Do we want more rankdowntickets?

Bondor16Bondor16 Member Posts: 31

Do we want more rankdowntickets? 193 votes

Feeney234Onassys1causticSyndicatedHellboyy9999EthanusmcMoeyTehr돌껑이Jyoung1Dromar_13Veer4_0WillsilverMilan1405Adrianz1BeastDadnoregrets100Musha27FinalfurykDanish0528Birbman 40 votes
Erza_ScarletTalha305RajaxNigSecondSkrillerzuffyDragmirephillgreenVegeta9001ProxFoxhero007FrankWhitehydrogohardCropDusterReinaUsquebathpuretexan_23Zuko_ILCScopeotoe987DeNeDieSavageBreaker69 54 votes
GamerMqc19CassyCaptainaidenBroe1313GridarRayven5220sxlbstverliebtPandingoLordSmasherJava_JunkieItsClobberinTimeTheSaithFerahgoMackeysherin_66TheholyplungerCoach_G1MadGodOryxSiggMan 28 votes
No, I’m bundling sticks
GroundedWisdomPantherusNZBendycaptaincushShadowstrikefrodo2377GmonkeyCyborgNinja135Ackbar67Wicket329KerneasClynevaGrootman1294OurobørosRookiieThaDevilSagacious0wlAyden_noah1OGAvengerMoghazy 56 votes
Would be nice
ZENChovnerMaverick75Aomine_Daiki10Batman1234Greed_ExodusJefechutadee_jay5xp21Priyabratan00bmaster69_Rick87_MasterAjj_jj_9Asphyxia 15 votes


  • puretexan_23puretexan_23 Member Posts: 30
    Yes, definitely would like to rank down some 6*s.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    I voted for the memes and nothing more
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,354 ★★★★★
    Rankup tickets in CAPS would be cool too
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Would be nice
    I don't regret any of my rank ups though.
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,028 ★★★★
    Why would you get a rank down ticket?

    I just don't understand why you think we should get them at this time.

    If you regret a rankup, that's on you.

    But rank materials are all over the place in the game right now. So easy to get a 6R4 these days

    Surely you didnt waste T6CC on 6R5, 7R2 or 7R3... right?
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,679 ★★★★★
    No, I’m bundling sticks
    Gimme your sticks.
  • Baron427Baron427 Member Posts: 109
    No, I’m bundling sticks
    Outside of them nerfing someone into the ground after you've spent your resources, why would you ever get them back? Same people that think loans should be forgiven lmao
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★
    No, I’m bundling sticks
    I don't care about game balance, but I stand behind my rankup decisions
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,564 ★★★★★
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,180 ★★★★
    Valiant rank up of attuma was regrettable but no. Ranking down 6 stars wouldn't do much either nor have any traction. And there hasn't been a super valid reason to get rank downs recently.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    imagine popping a 7 star onslaught from a titan right after r5 ascended his 6 star one
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 398 ★★★
    I'd probably rank down some six stars from rank 5 to get the class cats back.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,679 ★★★★★
    No, I’m bundling sticks
    Jack2634 said:

    imagine popping a 7 star onslaught from a titan right after r5 ascended his 6 star one

    lol I took 6* Black Cat and Mojo to r5 like two days before they were announced as 7*s (I’ve since pulled Black Cat but not Mojo). I also ascended my r4 Shang Chi for war a couple seasons ago and have since pulled and duped the 7*, AND I r5’d Iron Man for war that same season and pulled him from a Titan.

    Stop the ride, I wanna get off.
  • Bondor16Bondor16 Member Posts: 31
    A_Fungi said:

    Why would you get a rank down ticket?

    I just don't understand why you think we should get them at this time.

    If you regret a rankup, that's on you.

    But rank materials are all over the place in the game right now. So easy to get a 6R4 these days

    Surely you didnt waste T6CC on 6R5, 7R2 or 7R3... right?

    Why rankdowntickets?
    Maybe because as soon as you asscend a 5*, you get him 6*. You should get double rankdowntickets for that.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Jack2634 said:

    imagine popping a 7 star onslaught from a titan right after r5 ascended his 6 star one

    lol I took 6* Black Cat and Mojo to r5 like two days before they were announced as 7*s (I’ve since pulled Black Cat but not Mojo). I also ascended my r4 Shang Chi for war a couple seasons ago and have since pulled and duped the 7*, AND I r5’d Iron Man for war that same season and pulled him from a Titan.

    Stop the ride, I wanna get off.
    I was one of those who bought the 6r5 Iron Man gem offer. Then of course later I pull him from my second Titan batch in February, awaken him from V-Day offers, then get more sigs into him from special V-Day calendar crystal reward. Granted I love his new kit, but the 6r5 max sig just collects dust now lol
  • IggyPopIggyPop Member Posts: 76

    I don't see the point in Rank Down tickets when instead you could focus on getting more Rank Up materials. You can keep the Champ Ranked up and then Rank Up more Champions. Isn't that better than a Rank Down ticket?

