Now I don't mind her being a 7 star but she needs her awakened ability and a very high sig level. This would make me want to rank up a lower rarity of her instead,
You'll see that they're giving 2 7* SW in the rank rewards. That and with 7* sig stones probably coming soon I'm sure those top tier alliances can get her to max sig fairly quickly
Unfortunate that my favorite champ is locked behind top 10 alliance war ranks. But if an alliance places top 10 two seasons in a row there probably will be someone who ranks her.
Now I don't mind her being a 7 star but she needs her awakened ability and a very high sig level. This would make me want to rank up a lower rarity of her instead,
Oh I'm sure she'll pop up for the low price of 15000 units right before a whale holiday.
Now I don't mind her being a 7 star but she needs her awakened ability and a very high sig level. This would make me want to rank up a lower rarity of her instead, Thoughts?
I bought the awakening gem for her (6-Star); now I need to find sig stones and rank up gem. Alt account.
Kabam: "Scarlet Witch is way too powerful to release as a 6-star so we'll hold her back until the end." Also Kabam:
It's almost like time is a thing and a statement from 4 years ago may no longer be true today.
Which would make sense if the champion degraded in value over said time. Which she hasnt
I would be happy to have her because she is still good, but I will also say she is not that good, otherwise you will have seen many ascended 6-star SW, the reality is I saw very few people upgraded her to R5.
Also Kabam:
But if an alliance places top 10 two seasons in a row there probably will be someone who ranks her.
I hope we get a Wolverine 7* soon as well.
Alt account.
I wreck shop with a 6*