sure. like why doesn’t it give extra points for killing defenders in bgs when someone can just pause the game and win in some certain situations. Never saw Mike Tyson lose a match for knocking down opponents while having received more damage on a fight.

everyone in bgs uses same defense over and over again just boring, could maybe add more bans to really change up the game and force new matchups



  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    If you think the game is boring now as a Valiant, boy you’re gonna hate next year…
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,329 ★★★★★
    sounds eerily similar to Paragon complaints. .. "there's nothing of value except the Paragon Daily". as to be expected. these progression titles are never fully realized upon release if ever.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,678 ★★★★★
    Deacon said:

    sounds eerily similar to Paragon complaints. .. "there's nothing of value except the Paragon Daily". as to be expected. these progression titles are never fully realized upon release if ever.

    They aren’t supposed to be. Right now, there is no Early/Late Valiant divide. Every Valiant is an Early Valiant. Whereas there’s a huge range of players who are Paragon. If Valiant was “fully realized” now, progression would be explosive for everybody with the title and it would be terrible for the health of the game. It makes perfect sense for new title perks to be rolled out piecemeal, so that they remain appropriate to the balance of the game.
    Glassback said:

    And like T-shirts for valiants too, plus like a floaty thing that follows them around telling people they’re valiant.
    And like another fast lane in Starbucks for valiant.

    Ok but an in game title giving you a fast lane privilege at a store is super **** funny.

    Kabam should do that
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Deacon said:

    sounds eerily similar to Paragon complaints. .. "there's nothing of value except the Paragon Daily". as to be expected. these progression titles are never fully realized upon release if ever.

    They aren’t supposed to be. Right now, there is no Early/Late Valiant divide. Every Valiant is an Early Valiant. Whereas there’s a huge range of players who are Paragon. If Valiant was “fully realized” now, progression would be explosive for everybody with the title and it would be terrible for the health of the game. It makes perfect sense for new title perks to be rolled out piecemeal, so that they remain appropriate to the balance of the game.
    Yep, your reward for being one of the first Valiants is…having the 8.3 and Necropolis rewards, including the initial r3 7*s. Right now the title is a signpost that mostly says ‘this will be a reward threshold in the future; same exact thing has been happening since Uncollected was the first progression title. It took a while for UC crystals and updated daily crystals to launch after 5.2 dropped.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    You need a new hobby.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,157 ★★★★★
    The rewards just need to be updated for valiant stores, nothing more. There is plenty to do, I’m just tired of not seeing more out of the title that was hyped up beyond belief.
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    First world problems that's how it feels when you have reached the top
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,678 ★★★★★

    BeastDad said:

    The rewards just need to be updated for valiant stores, nothing more. There is plenty to do, I’m just tired of not seeing more out of the title that was hyped up beyond belief.

    How did Kabam hype Valiant "beyond belief" vs Paragon or Thronebreaker?
    Yeah, I don’t remember any hype at all, honestly. They were super straightforward about what we should expect in the livestream. The player base hyped up the title because of the daily crystals, but that’s all I can remember.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,462 ★★★★★
    BeastDad said:

    The rewards just need to be updated for valiant stores, nothing more. There is plenty to do, I’m just tired of not seeing more out of the title that was hyped up beyond belief.

    Hyped up beyond belief? Is this your first time seeing a new progression title get added? Cause this was no different than Paragon or TB. It'll probably take a while before they start updating things like rewards, they can't just kill the game's economy a couple months after releasing Valiant just because a few people think the title was "hyped up", it really wasn't.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,589 ★★★★★

    Help lower skilled/roster players in incursions. That's what I do.

    Now, I understand your profile name.

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