Purgatory boss in current month event quest.

It's very difficult to explore 100% with the Purgatory boss setting in current month event quest....
Needs tips to complete it without wasting units
Needs tips to complete it without wasting units
Power gain for every few seconds on debufff.
Debuffs Timer reducing with each debuff applied
Chilth r3, even AA r4 ascended.
No luck for doing so without using resources.
It's been out of proportion difficulty level compared to other bosses.
Or your best skill champions with longest duration bleeds.
You can also just treat her as a really high health fight with your strongest science or other champs; I took 40% off her with warlock and didn't really bleed her at all.
You just have to deal with the fact that she has multiple things that make her hard to stun. You can either stun/parry her 3 times in a row, or you can just avoid parrying and instead bait heavies to get attack opportunities.
Other than that, the only other thing is you need to start baiting specials early to avoid a sp3. Once she has 2 bars, be careful not to hit her or parry her, because doing so will give her half a bar of power. So there's some dancing involved.
But I didn't have to do anything special beyond that to take her down with Nick.
♥️ you Jabari
I've seen some people ( @captain_rogers and @ZAHIDMALIK1588 ) say Kate with the Caltrops arrow instead of Coldsnap is good too
@jdschw also has another good counter with Nick Fury. The biggest thing to worry about is the constant power gain from debuffs
All 3 are X-Magica champs as well so they fit the objective if you plan to do Paragauntlet
I have also tried r3 Bullseye on her and regret not thinking about Morbius who would have had the type advantage to boot