Already SOL in Magic Heist Solo Event?

Looking at Magic Heist solo event, I have 5 points, and there are 17 days left in the event. I wasn’t really sure how I was getting the points, but now realize it is from these new special daily objectives that I thought were just for the raffle for a 7 star. There are only 2 of these each day, so my 5 points plus 17x2 = 39 points… 1 short of the final reward milestone, which is a very significant reward. Am I already SOL on being able to complete the event and achieve the 4-5 rank up gem? If so, why was this event created with such stringent constraints? I am sure I am not the only player who had no idea they needed to be sure to complete a few arenas matches every day. I saw the duration of the event and the arena and assumed I had the 20ish days to grind and complete everything for it.
It's still the equivalent of one grace day because both objectives fill at 6 fights, so it's both or none on a single day.
But Ig I don't have to worry since my points are even
The magic heist related special objectives seem to have a queue limit of two, and every day one pops out for Paragon and one for Valiant, and if you do not do them before the next day you will lose the next one, much like Battlegrounds objectives work.
The requirements for the top tier reward are very stringent, but the reward itself is also extremely valuable. There are not many comparable analogs for such a reward to be acquirable easily. The actual effort itself is trivial; the difficulty comes from sustaining consistency in performing the objectives. It takes just a few minutes, and no one, no matter how busy, doesn’t have a free four or five minutes out of their day. They eat, they use the bathroom, they sleep. If a player fails to do this (and they were capable in the first place) they either forgot, which is 100% on them, or they chose not to dedicate the time which is also 100% on them, or they failed to check the requirements in the first place, which is arguably less on them if they were not primed to double check such things on the very first day of new content, but that is unfortunately unavoidable without giving enough grace days so as to make the effort required to get that reward too trivial to justify the reward value.
I hope there will be some opportunity to complete additional objectives besides the two per day we’re getting now. I don’t know any other content with rewards like this that screwed a player out of them just because the player didn’t know to do something the very first day it came out. It’s not that I wasn’t playing the game, it’s that I simply didn’t know I needed to be sure to do this one new, very easy thing every day.
A 4->5 rank up gem for just logging in every day and doing two rounds of arena is already astounding and unprecedented. Precisely how much easier do you believe such a reward should be?
As I said, I have some sympathy for the “first day” miss. But I don’t know how to resolve that in a way that would be reasonable for the value of the reward.
Harping on how easy it is to do the arenas every day is completely missing the point of this post. Everyone knows this and no one is claiming the task is too hard to complete. The issue is that it was not clear that this was an every day requirement to get the reward starting from the first day the content came out with near zero grace time. This is more stringent than any other event, especially for this type of high value reward.
I mean they put it in an in game email. It clearly says daily objectives and mentions the solo event. I want to empathize with people but come on. It was communicated to everyone who plays the game and it’s minimal effort for really nice rewards. It’s on you if you missed it.