8.3 is a breeze with less lanes and more fun nodes. Pretty much any champion with odin buffs destroys cerastes. Recommend watching mcoc noob or some other guide on the fight in general
8.3 is a breeze with less lanes and more fun nodes. Pretty much any champion with odin buffs destroys cerastes. Recommend watching mcoc noob or some other guide on the fight in general
I mean you don't need odin buffs at all. My R4 guilly easily soloed him for the deathless challenge, so kinda may as well use that team as you're doing act 8 anyway so you don't have to re-run it.
Thx guys, gonna push act 8 today. For someone who did 7.4.6 kang in 2 teams and a single, and scytalis in maybe two teams and some singles, how many units should I save for cerastes
Cerastes is way easier then either of the other 2 bosses, also a lot more fun. After you get him down once, you should be able to solo, or near solo him the other 2 times you need to fight him. I will reiterate how good Gorr is for him, his regen can keep you in the fight a lot longer then you might otherwise be able to.
Sersi is my favorite cerastes counter. Really anyone with Odin prefights can do that fight easily though.
Sersi is probably your favorite rintrah counter lmao
Nah, I dont use Sersi in dumb matchups like that. Cassie and Silk are way better counters to mystics. Just because I love a champion doesn't mean I'll intentionally use them in really bad matchups.
Hat tip to Mcnoob.