I know you can dex dani 's sp2, but is dani's sp2 punishable? I never tried it? Were you able to dodge in immediately after her sp2 and attack her? In that case, the fight will be more easier I believe.
Yes 100% punishable, she has a cooldown so you can dash in safely, did it on all three objectives, never got clipped.
Yo this Dani fight is tougher than hulking lol I just became paragon yesterday did the hulking fight with cgr had to use a revive I would consider it not bad for my first woe fight but Dani is in another level altogether that sp2 sucks . If missed a single dex then it’s KO.
Havent done the fight yet but heard the window of time you have for dexing it is pretty small; that you have to be spot on. Hope its not the case since dropped inputs are a thing
It's not that small, it's just the timing for the first hit. For example when you dex Korg's sp1, his foot is your cue to dex. Here you don't really have anything to anticipate the first barrage cause she starts firing at you immediately as soon as she pulls out the assault rifle. However if you can get the timing right for the first one, the second barrage is easy to time cause she crouches right before she fires (that's when you dex) and the final arrow hit is almost instant so it's also easy to dex. If you can dex the first barrage then you've pretty much good to go, that's the hardest part.
For the last part, i think the cue is right when she reloads, but yeah first part is the hard part.
i know some people were blocking the first hit and dexing the rest so that makes sense. I have issues dexing korgs sp1 when i rely on the foot thing personally. I think it might be that im swiping with my left hand and it registers as a block, instead of most people swiping with their right thumb
Pretty much yes that's when you have to dex, I use sound more than visuals for that part personally so I don't pay much attention to it.
Definitely try to switch to right thumb when dexing if possible, I used to do it with my left one when I first started playing and it can screw you up sometimes plus it's easier to react when you're using both thumbs rather than one.
Fun fact: I had laser surgery on my left eye today so I've been wearing a patch all day. The fight looked so fun I went in regardless, screw the pain, Kabam give us more fights like this one please and thank you 🙃
One of the exclusive objectives was actually to beat her after laser eye surgery. Glad you could get that one done, it’s going to be a lot tougher for the rest of us
@Kabam Miike@Kabam Jax where's my extra point for beating WoW Dani after laser eye surgery with a patch on my left eye?
@Emilia90 if you get an eye patch it isn't too bad, if you don't you can only use one hand cause you have to cover you eye with the other one so I highly advice you get one 🙂
I don’t think I’m as good as you, I’ll probably skip this one 😭
Well, I give coaching lessons on weekends for free 😂
I’m in. Throughout heaven and earth I alone will be the trained one
This the first time I did all solo for objectives not because it was easy but was damn interesting, Didn't mind spending a few refills for energy but I really enjoyed myself hats of to whoever designed this fight.
Yo this Dani fight is tougher than hulking lol I just became paragon yesterday did the hulking fight with cgr had to use a revive I would consider it not bad for my first woe fight but Dani is in another level altogether that sp2 sucks . If missed a single dex then it’s KO.
Havent done the fight yet but heard the window of time you have for dexing it is pretty small; that you have to be spot on. Hope its not the case since dropped inputs are a thing
It's not that small, it's just the timing for the first hit. For example when you dex Korg's sp1, his foot is your cue to dex. Here you don't really have anything to anticipate the first barrage cause she starts firing at you immediately as soon as she pulls out the assault rifle. However if you can get the timing right for the first one, the second barrage is easy to time cause she crouches right before she fires (that's when you dex) and the final arrow hit is almost instant so it's also easy to dex. If you can dex the first barrage then you've pretty much good to go, that's the hardest part.
For the last part, i think the cue is right when she reloads, but yeah first part is the hard part.
i know some people were blocking the first hit and dexing the rest so that makes sense. I have issues dexing korgs sp1 when i rely on the foot thing personally. I think it might be that im swiping with my left hand and it registers as a block, instead of most people swiping with their right thumb
Pretty much yes that's when you have to dex, I use sound more than visuals for that part personally so I don't pay much attention to it.
