Can't enter a fight anymore

So I downloaded the patch and; as usual, jumped right into the MODOK's lab. Got this as soon as I jumped into the first fight

I re-load the game and I get this

I hit "Fight" and it gives the error message again. and it loops. I was basically soft locked out of the game. I managed to get passed the re-fight menu after rebooting my phone and jumped into the story mission and I got the same error message. I can't enter a fight at all. What the heck guys?!

I re-load the game and I get this

I hit "Fight" and it gives the error message again. and it loops. I was basically soft locked out of the game. I managed to get passed the re-fight menu after rebooting my phone and jumped into the story mission and I got the same error message. I can't enter a fight at all. What the heck guys?!
I'm sorry you're running into this issue. Can you please contact support with this matter so we can check into it properly? You can contact them by selecting the gear icon in the upper left corner of the main MCOC screen. From there select 'Support'.
So what it happens on isn't even consistent? Wow.. they really screwed up this time didn't they?
Before contacting support, please make sure your game is up to date with the latest version.
I have contacted support. I'd love for you to figure this out because it's hard to play the game when I can't access the MAIN part of the freaking game.
costy, you don,t do anything with the case number. It is just merely a number. Im having problems with my account too, but i have good relationships with my alliance, so they understand. You should tell your alliance about whats happening and why you cant play.