Battleground = unfair



  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited March 2024
    Battlegrounds at times isn't fair, but not because cavaliers can face thronebreakers paragons and valiants. That's just part of matchmaking unfortunately. The unfair part is when drafting opts to give your opponent certain champions and opts to coincidentally leave out every counter option during your drafting phase, or having first pick every match, I wouldn't even say these are unfair as such, just poor design choices.

    At times it isn't even "strongest wins" or "most skilled wins" it's, who drafting favors more wins.
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Battlegrounds at times isn't fair, but not because cavaliers can face thronebreakers paragons and valiants. That's just part of matchmaking unfortunately. The unfair part is when drafting opts to give your opponent certain champions and opts to coincidentally leave out every counter option during your drafting phase, or having first pick every match, I wouldn't even say these are unfair as such, just poor design choices.

    At times it isn't even "strongest wins" or "most skilled wins" it's, who drafting favors more wins.

    That's also true
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    I wish battle grounds had a tier/bracket selector that based on the star lvl of the champions for example you play BG with 3stars champs you should be able to pick a tier/bracket that only for 3stars so by extension have the same for 4,5,6 and 7 stars as well. If we had this I would actually play BG not just in and lose on purpose with 1stars.

    Battlegrounds used to do this. It would match people based on the composition of the deck they constructed.

    The problem here was two fold. Although you might think this is fair compared to allowing players to fight with their full strength, it in effect "hid" the strength of the player. When everyone has the same roster, it comes down to knowledge, experience, and skill. Guess how well a player like me did with deck matching? Someone who has been here for nine years. Someone with full knowledge of the game mechanics, and a strong knowledge of how the champions work. Someone with at least decent twitch skills. I used to win ab out 75% of my matches just by building a 4* deck, because guess how experienced most of the players were who were using 4* decks.

    My win rate was never higher than when BG had deck matching. And the players who thought it would be much more fair if I couldn't use my higher rarity champs were wrong most of the time. Because I wasn't matching against Thronebreakers with 4* decks, I was matching against Uncollecteds with 4* decks. Players who just started a month ago. Players who had yet to even play every champ much less know how they all worked.

    I don't *ever* run into those players now, but I used to.
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited March 2024
    my idea.... instead of ban, we have to select 7 champs from our one by one .If I take one Champ from my deck then it's next opponent chance to take 1 from their.... vice versa. The decks shows like , all our champs , like showing to ban. That's helpful to deck when we face equal opponents with equal opportunity to select from our favourite Champs, counters etc.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,491 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Just do all of the content available to you. Build your roster. That’s what everyone ahead of you has done.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Just do all of the content available to you. Build your roster. That’s what everyone ahead of you has done.

    That's not a solution to an aspect of the game that includes Players from such a range of progression points. There's a huge gap between the lowest and the highest, and that gap grows every Season. You can't just leave the lowest in Bronze and tell them to kick rocks when they're being bashed around. Especially when you endorse Events that encourage them to play, as we have seen a number of months. That's just using them as sacrificial lambs.
    There's another cumulative issue, and that involves the structure. You must keep playing to maintain your momentum. Slack off or forego a Season, and you climb your way out of the lowest. Make it to the GC, and you start the Season in Plat among the very best.
    There are some work-arounds to it, like DNA's suggestion to wait until the last week, but even that is a bandaid solution, and all it does is freeze Players in a cycle of settling for SOME progress during the Season, but they never really get ahead in any kind of way over time. They miss out on 3/4 of a competition just to avoid total abandon.
    There are a number of issues to BGs, and I'm not convinced they're going to improve. I myself have gone from thoroughly enjoying and looking forward to them, to asking myself if I feel like bothering each Season. I'm afraid that desire is hard to reignite, no matter what the Rewards are. I have yet to care to go all out. When the stress far outweighs the Rewards and enjoyment, it loses its shine.
    In any event, you have to have some kind of system that encourages progress within that system. You can't beat them down at the door and tell them to go work on something else. That doesn't encourage people to keep trying. Not when the goal post keeps moving from Season to Season. You might as well limit it to the upper subset of Players because that's the only demographic that will feel it's even worth trying and unfortunately, the number of Players that care among them is lowering.
    I wish I had something more positive to say. I did at one point. This has gone the way of many things that only cater to the upper crust. Which is perfectly acceptable to create, if that's the goal. Just don't include lower Players for pecking purposes and tell them to "Git gud.". That won't last.
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Womp womp
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,589 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Sorry no prize for participation here, have to actually win 😘

    Just do all of the content available to you. Build your roster. That’s what everyone ahead of you has done.

    *Gasp* that'll mean I actually have to do hard content?
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,589 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Mayavi said:

    my idea.... instead of ban, we have to select 7 champs from our one by one .If I take one Champ from my deck then it's next opponent chance to take 1 from their.... vice versa. The decks shows like , all our champs , like showing to ban. That's helpful to deck when we face equal opponents with equal opportunity to select from our favourite Champs, counters etc.

