They aren't going to add skins to the game. They won't add much to the gameplay, and it's just too much work to add a specific skin to all the champs in the game. The devs have their hands full right now with Raids and BG bugs and whatnot, they don't have time for these (comparably) insignificant additions
With all those issues, I agree. But I'm hoping for it in the future when they worked these things out, unlike the others saying that it will never happen.
When it comes to stuff like this, I never say absolutely no chance, but there are (at least) three impediments to it that would make it highly unlikely, and none of them have anything to do with the current issues elsewhere.
1. Marvel. I am not an expert on Marvel licensing, but everything I've heard both on and off the record going back literally decades is that Marvel is far more protective of their character designs than, say, DC. I was actually amazed they signed off on Realm of Champions' customizability, but those were more unique characters and not their core IP. Players were not customizing Spider-Man, they were customizing a spider-like personal avatar. Maybe that was far enough away for them to not get hives. I did not play the game, but my understanding was that the customization of Marvel Heroes Online was very limited as well.
2. Development pipeline. Completely different people design the appearance of champions as do the powers and abilities of champions. Kabam has to balance those resources. You do not want your character artists just sitting around doing nothing because they have no champion to design, or vice versa, you don't want champion designs just sitting there waiting for character artists to design the look and appearance of them. So these two groups have to be at least roughly balanced around the relative workload. If, say, it took twice as long to design the appearance of a character as it does to design the abilities of a character, then you would want twice as many artists as champion abililty designers so that they could work roughly in lock step. Or vice versa if the workload was the other way around. Presumably, that is roughly balanced now. So who's going to design those skins? Every skin the art team designs is a whole new champion that doesn't get done, because you have to assume their schedule is mostly full right now. So you'd actually have to hire people just to do this. That's a big commitment to the decision to release skins. You probably can't just do it half heartedly.
3. Monetization. Everything in the game, for the most part, is monetized. Everything has to pay for its existence in the game, and it has to generate revenue for the business people who decide whether Kabam works on something new or not. How would you monetize skins? Is the playerbase going to accept monetization for customization options, or are they going to push back on another monetization stream? Is it worth making the people who want it happy, if you're going to be handing ammunition to the "Kabam is greedy" people? This sort of thing makes this not just a casual decision. It can have repercussions far beyond the small part of the game it directly impacts. Given that sort of risk, it might not be worth even opening that can of worms.
Despite all that, it could happen one day. But I think circumstances would have to change dramatically for it to become a serious possibility.
1. I'm not an expert in it either, but I mean, if they can get all these different characters in the game then it's reasonable to assume that they can also be used as skins right? Marvel even are the ones telling them whether to use the MCU or comic designs.
2. Really good point... well what if they release skins like how they release champs? They can update other champs in the games into being skins like how I said in my post, while they release a new skin for an already existing champ along with a completely new champ every month? It barely makes a difference I think. Half of the people designing the powers and abilities of champs are now going to design the added benefits of using the skins. Although the powers and abilities of skins will definitely be much easier than doing so for a whole new champ, what I imagine may take it more time and a struggle to do is to work around how to balance the added benefits the skins will give, especially because the champs might have synergies and relics that might make them too broken.
3. Like what I said in one of my comments and included in #2, maybe we can make skins like relics but only for a specific champ? Like one of those spider-man games where using a certain skin upgrades your champ. They can make unique crystals for skins that needs their own unique shards. They can add these crystals in bundles or offers and include shards as rewards in certain game modes like what's already being done with relics.
Maybe skins would be like a stat boost, type of thing. They are obtained via challenges done with said character. U obtain the skin, and the skin can boost you up a little bit.
A little extra HP, attack, combat power rate, (like 5 to 10% ish maybe) (if it's a really cool and special skin, maybe all three but the challenge gotta be hard)
Maybe something like that. (and not every champ needs one), just some champs maybe with outdated models or for variants of that same champion that won't be added to the game.
Like the challenges gotta be challenging, but you can say reduce the requirements by a bit (not the whole thing )via units or something.
Maybe release a special skin in special events or something
It's possible, skins can be added into the game and be more than just a skin
Maybe skins would be like a stat boost, type of thing. They are obtained via challenges done with said character. U obtain the skin, and the skin can boost you up a little bit.
