Winter of Woe... You will all agree with this.



  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    What else we can do. It is kabam. They come up with the 5 energy per node idea. Weather the community is happy or sad. They don't care.

    I am just spending full energy for practice and then throw my revive which is already in stash to get this over with.

    Please guys Applaud for Kevin he smartly designed this quest. Fight is really fun if you enjoy it and throw revives complete the objectives. That's what kabam wants us to do.

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  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    They don't want the fight to be something that you can just memorize a rhythm after a hundred practice runs. They specifically want to reward players who can learn a fight under fire, whereas low to zero energy costs disincentivize that in favor of restarting until you get the perfect run.

    Then they failed miserably.
    This fight is basically
    Doing the fight with She hulk (which is the most viable option right now)

    1. Get him to an SP1, bait, heavy, standup intercept in the corner
    2. Repeat 1 until you have an SP2 to drop
    3. Drop the SP2 and start with step 1 again.

    That's it, that's the fight.
    Hope the AI works with you on the intercepts because if you get hit, you're probably dead.

    Restart and hope you have a better run next time which is pretty much identical to "restarting until you get the perfect run"
    Definite fail if they wanted something free-flowing and dynamic where we have to react to cues and spacing and change it up as needed.

    With the best options and everything going your way, this fight is
    Watch clocks. Chip-chip-chunk. Watch clocks. Chip-chip-chunk. Anyone Dead? If not, Repeat.

  • GaborrrrrGaborrrrr Member Posts: 28
    This is the least fun content ever. So many issues, the energy cost doesn't make sense, the AI is absolutely terrible and as a Valiant the fight is just way to hard. I´ll pass on this whole content and rewards and try to find something fun in the game, although is increasingly hard to do so lately.
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,285 ★★★★★
    edited February 2024

  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 412 ★★★

    You can't revive farm anymore. What are you doing with all the energy refills you get?

    Seorously?.. You can't possibly be defending a 5 energy tile on "Everest" content...
    They talked about it in the livestream. The reasoning is fine. It doesn't bother me one bit that it's 5. It's 2 nodes and TB 3.1/2 are 5 each. I don't really see the big deal.
    I am doing my best to be constructive here and not be accused of personal attacks. So I’ll just say your reasoning is suspect at best. Theres really no comparison in wasting refills “testing” content and completing EQ. Find another hill to die on.
    There's plenty to not like about this fight. The energy doesn't bother me.
    New day and a new comedy show from DemonzFyre.
    When the consensus agrees that the amount of energy needed for such hard content is too much, I think you really have to try very hard to find the logic deep within you to oppose something like this.
    Kabam all the jokes and ranting aside, what are you trying to do with the 5 energy ? Nerf revives, BS war tactics in which you EXPECT people to die and now this clown show, but okay alright lets just let the people practise it out with different champs...naah, we will put a high energy gate to this stuff so that we again use units lol.
    You are making it very easy to convince myself to quit being competitive in this game and ignore all this BS changes/content right now.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    edited February 2024
    One major thing I have against this fight is AbsMan is the most passive pos I've seen until he gets the unstoppable then he just keeps swinging. I spent 30 seconds dancing with the guy trying to land a strike one fight before I died to brute force, because all he did for legitimately 35-40 seconds was back off, block, repeat.

    Having AI that passive, with unstoppable, with brute force and with I believe 0 robot counters that both healblocks and slow built in, it's rough. Sandman was easy, Hulk was semi-bad but robot is just a god awful objective unless you want to brute force with a 7* guilly 2099 if you were lucky enough to get her.

    10 energy is an atrocious decision but luckily I'm sat on around 70 refills because I dont play the game 😂
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★

    Great observation. I was a sop attempt to get the solo person too. Even after I'd completed the objectives. I know so many that were.

    This is specifically designed to push you to revive through frustration *because you fear running out of energy*, rather than see if you can out skill it and throw revives at the challenge because the skill gap is too large.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,687 ★★★★

    You can't revive farm anymore. What are you doing with all the energy refills you get?

    Seorously?.. You can't possibly be defending a 5 energy tile on "Everest" content...
    They talked about it in the livestream. The reasoning is fine. It doesn't bother me one bit that it's 5. It's 2 nodes and TB 3.1/2 are 5 each. I don't really see the big deal.
    I am doing my best to be constructive here and not be accused of personal attacks. So I’ll just say your reasoning is suspect at best. Theres really no comparison in wasting refills “testing” content and completing EQ. Find another hill to die on.
    There's plenty to not like about this fight. The energy doesn't bother me.
    New day and a new comedy show from DemonzFyre.
    When the consensus agrees that the amount of energy needed for such hard content is too much, I think you really have to try very hard to find the logic deep within you to oppose something like this.
    Kabam all the jokes and ranting aside, what are you trying to do with the 5 energy ? Nerf revives, BS war tactics in which you EXPECT people to die and now this clown show, but okay alright lets just let the people practise it out with different champs...naah, we will put a high energy gate to this stuff so that we again use units lol.
    You are making it very easy to convince myself to quit being competitive in this game and ignore all this BS changes/content right now.
    I can confirm 1000% that being a non-competitive casual, these more-frequent hornets nest poop shows on the boards are far more entertaining to me than game content.

    The slippery slope here is that kabam's data now shows, from 2023 q4, that user engagement is way up on content that requires repeat revives, and that there's x amount of tolerance for it which results in y amount of revenue, all to get z percent closer to 7r3s. What number cruncher wouldn't go nuts for that strategy?

    Awful for competitive types, tho.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    edited February 2024
    The energy cost, if it continues, will be one of the worst decisions they've made in years.

    It sucks now, and it will really suck having to burn refills every 2 weeks all year.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    Did we get any confirmation about the wiggle room point for Valiants? I got the solo with Sandman, and I’m sure if the cards line up right I could land the solo or at least very close with She-Hulk (just waiting for level up to take mine to r3), but I’m hesitant on the Robot objective.

    I’ve got a 6r3 Warlock and a 7r1 G2099, but I’m hesitant to even attempt those, plus I’m focusing on EQ/SQ right now, so my energy is tied up.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★
    Ruwqiersa said:

    You can't revive farm anymore. What are you doing with all the energy refills you get?

    The entirety of TB EQ is about 1100 energy. If you use your full set of energy when you wake up and again when you go to bed, that’s done in 8 days, without being proactive about using energy in between, asking for help, or using refills
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