    Next BG complain post with title :-

    "Smh, BG isn't worth now, all my enemies are picking 7r3 Maestro, Dominos, onslaught and dust all the time."
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,589 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Just do all of the content available to you. Build your roster. That’s what everyone ahead of you has done.

    That's not a solution to an aspect of the game that includes Players from such a range of progression points. There's a huge gap between the lowest and the highest, and that gap grows every Season. You can't just leave the lowest in Bronze and tell them to kick rocks when they're being bashed around. Especially when you endorse Events that encourage them to play, as we have seen a number of months. That's just using them as sacrificial lambs.
    There's another cumulative issue, and that involves the structure. You must keep playing to maintain your momentum. Slack off or forego a Season, and you climb your way out of the lowest. Make it to the GC, and you start the Season in Plat among the very best.
    There are some work-arounds to it, like DNA's suggestion to wait until the last week, but even that is a bandaid solution, and all it does is freeze Players in a cycle of settling for SOME progress during the Season, but they never really get ahead in any kind of way over time. They miss out on 3/4 of a competition just to avoid total abandon.
    There are a number of issues to BGs, and I'm not convinced they're going to improve. I myself have gone from thoroughly enjoying and looking forward to them, to asking myself if I feel like bothering each Season. I'm afraid that desire is hard to reignite, no matter what the Rewards are. I have yet to care to go all out. When the stress far outweighs the Rewards and enjoyment, it loses its shine.
    In any event, you have to have some kind of system that encourages progress within that system. You can't beat them down at the door and tell them to go work on something else. That doesn't encourage people to keep trying. Not when the goal post keeps moving from Season to Season. You might as well limit it to the upper subset of Players because that's the only demographic that will feel it's even worth trying and unfortunately, the number of Players that care among them is lowering.
    I wish I had something more positive to say. I did at one point. This has gone the way of many things that only cater to the upper crust. Which is perfectly acceptable to create, if that's the goal. Just don't include lower Players for pecking purposes and tell them to "Git gud.". That won't last.
    Wait till you go through ranking system of DotA and csgo πŸ’€

    Ranking system in nutshell is, high ranks = hard fights. I still don't understand entitlement of, "I want to be placed high but don't want to face hard competition 😒"

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  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 457 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Ortoun said:

    Ortoun said:

    I think the vt should only match you with rosters similar to your own, but if you go in the GC it’s fair game, at least give low tier players the chance for the exclusive emote each month and basic milestone rewards, still would be challenging, just not β€œunfair”

    Then it would be unfair for all the people with big rosters that are always fighting against others with the same, since you need 3 to 5 victories in a row to advance at the higher VT tiers, average player vs average player, you get 50% win rate and stagnate forever. Like it or not, roster strength/depth is part of this game mode. It's more unfair to penalize tb/paragon that can advance as far as they otherwise could because they are against nothing but whale decks then it is to not subsidize uc/cav players by giving them nothing but easy match ups. It should be open competition top to bottom. Seeding should make it more fair over time as bigger accounts should then always start higher and give the smaller ones the chance to climb as far as their skill and roster allows, but there is no reason those uc/cav accounts should be making gc when equally or more skilled tb/paragons endlessly trade wins in the lower ranks.
    That’s pretty silly, if you have a massive roster and you’re facing someone similar and lose you either aren’t great or got unlucky drafts, if you literally can’t compete cause your defenders have half the HP as your opponents and opponents have the same champs you do a rank or 2 higher ascended then it’s not difficult it’s impossible even if you’re a great player, you don’t struggle to get the 5 wins in a row you struggle to get a win at all
    We've already seen it your way, that's how it was for a while, and everyone hated it because low amounts were cruising to gc because they didn't face any big amounts until platinum, while all but the best of the best of tb and paragon were slugging it out trying to get past gold. Over time the big accounts will win and move on and then the better of the lower accounts will as well. That is as fair a system as you are going to get, moreover, it's as fair as you should have it.
    Except recently even if you wait till the last day of the vt the beefy valiants haven’t moved on, could just be that specific meta but your perspective of β€œjust wait and it’ll be easier” is also not very helpful for people who have no other modes they like to play left undone and don’t feel like being overtly competitive.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Should I complain as a Valiant that I got wrecked by some super stacked rosters that were bigger than mine?

    I mean I have 2 r3, 2 r2 and about 5 r5 in my deck, so I should complain that I'm getting matched with players who have a roster full of r2, r3, r5 and all the newest champs?

    That's how it works, right, just whine about it? Lol.
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    GrO_ot78 said:

    It's not BG anymore, it's Valiants Ground.

    Paragon, 4.6 million account, 4 R5s, 2 ascended R4s, the rest R4s or 7R1....normally in the GC, but last season I didn't even get to vib3. I was stuck in D1 for 3 weeks, no matter what time of the day I played, I ended up running into Valiant's accounts. The difference is too big for skills to decide the fight in my favor. I lost many fights by +/- 1000 points. Then it's not skills, but the 20%+ a Valiant account has extra in both attack and defense that decides.