Definitely try to switch to right thumb when dexing if possible, I used to do it with my left one when I first started playing and it can screw you up sometimes plus it's easier to react when you're using both thumbs rather than one.
The problem i have with dexing with right thumb is that in case i mistime a dex, I’ll take a hit to the face . But with left handed dexing , if it registers as a block instead of dex , then at least it’ll just be block damage. Unless you somehow always hold block with your left thumb while dexing with right, cause that seems counterintuitive to wrap my brain around
Yo this Dani fight is tougher than hulking lol I just became paragon yesterday did the hulking fight with cgr had to use a revive I would consider it not bad for my first woe fight but Dani is in another level altogether that sp2 sucks . If missed a single dex then it’s KO.
Havent done the fight yet but heard the window of time you have for dexing it is pretty small; that you have to be spot on. Hope its not the case since dropped inputs are a thing
It's not that small, it's just the timing for the first hit. For example when you dex Korg's sp1, his foot is your cue to dex. Here you don't really have anything to anticipate the first barrage cause she starts firing at you immediately as soon as she pulls out the assault rifle. However if you can get the timing right for the first one, the second barrage is easy to time cause she crouches right before she fires (that's when you dex) and the final arrow hit is almost instant so it's also easy to dex. If you can dex the first barrage then you've pretty much good to go, that's the hardest part.
For the last part, i think the cue is right when she reloads, but yeah first part is the hard part.
i know some people were blocking the first hit and dexing the rest so that makes sense. I have issues dexing korgs sp1 when i rely on the foot thing personally. I think it might be that im swiping with my left hand and it registers as a block, instead of most people swiping with their right thumb
My cues are: when the ar aims at you, when she kneels, when the mag hits the ground
Fun fact: I had laser surgery on my left eye today so I've been wearing a patch all day. The fight looked so fun I went in regardless, screw the pain, Kabam give us more fights like this one please and thank you 🙃
One of the exclusive objectives was actually to beat her after laser eye surgery. Glad you could get that one done, it’s going to be a lot tougher for the rest of us
@Kabam Miike@Kabam Jax where's my extra point for beating WoW Dani after laser eye surgery with a patch on my left eye?
@Emilia90 if you get an eye patch it isn't too bad, if you don't you can only use one hand cause you have to cover you eye with the other one so I highly advice you get one 🙂
I don’t think I’m as good as you, I’ll probably skip this one 😭
Well, I give coaching lessons on weekends for free 😂
I’m in. Throughout heaven and earth I alone will be the trained one
Definitely well designed and by my second objective run I had fully learned the sp2 dex and was enjoying the challenge vs being tempted to smash my phone.
I just finished it out. No solo's but got her down to 10-20% twice (Gambit and Guilly 2099 1st try) so one revives each there. Used 2 each with r1 Deathless Guilly and r4 Photon.
I could have gotten solos but it ended up not being worth the energy and I only use revives in overflow. Good design.
I'm dreading going in with my 6r3 gully2099, should be a long fight and I don't have the patience to keep restarting trying for a solo, or anything that resembles a really good run, so I'm hoping I get a good chunk of her health off without dying, then go in with my sidekick "reviveman" to finish her off, lol
Chances are I'll restart a few times until I get a decent start (30/40% off) then just go for it.
I really gotta learn patience when it comes to this game.... 🥲
I love being able to share positive feedback with the game team! I've passed along this thread, and some of the specific comments to the humans working on this content!
Furthermore, thank you for being thorough and thoughtful in your feedback! This feels like it isn't a case of "we liked this because it was easy and we got great rewards" - which we see every so often. Thank you, Summoners!
Finally (and least importantly)... I think I just realized, for the first time, that we have both a @ItsClobberinTime and a @klobberintyme and they commented back-to-back and it's a lot for me to process before my morning coffee.
I love being able to share positive feedback with the game team! I've passed along this thread, and some of the specific comments to the humans working on this content!
