FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
edited December 2017 in General Discussion
If you are planning to buy the 4* crystal, for one dollar, with the 12 top-voted champions in it... who are you hoping for? Check your choice, and then post too! I can only include ten options in the poll. If you want Medusa, Kingpin, or Gwenpool... check that choice, and then post to say which one.


RiegelShrimkinsshingbabNoob_2yrsIndrick781bhuv9191CaptainnishantStefffSlux83Spity68Steverogers329Rednick69ThatsausageAdamdrt2006Monkey17288wookehPrimmer79Delta_14CoolGuy_McFlyFarinos 33 votes
ScnarfAlfa_PigeonHaji_Saabhumzah217CapWW2FrostyDeadbyrd9Fireballs5Chris_L_HJets44XillymanTonyStarkJackie2CokesSmirkyhJmoneysteckMaximumCrashCallmelaFleurJonrdz1Bullfighter77Isman1998 43 votes
Ghost Rider
Renegade_DoggyVossler77HQ101CrowegBuckeyeKPNarcuulItempasNexus_UY_Scuti_ASDF_Mr_mc_person34DTMelodicMetalZeSpecterEviscerator2021TheMarauder53Vulkan 15 votes
DNA3000GroundedWisdomVoluntarisStara99NevvBYarah_DahiledkatrylBitterSteelA_Noob_Is1Erza_ScarletTheSickmasterTheLazyKingThe_Greatest_Onevg2782FaustPublic_MenaceAxeCopFireNikoBravoNguyenDauSIlverProfessor 48 votes
Spiderman Enhanced
Madman_marvinShadTheManRotmgmoddyVdh2008GKainehurricantWhododo872danielmathcradlemanSirnoobsupermanMKZLeNoirFaineantDarkestDestroyerMr_PlatypusSMiller80AjavedWilljackson16stakShynight00Freakyd 91 votes
Ground_Round1ICRUSHYOUDEADmum_m2SCHNOOTSomeoneElseSac123_BUZZdog3000dr_neoMosephusHashirama1509AoChiNoSarantis 11 votes
ChadhoganFilmScorpionsuperman62512Crowsnd00101Ausdogg 6 votes
SkyR4GEGrimmbearvinniegainzStrhharayzzBrandonraps 7 votes
Titan_A97MarzGrooveIts_RohaNPropaganda83DarkZenTthunder2058cyp82Rich_RyderGruftyPrash1stMasterTroller42Orthodox86DarkArrow07BM670AshburnHulkSmaaashhJust2310ZeuDesNanimal79CurtleTurtle 26 votes
Medusa, Kingpin, or Gwenpool
RagamugginGunnerCableAnonymousBadroseDrOctavius2_2AgentOfSHIELDC4HunterSpeeds80Richardxr123TheSchwartzDandeli0nsHammerbro_64SkymastrCupidkhonshuGirthReddawg55 17 votes


  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    I chose Hulk. Why? I have Ghost Rider awakened. I have Archangel unawakened. I have a 4* generic awakening gem with Archangel's name on it. I have Hulk unawakened. If I can awaken my Hulk with this crystal, then I awaken Archangel with the gem. If I get any other hero from the crystal, then I awaken Archangel with the gem. So no matter what, I awaken Archangel on 12/10.

    Why don't I hope for Archangel, so I can save the gem? Because I don't have any other 4*s that are completely worthy of the gem. And I REALLY want my Hulk to be awakened also. If the crystal gives me Archangel... that's awesome... but then I would have to decide whether or not to use the gem on Hulk. I wouldn't necessarily regret doing that... but I would rather not.
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Chose the obvious Mephisto because it would be a sweet synergy addition to defense team in AW.
    Otherwise, it woud be Medusa op Kingpin. The rest I have.
  • Rogue42Rogue42 Member Posts: 1,006 ★★★
    Have Iceman, AA, Spark, and Hyperion all awakened. So anybody else would be fine. Have a skill awakening gem tucked away, so Gwenpool would be more than welcome.
  • Willjackson16Willjackson16 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    Spiderman Enhanced
    I wouldn’t mind any of them other than quake and Archangel don’t need them
  • Eviscerator2021Eviscerator2021 Member Posts: 128
    edited December 2017
    Ghost Rider
    I voted Ghost Rider because I've wanted him since I first started because I love his character and I'm always getting teased by his 4* in the PHC's but Hulk is right next to him because I have no 4* SC Champions out of the 16 I currently have and want at least one of every class (I have the Cosmic Curse right now as every other 4* I get is Cosmic).

