Game Boring for Valiant

Game lately seems boring for Valiant players
seems best rewards for valiant is daily valiant crystal other than that crystal why login every day to play?
Raids is only once per month, why not every week?
regular AQ is just boring and not appealing to me personally.
AW is not something i like either
BGS were ok a while ago but now is just boring, and rewards definitely don’t motivate to play it.
Monthly EQ is done no actual Valiant level difficulty so again boring
Monthly side event is a joke.
honestly just right now im on a login daily for crystal until something new comes along
Necropolis was cool but thats 100% now
only new thing that could come is 8.4 so i guess i just maybe wait for that
I think things that could spice things up and make it worthwhile to play the game more consistently
would be to add more things for Valiant
new Valiant EQ could be something similar to gow paragon is but make it way harder.
monthly side event needs a new higher difficulty
sigil store needs new valiant stuff
BGS should have new valiant store items
also maybe a fresh update to it, it needs some updating for sure. like why doesn’t it give extra points for killing defenders in bgs when someone can just pause the game and win in some certain situations. Never saw Mike Tyson lose a match for knocking down opponents while having received more damage on a fight.
everyone in bgs uses same defense over and over again just boring, could maybe add more bans to really change up the game and force new matchups
seems best rewards for valiant is daily valiant crystal other than that crystal why login every day to play?
Raids is only once per month, why not every week?
regular AQ is just boring and not appealing to me personally.
AW is not something i like either
BGS were ok a while ago but now is just boring, and rewards definitely don’t motivate to play it.
Monthly EQ is done no actual Valiant level difficulty so again boring
Monthly side event is a joke.
honestly just right now im on a login daily for crystal until something new comes along
Necropolis was cool but thats 100% now
only new thing that could come is 8.4 so i guess i just maybe wait for that
I think things that could spice things up and make it worthwhile to play the game more consistently
would be to add more things for Valiant
new Valiant EQ could be something similar to gow paragon is but make it way harder.
monthly side event needs a new higher difficulty
sigil store needs new valiant stuff
BGS should have new valiant store items
also maybe a fresh update to it, it needs some updating for sure. like why doesn’t it give extra points for killing defenders in bgs when someone can just pause the game and win in some certain situations. Never saw Mike Tyson lose a match for knocking down opponents while having received more damage on a fight.
everyone in bgs uses same defense over and over again just boring, could maybe add more bans to really change up the game and force new matchups
And like another fast lane in Starbucks for valiant.
The game maybe be boring to you but it's not boring because you're Valiant.
I will point out that this isn't a unique issue for Valiant or even MCOC in general. This is just the state of being an endgame player in virtually every game in existence.
It sounds to me like you are a player who enjoys solo, PVE style content more than alliance or PVP stuff. That’s totally valid, honestly I’m the same way. But that is also the content that takes the most time to create because it’s one and done, as compared to something like BGs or War, which only require minor tweaks (with occasional facelifts) to maintain once they’re up and running. If you are holding out for PVE solo content, you have to accept that it takes a while to make, and that you should probably pick up either other modes other hobbies in the meantime.
Luckily, I believe we’re getting some kind of announcement for a new piece of high end PVE content on this month’s livestream, which I thought would be tomorrow but is maybe next Friday.
Kabam should do that
I play competitive aw because there really isn't anything else. After monthly eq and paragon gauntlet are done it's just side event and that's it.
I play battlegrounds whenever I want and end up somewhere in arcane/quantum without pushing. I play incursions if I feel like it and want to have fun with random champs. Aw covers the competitive aspect. If I want to play more I can always set goals for myself like mysterium in bgs, or do some abyss (still 2 paths unexplored...shrug).
It's really fun and... peaceful actually
Create a new account and start from 0 to Valiant again.
So... You'll be double Valiant