Furthermore, thank you for being thorough and thoughtful in your feedback! This feels like it isn't a case of "we liked this because it was easy and we got great rewards" - which we see every so often. Thank you, Summoners!
Finally (and least importantly)... I think I just realized, for the first time, that we have both a @ItsClobberinTime and a @klobberintyme and they commented back-to-back and it's a lot for me to process before my morning coffee.
I think it's a very very well designed fight. It's challenging, it forces you to learn and improve at the game or you will be using unit man, there isn't any mechanic that feels like bs, it is a purely skill based fight where it's entirely in your hands and I think that's where content excels and where the challenging meets fun and skill
I love being able to share positive feedback with the game team! I've passed along this thread, and some of the specific comments to the humans working on this content!
Not only humans but any other creatures who worked on this content can be thanked as well, good initiative.
This is a great fight apart from the mighty avenger obj. Its either Photon who I don't have (I'm valiant and still can't pull her!) or maybe LC who I don't have ranked up.
I was looking forward to using Sam Wilson until he just dies without doing anything lol
This is a great fight apart from the mighty avenger obj. Its either Photon who I don't have (I'm valiant and still can't pull her!) or maybe LC who I don't have ranked up.
I was looking forward to using Sam Wilson until he just dies without doing anything lol
She hulk worked fine when I tested her out for fun. I heard blade isn't the worst either. The fight can be done with anyone (which is part of what makes it good) it might just take longer
I love being able to share positive feedback with the game team! I've passed along this thread, and some of the specific comments to the humans working on this content!
Furthermore, thank you for being thorough and thoughtful in your feedback! This feels like it isn't a case of "we liked this because it was easy and we got great rewards" - which we see every so often. Thank you, Summoners!
Finally (and least importantly)... I think I just realized, for the first time, that we have both a @ItsClobberinTime and a @klobberintyme and they commented back-to-back and it's a lot for me to process before my morning coffee.
This is a great fight apart from the mighty avenger obj. Its either Photon who I don't have (I'm valiant and still can't pull her!) or maybe LC who I don't have ranked up.
I was looking forward to using Sam Wilson until he just dies without doing anything lol
She hulk worked fine when I tested her out for fun. I heard blade isn't the worst either. The fight can be done with anyone (which is part of what makes it good) it might just take longer
blade and any skill champ is worse because Dani apply her neuroshock on launch against skill champs
Next challenge, power focus 1 Nick Fury . Unblockable Apoc specials. Let's get these summoners hard dexing specials. All jokes aside, I didn't know her sp2 was dexable until I was done with the challenges. After practicing on my own duels, the satisfaction was through the roof. I can't imagine the euphoria you get dexing it during the WoW fight itself for the first time. This made the guilly objective even more reasonable than when I first saw it, plus how easy it is to side step Dani. And I'm not saying all this is easy, but it's an appropriate learning curve, and skills the summoners are getting out of this fight will be useful in many areas of the game and future content.
I love being able to share positive feedback with the game team! I've passed along this thread, and some of the specific comments to the humans working on this content!
Furthermore, thank you for being thorough and thoughtful in your feedback! This feels like it isn't a case of "we liked this because it was easy and we got great rewards" - which we see every so often. Thank you, Summoners!
Finally (and least importantly)... I think I just realized, for the first time, that we have both a @ItsClobberinTime and a @klobberintyme and they commented back-to-back and it's a lot for me to process before my morning coffee.
I'm dreading going in with my 6r3 gully2099, should be a long fight and I don't have the patience to keep restarting trying for a solo, or anything that resembles a really good run, so I'm hoping I get a good chunk of her health off without dying, then go in with my sidekick "reviveman" to finish her off, lol
Chances are I'll restart a few times until I get a decent start (30/40% off) then just go for it.
