I pulled sersi and LC back to back 😂. It is what it is. I can't complain. My other pulls before the change was the pig and juggs so I guess I had it coming.
I pulled sersi and LC back to back 😂. It is what it is. I can't complain. My other pulls before the change was the pig and juggs so I guess I had it coming.
How exactly did you have it coming? none of the pulls are bad..
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
Ok how is jabari a counter to bullseye? Did you enter hunt or activated ensared before his sp1? But how's that possible? Or is she bleed immune?
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
What in god's name !!! Is your Jabari 7r6? How do you use her lol
He's good, but nowhere near the best. His damage is so reliant on ai and it doesn't take much to make his damage loop completely unusable. He's very good and had a great buff, but compared to shuri, fantman, shocker, seemingly prowler, he just ain't as flexible as an attacker
Ok how is jabari a counter to bullseye? Did you enter hunt or activated ensared before his sp1? But how's that possible? Or is she bleed immune?
She's not bleed immune at all. She has a very high damage output in the hunt and counters evade. Bullseye on the other hand has a tiny health pool.
The safe strategy (for me) is just gain power up to 1 bar by parry - light, which also builds up your charges. Then when he is about to cross his 1st bar, 1-hit - sp1 (snare) and solid block to counter punch (or reparry Bullseye). By the next sp1 you are usually at 9 charges and puts you in the hunt, so you can nuke with combo-relic-combo. Bullseye never get to throw a special attack or evade.
For the risky strategy you can check Darth Ghost channel. You'd have to slow down your combo and allow the defender to parry you. The build up is faster since you will be purifying that stun to gain charges and you can skip the first sp1. I'm still working on it, not at that level at all
Ok how is jabari a counter to bullseye? Did you enter hunt or activated ensared before his sp1? But how's that possible? Or is she bleed immune?
She's not bleed immune at all. She has a very high damage output in the hunt and counters evade. Bullseye on the other hand has a tiny health pool.
The safe strategy (for me) is just gain power up to 1 bar by parry - light, which also builds up your charges. Then when he is about to cross his 1st bar, 1-hit - sp1 (snare) and solid block to counter punch (or reparry Bullseye). By the next sp1 you are usually at 9 charges and puts you in the hunt, so you can nuke with combo-relic-combo. Bullseye never get to throw a special attack or evade.
For the risky strategy you can check Darth Ghost channel. You'd have to slow down your combo and allow the defender to parry you. The build up is faster since you will be purifying that stun to gain charges and you can skip the first sp1. I'm still working on it, not at that level at all
I'll try the first one you said. But there's no way I see myself letting the opponent parry me intentionally, even with instant cleanse, lol.
Ok how is jabari a counter to bullseye? Did you enter hunt or activated ensared before his sp1? But how's that possible? Or is she bleed immune?
She's not bleed immune at all. She has a very high damage output in the hunt and counters evade. Bullseye on the other hand has a tiny health pool.
The safe strategy (for me) is just gain power up to 1 bar by parry - light, which also builds up your charges. Then when he is about to cross his 1st bar, 1-hit - sp1 (snare) and solid block to counter punch (or reparry Bullseye). By the next sp1 you are usually at 9 charges and puts you in the hunt, so you can nuke with combo-relic-combo. Bullseye never get to throw a special attack or evade.
For the risky strategy you can check Darth Ghost channel. You'd have to slow down your combo and allow the defender to parry you. The build up is faster since you will be purifying that stun to gain charges and you can skip the first sp1. I'm still working on it, not at that level at all
You’re doing the lords work here 🫡 one more option for BSeye
You can be disappointed in a pull and think a newer champion would have been more fun, and that's valid. I've been there myself. I reckon most of us have.
However, the crystal also is what it is. It's the gateway into the basic 7* pool for both old and new champions. Luke Cage does belong there. There's really no need for a discussion about it.
One thing I think is important to keep in mind: the featured 6* crystal has 18 old champs out of a pool of 24. That means there's a 75% chance to pull one of them. Additionally, you see all manner of champs thrown in alongside the new ones. Freaking Green Goblin is in there.
Meanwhile, the Titan crystal contains 7 old champions out of a pool of 18, meaning it's less than a 40% chance to pull an old one. The old ones in it are also highly curated. While I definitely understand the sting of pulling one of them from the Titan crystal can sting, all of them are still at the very last good champions.
The Titan crystal is not a 7* featured crystal, but at least in my eyes, it definitely makes up for the scarcity of its shards with the chances of pulling a new and exciting champion.
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
Can you tell me/us how you use her VS Bullseye / Photon…I pulled her as 7* after doing my first necro run, and would love not to ban 6R3/4s Bullseyes in decks packed with 7R3s 😅
Edit: Sorry, didn’t read the other posts, or watch the video 🥵 Kabam mods can delete this 🫡
I pulled sersi and LC back to back 😂. It is what it is. I can't complain. My other pulls before the change was the pig and juggs so I guess I had it coming.
How exactly did you have it coming? none of the pulls are bad..
I don't care for either champ have better science and cosmic so they will probably never get past r1
I can understand some people don't care for LC. I have an ally mate that loves him used to use him vs Colossus map 5 back in the day when all we had was 4* his indestructible would work wonders but I still didn't care for the champ. I understand the frustration cuz it takes so long to pull a Titan. Crystal. But I also like the way kabam is slow rolling 7* release. I'm hoping this means we won't see 8* for a long time.
Just a reminder to everybody that Luke Cage’s most recent buff is not on Auntm.ai. You need to look at him in-game to actually see his current kit.
This has been the most annoying thing for me in the past months.