A little extra HP, attack, combat power rate, (like 5 to 10% ish maybe) (if it's a really cool and special skin, maybe all three but the challenge gotta be hard)
Maybe something like that. (and not every champ needs one), just some champs maybe with outdated models or for variants of that same champion that won't be added to the game.
Like the challenges gotta be challenging, but you can say reduce the requirements by a bit (not the whole thing )via units or something.
Maybe release a special skin in special events or something
It's possible, skins can be added into the game and be more than just a skin
Good ideas and I could see them happening! Don't forget though, skins need to be monetized in some way. It should help the game in a way.
It's possible, skins can be added into the game and be more than just a skin
In most games that's generally referred to as gear, and every time the subject of gear comes up the reaction to it tends to be something between negative and Night of the Living Dead.
1. Marvel. I am not an expert on Marvel licensing, but everything I've heard both on and off the record going back literally decades is that Marvel is far more protective of their character designs than, say, DC. I was actually amazed they signed off on Realm of Champions' customizability, but those were more unique characters and not their core IP. Players were not customizing Spider-Man, they were customizing a spider-like personal avatar. Maybe that was far enough away for them to not get hives. I did not play the game, but my understanding was that the customization of Marvel Heroes Online was very limited as well.
2. Development pipeline. Completely different people design the appearance of champions as do the powers and abilities of champions. Kabam has to balance those resources. You do not want your character artists just sitting around doing nothing because they have no champion to design, or vice versa, you don't want champion designs just sitting there waiting for character artists to design the look and appearance of them. So these two groups have to be at least roughly balanced around the relative workload. If, say, it took twice as long to design the appearance of a character as it does to design the abilities of a character, then you would want twice as many artists as champion abililty designers so that they could work roughly in lock step. Or vice versa if the workload was the other way around. Presumably, that is roughly balanced now. So who's going to design those skins? Every skin the art team designs is a whole new champion that doesn't get done, because you have to assume their schedule is mostly full right now. So you'd actually have to hire people just to do this. That's a big commitment to the decision to release skins. You probably can't just do it half heartedly.
3. Monetization. Everything in the game, for the most part, is monetized. Everything has to pay for its existence in the game, and it has to generate revenue for the business people who decide whether Kabam works on something new or not. How would you monetize skins? Is the playerbase going to accept monetization for customization options, or are they going to push back on another monetization stream? Is it worth making the people who want it happy, if you're going to be handing ammunition to the "Kabam is greedy" people? This sort of thing makes this not just a casual decision. It can have repercussions far beyond the small part of the game it directly impacts. Given that sort of risk, it might not be worth even opening that can of worms.
Despite all that, it could happen one day. But I think circumstances would have to change dramatically for it to become a serious possibility.
1. I'm not an expert in it either, but I mean, if they can get all these different characters in the game then it's reasonable to assume that they can also be used as skins right? Marvel even are the ones telling them whether to use the MCU or comic designs.
2. Really good point... well what if they release skins like how they release champs? They can update other champs in the games into being skins like how I said in my post, while they release a new skin for an already existing champ along with a completely new champ every month? It barely makes a difference I think. Half of the people designing the powers and abilities of champs are now going to design the added benefits of using the skins. Although the powers and abilities of skins will definitely be much easier than doing so for a whole new champ, what I imagine may take it more time and a struggle to do is to work around how to balance the added benefits the skins will give, especially because the champs might have synergies and relics that might make them too broken.
3. Like what I said in one of my comments and included in #2, maybe we can make skins like relics but only for a specific champ? Like one of those spider-man games where using a certain skin upgrades your champ. They can make unique crystals for skins that needs their own unique shards. They can add these crystals in bundles or offers and include shards as rewards in certain game modes like what's already being done with relics.
A little extra HP, attack, combat power rate, (like 5 to 10% ish maybe) (if it's a really cool and special skin, maybe all three but the challenge gotta be hard)
Maybe something like that. (and not every champ needs one), just some champs maybe with outdated models or for variants of that same champion that won't be added to the game.
Like the challenges gotta be challenging, but you can say reduce the requirements by a bit (not the whole thing )via units or something.
Maybe release a special skin in special events or something
It's possible, skins can be added into the game and be more than just a skin