I really gotta learn patience when it comes to this game.... 🥲
It was almost a 7 minute fight for me but r3 6* can definitely get the solo with enough practice, I got it on my tenth try lol Just spam sp1 and keep her cornered, don't use any pre-fights so you can power drain her a lot. If you keep her cornered and hold block for a split second when you drop sp1 and knock her down, she'll dash in at you and it's really easy to intercept, if you do get clipped the cloak can save you sometimes so even then no big deal. If you do it like this you won't have to dex that many sp2s.
I'm dreading going in with my 6r3 gully2099, should be a long fight and I don't have the patience to keep restarting trying for a solo, or anything that resembles a really good run, so I'm hoping I get a good chunk of her health off without dying, then go in with my sidekick "reviveman" to finish her off, lol
Chances are I'll restart a few times until I get a decent start (30/40% off) then just go for it.
I really gotta learn patience when it comes to this game.... 🥲
It was almost a 7 minute fight for me but r3 6* can definitely get the solo with enough practice, I got it on my tenth try lol Just spam sp1 and keep her cornered, don't use any pre-fights so you can power drain her a lot. If you keep her cornered and hold block for a split second when you drop sp1 and knock her down, she'll dash in at you and it's really easy to intercept, if you do get clipped the cloak can save you sometimes so even then no big deal. If you do it like this you won't have to dex that many sp2s.
I will definitely give it a shot with her, I'm just not the most patient player ever, sooooo, hoping I can get into a rhythm and get her down.
If I get focused and am in a rhythm I do pretty good, like with wow absman when I went in with sandman, so I will definitely try this method rather than the reviveman method, lol
Furthermore, thank you for being thorough and thoughtful in your feedback! This feels like it isn't a case of "we liked this because it was easy and we got great rewards" - which we see every so often. Thank you, Summoners!
I liked it bcz it was easy and I pulled 7* cheel from the Titan.
Agreed! This is the kind of challenge I like. It requires me to put in some thought and effort, but it’s great because I KNOW I can do this fight. So I have motivation to work for it to achieve it. And it feels good when you achieve it.
I hate how her AI behaves, and that’s been the most frustrating point for me.
Definitely try to switch to right thumb when dexing if possible, I used to do it with my left one when I first started playing and it can screw you up sometimes plus it's easier to react when you're using both thumbs rather than one.
The problem i have with dexing with right thumb is that in case i mistime a dex, I’ll take a hit to the face . But with left handed dexing , if it registers as a block instead of dex , then at least it’ll just be block damage. Unless you somehow always hold block with your left thumb while dexing with right, cause that seems counterintuitive to wrap my brain around
I could have gotten solos but it ended up not being worth the energy and I only use revives in overflow. Good design.
I'm dreading going in with my 6r3 gully2099, should be a long fight and I don't have the patience to keep restarting trying for a solo, or anything that resembles a really good run, so I'm hoping I get a good chunk of her health off without dying, then go in with my sidekick "reviveman" to finish her off, lol
Chances are I'll restart a few times until I get a decent start (30/40% off) then just go for it.
I really gotta learn patience when it comes to this game.... 🥲
I love being able to share positive feedback with the game team! I've passed along this thread, and some of the specific comments to the humans working on this content!
Furthermore, thank you for being thorough and thoughtful in your feedback! This feels like it isn't a case of "we liked this because it was easy and we got great rewards" - which we see every so often. Thank you, Summoners!
Finally (and least importantly)... I think I just realized, for the first time, that we have both a @ItsClobberinTime and a @klobberintyme and they commented back-to-back and it's a lot for me to process before my morning coffee.
I was looking forward to using Sam Wilson until he just dies without doing anything lol
Just spam sp1 and keep her cornered, don't use any pre-fights so you can power drain her a lot. If you keep her cornered and hold block for a split second when you drop sp1 and knock her down, she'll dash in at you and it's really easy to intercept, if you do get clipped the cloak can save you sometimes so even then no big deal. If you do it like this you won't have to dex that many sp2s.
If I get focused and am in a rhythm I do pretty good, like with wow absman when I went in with sandman, so I will definitely try this method rather than the reviveman method, lol
I hate how her AI behaves, and that’s been the most frustrating point for me.