Purgatory boss in current month event quest.

AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
It's very difficult to explore 100% with the Purgatory boss setting in current month event quest....
Needs tips to complete it without wasting units


  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,173 ★★★★★
    Put a bleed on her and you win
  • AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
    Node is much more complex than that....
    Power gain for every few seconds on debufff.
    Debuffs Timer reducing with each debuff applied
  • AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
    I have been trying to complete her with Nick fury r4
    Chilth r3, even AA r4 ascended.
    No luck for doing so without using resources.
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 278 ★★
    I had to watch a bunch vids on this. I don't have any recommended champs, but I finally took her down with Ronin with all boosts activated.
  • AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
    I took her down once. But I still have to go 3 more times....
    It's been out of proportion difficulty level compared to other bosses.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,173 ★★★★★
    AYK¹ said:

    Node is much more complex than that....
    Power gain for every few seconds on debufff.
    Debuffs Timer reducing with each debuff applied

    I should have specified a bleed with zemo
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Morbius is probably the best counter for her. Joe fixit works well too.

    Or your best skill champions with longest duration bleeds.

    You can also just treat her as a really high health fight with your strongest science or other champs; I took 40% off her with warlock and didn't really bleed her at all.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,564 ★★★★★
    Morbius is a really good option if you have him.
  • ZAHIDMALIK1588ZAHIDMALIK1588 Member Posts: 624 ★★
    Kate bishop with caltrops, go for sp2 and dance around to keep the caltrops active. Not an easy way but I managed to get through a couple of times.
  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 554 ★★★
    I can confirm that NF can work great for this fight. I was able to solo her every time with Nick.

    You just have to deal with the fact that she has multiple things that make her hard to stun. You can either stun/parry her 3 times in a row, or you can just avoid parrying and instead bait heavies to get attack opportunities.

    Other than that, the only other thing is you need to start baiting specials early to avoid a sp3. Once she has 2 bars, be careful not to hit her or parry her, because doing so will give her half a bar of power. So there's some dancing involved.

    But I didn't have to do anything special beyond that to take her down with Nick.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian
    apoc is great for it. she cant shrug off his heavy bleeds or his parries.
  • DelosantoDelosanto Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2024
    In the beginning this Purgatory seemed impossible but I finally took her down and did 100% exploration with Apoc, Warlock and Jabari. Jabari dealing the most damage.
    ♥️ you Jabari
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,681 ★★★★★
    Kate with caltrops works surprisingly well. Take chavez synergy if you need. Apply caltrops and dance around. She won't get much power as you won't hit her, so it is less annoying.
  • Superstar_1126Superstar_1126 Member Posts: 421 ★★
    Apply a few permanent bleeds on her after an sp2 root with Zemo. Theres a lot of dancing around involved but once you get a few bleeds on her, the fight should go relatively smoother

    I've seen some people ( @captain_rogers and @ZAHIDMALIK1588 ) say Kate with the Caltrops arrow instead of Coldsnap is good too

    @jdschw also has another good counter with Nick Fury. The biggest thing to worry about is the constant power gain from debuffs

    All 3 are X-Magica champs as well so they fit the objective if you plan to do Paragauntlet
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,063 ★★★★★
    Nick melts her, good option for gauntlet challenge as well
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    I beat her with a 5* ascended r5 nick. Thr strategy is simple, use MLM combos on her and bait her special 2s which is super easy to dex and counter attack. Always throw your special 2 to increase bleed on her. She melts with that strategy and just need to be patient with her power gain and back off from her reach because she has a good reach on her heavy.

    I have also tried r3 Bullseye on her and regret not thinking about Morbius who would have had the type advantage to boot
  • felanomafelanoma Member Posts: 62
    Blade mvp, 2 sp2 and she death, 5*r5
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