    Not really, as you could have gotten that same champ at higher rarity and stop mid way investing into a lower one.
    For example: I would really like those 3 T6B and 3 T3A that I used to rank 4 my guardian, and then a week or so later got him as a 7* star. Albeit 6* awakened, but not max sit, I opted with advancing 7* star, for many obvious reasons that I’m not going to bother to list.
    So, yes, it would be nice to have a rank down ticket and possibility to get those “waisted” resources back.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,068 ★★★★★
    IggyPop said:

    I don't see the point in Rank Down tickets when instead you could focus on getting more Rank Up materials. You can keep the Champ Ranked up and then Rank Up more Champions. Isn't that better than a Rank Down ticket?

    Not really, as you could have gotten that same champ at higher rarity and stop mid way investing into a lower one.
    For example: I would really like those 3 T6B and 3 T3A that I used to rank 4 my guardian, and then a week or so later got him as a 7* star. Albeit 6* awakened, but not max sit, I opted with advancing 7* star, for many obvious reasons that I’m not going to bother to list.
    So, yes, it would be nice to have a rank down ticket and possibility to get those “waisted” resources back.
    Ok but what happens when they have content that only uses 6*? Like they did with variant 4? Then your gonna want that guardian ranked right back up. Just take the L and rank up both.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    IggyPop said:

    I don't see the point in Rank Down tickets when instead you could focus on getting more Rank Up materials. You can keep the Champ Ranked up and then Rank Up more Champions. Isn't that better than a Rank Down ticket?

    Not really, as you could have gotten that same champ at higher rarity and stop mid way investing into a lower one.
    For example: I would really like those 3 T6B and 3 T3A that I used to rank 4 my guardian, and then a week or so later got him as a 7* star. Albeit 6* awakened, but not max sit, I opted with advancing 7* star, for many obvious reasons that I’m not going to bother to list.
    So, yes, it would be nice to have a rank down ticket and possibility to get those “waisted” resources back.
    I think you're missing the point a bit. If rank down tickets existed as a normal reward, and not as some out of the ordinary thing they used to be, they would have to be valued more or less as the rank up materials they would be releasing. In other words, it would take about as much effort to earn a R5->R4 rank down ticket as it would take to earn enough materials to take an R4 to R5. Because they aren't going to be handing you rank down tickets for nothing.

    Rank down tickets that cost the same amount as the resources they release are nonsensical. But rank down tickets that are significantly discounted offer older players too much of an advantage over newer ones. They get to use those materials in champs, then they get to recycle them into newer champs without having to actually earn them again. Not only does that make rank up decisions less meaningful, it also makes the game more hostile to newer players.

    So yes, I'm sure a lot of players want more rank down tickets. They just aren't going to get them, short of some very very special circumstances.
  • Bondor16Bondor16 Member Posts: 31

    I don't see the point in Rank Down tickets when instead you could focus on getting more Rank Up materials. You can keep the Champ Ranked up and then Rank Up more Champions. Isn't that better than a Rank Down ticket?

    Thank you for getting on this. I’m not surprised by your response though. Why not farm and spend more time gathering resources, right? But then you can just ruin the champs we have used said resources on and love to play with on a whim.

    Let me reffer back to dr.strange nerf. Now look at him!
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    I’m with Jax.

    Why does everyone keep asking for Rank-DOWN Tickets.

    We should all be constantly asking for Rank-*UP* Tickets instead.

    Would serve the same purpose (if not better), just use a Rank-UP gem on whomever you would want to use the recovered resources from a “not gonna come” Rank-Down ticket on.

    (*not that Rank-UP tickets are ever gonna come either, just because someone has regrets about someone they ranked up, has a change done to them, or finally acquires a higher Star version of them).

    (**so, no, don’t start asking for those either)
  • Bondor16Bondor16 Member Posts: 31
    Pikolu said:

    Bondor16 said:

    I don't see the point in Rank Down tickets when instead you could focus on getting more Rank Up materials. You can keep the Champ Ranked up and then Rank Up more Champions. Isn't that better than a Rank Down ticket?

    Thank you for getting on this. I’m not surprised by your response though. Why not farm and spend more time gathering resources, right? But then you can just ruin the champs we have used said resources on and love to play with on a whim.

    Let me reffer back to dr.strange nerf. Now look at him!
    *Complains about no RDT for nerfs* *Uses Dr strange as an example*

    You realize the Dr Strange nerf actually got RDTs, right?
    Oh yeah I’m going to complain about the dr.strange nerf until the end of time. Can’t even remember if there was any compensation for him, because it’s irrelevant. They made the game a whole lot less enjoyable for a lot of people doing him dirty like that. Should be a poll in itself to give dr.strange his propper rebirth.
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