    That being said I'll take any of them gladly except Mephisto. I suck with my 3* of him and to me he feels awkward to play.
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    edited December 2017
    Spiderman Enhanced
    Damage output, synergies, all his cool utilities and who doesn't want to watch spidey jump all over the screen?
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  • NguyenDauNguyenDau Member Posts: 248
    I hope for Spark, hyperion or mephisto.. cuz i dont have them..
    I bet i get one of the others cuz well its Kabam Luck i have
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,008 ★★★★★
    I'd take a Sparky as well, but I don't care. It'll roll where it rolls.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Spiderman Enhanced
    Nanimal79 wrote: »
    The only 2 I have duped are Hulk and AA, so I promise you I'm getting one of those two.

    This is pretty much how it will go down. Seems "random" means you always get what you DON'T need. Lol.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Mephisto, gr dupe, iceman dupe, kingpin, hype, medusa dupe, spark dupe all welcome to me.
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    II would also be fine with Mephisto
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  • AoChiNoSarantisAoChiNoSarantis Member Posts: 4
    So i voted for Star lord because i think he is an awesome champ that will help me get through some quests... I got a gem waiting to awaken him... I wouldnt mind getting sparky , awakening my AA or Hyperion.... Anybody knows when those crystals will become available??? Thanks
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Iceman dupe is what I want the most followed by mephisto, Medusa, and kingpin since I do t have those 3. I don’t want any other champ because I have the rest dupes already
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  • Riise81Riise81 Member Posts: 32
    Spiderman Enhanced
    I'm begging you kabam please not quake or star lord
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    AA, GR, or quake for me. Just want the sig levels. I don't want to awaken and level a new champ. Most others on the list I have duped but dont care about sig, or dont have and dont want to rank
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    AA is the only god tier 4* I don't have. I wouldn't be upset with sparky or mephisto though
  • JeepettiJeepetti Member Posts: 79
    Hyperion just because I need a good cosmic champ for once
  • SkySky Member Posts: 38
    Quake because 4* are the past and she is already sig 99. I'll take the 550 5* shards thank you.
  • AgentOfSHIELDAgentOfSHIELD Member Posts: 50
    Medusa, Kingpin, or Gwenpool
    Magik was the true #1 mystic
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Spiderman Enhanced
    Have a tech gem and 26 levels waiting for sparky. I need that spider!
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    I would be very happy with Star Lord, Stark Enhanced, AA, or Mephisto.

    I would be just happy with Gwen pool to dupe her.

    I would be pissed if I got any other champ, because I either have them, or don't want them.

    I'd quit if i got Kingpin
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Spiderman Enhanced
    I won't be disappointed, no matter which it is, because it's just a dollar. I could probaly put maybe Spark or Medusa to the best use the fastest. I was really wanting Doctor Voodoo to be one of the mystic options -- now that is a character I could have used. My Mystic is weakest because I actually don't enjoy using SW and DS is a shell of what he used to be
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,491 Guardian
    Mephisto, Sparky, Medusa, or Kingpin. They are the only ones I currently don't have.
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    Ghost Rider
    Ghostie, just have so many more of the others duped and ranked. Ally mate has a 550 Mephisto for defense. Second best option would be to dupe my Hulk so I can spend these science t4cc that just keep stacking up.
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