A ton of buffs have come by, and I can't tell if Auntm.ai is updated or not, I can't tell if the official champion spotlight is updated or not (https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/champion-spotlight-luke-cage/), and then even looking at the champion in-game I can't tell what has been changed. The Forum doesn't really have anything official either and buries when a champion is officially buffed in a random line in a random post.
Just a reminder to everybody that Luke Cage’s most recent buff is not on Auntm.ai. You need to look at him in-game to actually see his current kit.
This has been the most annoying thing for me in the past months.
A ton of buffs have come by, and I can't tell if Auntm.ai is updated or not, I can't tell if the official champion spotlight is updated or not (https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/champion-spotlight-luke-cage/), and then even looking at the champion in-game I can't tell what has been changed. The Forum doesn't really have anything official either and buries when a champion is officially buffed in a random line in a random post.
The forum used to have a Spotlights thread, which let you see both the old and new versions. Sadly it's been disabled, now
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
That's crazy! It's great seeing people use underrated champs this well.
Buffed Cage is better, but I agree he doesn't belong in the Titan crystal.
Another one. Jesus.
Say it with me: "The Titan crystal is for all newer 7*'s regardless if you think they belong in the crystal". "The Titan crystal is a smaller pool allowing for quicker access for newer 7*'s".
Say it with me: "no one cares".
That doesnt make you right, lol. You are dead wrong.
Sersi was the only champ I was trying to avoid in the Titan pool 🤢🤮
I'd say he may not be new, but he is certainly useful. He is safe and easy to use, has great utility, good and very consistent damage output regardless of the special you throw for low to moderate health pools.
He also worked great for that SQ Kindred making him a joke. Thanks @Cat_Murdock for the tip!
Pulled Jabari twice too from the previous titan, and somehow she became my sleeper counter VS photons and Bullseyes in BGs. Nobody seem to care to ban her
Those defenders were also maxed out ascended 6 stars, but I've taken 7r3 photons as well (even in AW)... And I'm not super skilled with her, I try and play her as safe as I can.
They are probably not the best, not the most liked or popular or wanted. But they are useful regardless.
Is your Jabari 7r6? How do you use her lol
She's not bleed immune at all. She has a very high damage output in the hunt and counters evade. Bullseye on the other hand has a tiny health pool.
The safe strategy (for me) is just gain power up to 1 bar by parry - light, which also builds up your charges. Then when he is about to cross his 1st bar, 1-hit - sp1 (snare) and solid block to counter punch (or reparry Bullseye). By the next sp1 you are usually at 9 charges and puts you in the hunt, so you can nuke with combo-relic-combo. Bullseye never get to throw a special attack or evade.
For the risky strategy you can check Darth Ghost channel. You'd have to slow down your combo and allow the defender to parry you. The build up is faster since you will be purifying that stun to gain charges and you can skip the first sp1. I'm still working on it, not at that level at all
The safe strategy (for me) is just gain power up to 1 bar by parry - light, which also builds up your charges. Then when he is about to cross his 1st bar, 1-hit - sp1 (snare) and solid block to counter punch (or reparry Bullseye). By the next sp1 you are usually at 9 charges and puts you in the hunt, so you can nuke with combo-relic-combo. Bullseye never get to throw a special attack or evade.
For the risky strategy you can check Darth Ghost channel. You'd have to slow down your combo and allow the defender to parry you. The build up is faster since you will be purifying that stun to gain charges and you can skip the first sp1. I'm still working on it, not at that level at all
I'll try the first one you said. But there's no way I see myself letting the opponent parry me intentionally, even with instant cleanse, lol.
The safe strategy (for me) is just gain power up to 1 bar by parry - light, which also builds up your charges. Then when he is about to cross his 1st bar, 1-hit - sp1 (snare) and solid block to counter punch (or reparry Bullseye). By the next sp1 you are usually at 9 charges and puts you in the hunt, so you can nuke with combo-relic-combo. Bullseye never get to throw a special attack or evade.
For the risky strategy you can check Darth Ghost channel. You'd have to slow down your combo and allow the defender to parry you. The build up is faster since you will be purifying that stun to gain charges and you can skip the first sp1. I'm still working on it, not at that level at all
You’re doing the lords work here 🫡 one more option for BSeye
You don't need to do it like him to get good results. Paraphrasing Sam, do what he does, just slower.
You can be disappointed in a pull and think a newer champion would have been more fun, and that's valid. I've been there myself. I reckon most of us have.
However, the crystal also is what it is. It's the gateway into the basic 7* pool for both old and new champions. Luke Cage does belong there. There's really no need for a discussion about it.
One thing I think is important to keep in mind: the featured 6* crystal has 18 old champs out of a pool of 24. That means there's a 75% chance to pull one of them. Additionally, you see all manner of champs thrown in alongside the new ones. Freaking Green Goblin is in there.
Meanwhile, the Titan crystal contains 7 old champions out of a pool of 18, meaning it's less than a 40% chance to pull an old one. The old ones in it are also highly curated. While I definitely understand the sting of pulling one of them from the Titan crystal can sting, all of them are still at the very last good champions.
The Titan crystal is not a 7* featured crystal, but at least in my eyes, it definitely makes up for the scarcity of its shards with the chances of pulling a new and exciting champion.
Edit: Sorry, didn’t read the other posts, or watch the video 🥵 Kabam mods can delete this 🫡
So you can inflict damage to half of energy bar of the rival.
Think again
A ton of buffs have come by, and I can't tell if Auntm.ai is updated or not, I can't tell if the official champion spotlight is updated or not (https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/champion-spotlight-luke-cage/), and then even looking at the champion in-game I can't tell what has been changed. The Forum doesn't really have anything official either and buries when a champion is officially buffed in a random line in a random post.