    There is a lot Kabam can do to change things and make it playable for everyone. Start by placing Valiant accounts in Vib3 at the start of the season, regardless of previous season placement. Then you remove 95% of Paragon and lower's frustration.

    Or remove everyone below Valiant from BG and just call it Valiant Grounds…

    True πŸ’―
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Should I complain as a Valiant that I got wrecked by some super stacked rosters that were bigger than mine?

    I mean I have 2 r3, 2 r2 and about 5 r5 in my deck, so I should complain that I'm getting matched with players who have a roster full of r2, r3, r5 and all the newest champs?

    That's how it works, right, just whine about it? Lol.

    I'm saying this thing. If you're a valiant..... For valiant players it's easy against a cavalier, tb, players in Bg. But for a cavalier, tb players Match against paragon and valiant players it's a beyond hope. I agree if the cavalier and tb reach till platinum 1 that's they are already set , a cavalier can't reach platinum 1 and I'm experienced so many times in bg. After reaching plat 1 ... opponents match comes with a I easily defeated. But this season, I faced this problem till bronze 1...are they want only valiant battle ground and all under paragon quit the game?
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    @Mayavi alot of people have stopped pushing BG's the last 2-3 months, hence why you're seeing these stacked accts in lower tiers.

    It sucks, but give it a bit and they'll likely be gone.
  • IamnikeIamnike Member Posts: 277 β˜…β˜…
    Welcome to the real world, get ready to grind buddy.
  • AcidBurn404AcidBurn404 Member Posts: 364 β˜…β˜…
    That’s exactly why I quit battlegrounds beyond diamond
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,589 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Cavs should be blaming Kabam for lack of rewards, there's nothing to chase in BG, that little shop buff does nothing.
    If solo, ally milestones and rank rewards get a buff, bigger accounts will immediately start to grind and reach higher tiers on first week.

    But Kabam insists on giving same rewards since the debut of battlegrounds πŸ˜ƒ
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Sometimes it does not help that you are Valiant, and have bought both Bullseye and Onslought...πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘»

  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited March 2024
    GrO_ot78 said:

    Sometimes it does not help that you are Valiant, and have bought both Bullseye and Onslought...πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘»

    That Bullseye and Onslaught are both unawakened. Any Valiant worth their salt who purchased either of those champs would’ve already had them awakened, max sig, and r5 at the least. Probably ascended to boot.

    You weren’t fighting the type of person people complain about. Someone probably just got those champs from the featured crystal the other day.
  • o_oo_o Member Posts: 840 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Mayavi said:

    my idea.... instead of ban, we have to select 7 champs from our one by one .If I take one Champ from my deck then it's next opponent chance to take 1 from their.... vice versa. The decks shows like , all our champs , like showing to ban. That's helpful to deck when we face equal opponents with equal opportunity to select from our favourite Champs, counters etc.

    bold of you to... ah never mind
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    Mayavi said:

    Should I complain as a Valiant that I got wrecked by some super stacked rosters that were bigger than mine?

    I mean I have 2 r3, 2 r2 and about 5 r5 in my deck, so I should complain that I'm getting matched with players who have a roster full of r2, r3, r5 and all the newest champs?

    That's how it works, right, just whine about it? Lol.

    I'm saying this thing. If you're a valiant..... For valiant players it's easy against a cavalier, tb, players in Bg. But for a cavalier, tb players Match against paragon and valiant players it's a beyond hope. I agree if the cavalier and tb reach till platinum 1 that's they are already set , a cavalier can't reach platinum 1 and I'm experienced so many times in bg. After reaching plat 1 ... opponents match comes with a I easily defeated. But this season, I faced this problem till bronze 1...are they want only valiant battle ground and all under paragon quit the game?
    If that happens, my Cavalier alt will get into GC by default. So by all means, go ahead.

    That's not going to happen of course, specifically for that reason.

    In some sense, we get what we deserve. The question is, are there enough adults in the room that want actual competition. If the answer is yes, the mode will survive with them in it. If there aren't, then the mode will ultimately die, and if we have to hand players victories or they will quit, we as a playerbase don't deserve a competitive game mode like Battlegrounds or any of the rewards in it.
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 β˜…β˜…β˜…

  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Mayavi said:

    What's the issue?
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Mayavi said:

    What's the issue?
    Check my and opposite roster
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,183 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Mayavi said:

    Mayavi said:

    What's the issue?
    Check my and opposite roster
    Check your picks.. u gave him the match regardless...
  • WarlockjrWarlockjr Member Posts: 811 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Schnoodle said:

    likely because nobody played last season. everyone’s starting in lower ranks. give it a week to filter out all the higher tier players.

    me after not playing since season 3...(it wasn't fun during that time)
    now since the node is easier i can do it pretty well with my r4s and future r5 plus 4 7*s(great attackers and defenders)
    I managed to have a 24-5 record atm and 2-1 with friendlys.
    I'm platinum 3 rn and plan to get a few more wins then be done for the season cuz i have no interest being in gc
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