I am torn on this rankup choice.

I don't take the game 100% ultra seriously.
I rankup exotic and unusual champions.
I'm very torn here. DDHK lifts so much for me in War, but Hawkeye is a power control king

I rankup exotic and unusual champions.
I'm very torn here. DDHK lifts so much for me in War, but Hawkeye is a power control king

I am torn on this rankup choice. 134 votes
Dr. Zola
There is also Carina's Challenges to consider if you still need to do it and if a 7*R2 Hawkeye would help. I've just noticed that he's awakened too.
Head says Hawkeye, heart says DDHK.
Do you need to make the decision now? Is there anything in the Spring Cleaning store which could change the decision?
I'm sure you have idea what champion I have in my roster.. I have rank up resources for tech rank 1to2 and generic 7* 1to2.. awaken Rocket Racoon might stay rank1.. the option are Shuri or Warlock both undupe or duped Lady Deathstrike.. just got Guardian too..
If you have generic rank 4to5.. 6* might be nice but if you need to use rank up resources.. I guess save for 7* (stat focus is really nice).
Heart and head are in disagreement for me 🥲
Have not dabbled much in Carinas, only a rare few of them.
The jump from rank 4 to 5 isn't as much as going from rank 4 to a rank 4 ascended was for me. To get a feel for it, I'd recommend you slap a 15% champion boost on first with the R4 and see how it feels because that's about the closest you can get short of properly ranking him up to R5.
My R4 was healing about 81 per Willpower tick. Now it's 92 at R5 so don't assume the Regen problem will go away with the increased health pool; a difference of 11 points in the modern game is largely irrelevant. I still maintain that an increase to Base Regen Rate is needed and the numbers clearly show this.
My advice, for whatever it may be worth, is don't rank him up unless you feel really, really sure. His damage output is still lacking even though he's a raw damage champion and his utility is arguably as useful as rank 4 as it is as a rank 5. He needs a numbers tweak or a small buff to make him anything other than a niche rank up choice. I do regret the rank up to some extent so perhaps that's the cautionary point to end this post on.
And.... my heart won out over my mind.
We hold our Support Group meetings every third Thursday, 7:30 prompt, and after the mandatory ten minutes of time complaining about the kit, the rest of the meeting alternates between talking about how good the Netflix series was, how perfect the main cast were in their roles and also for swapping cooking recipes.
That nonsense aside (and for more literal readers, that previous paragraph was a joke), let's hope we get a nice relic or a minor buff that helps him out. I get there may be a worry about creating another Kingpin but the current kit is a long way from that.
I have not yet max ranked my DDHK, but that’s because of limited resources ++ me being a scrub. But I will get there sooner rather than later.
Also how excited are we for the MCU series to be released next year?
Daredevil, ol' red suit himself, he's got that sixth sense thing going on, making him as slippery as a greased-up weasel in a bouncy castle. Plus, who doesn't love a blind ninja flipping around kicking butt?
Now, Hawkeye, he's got that sharpshooter vibe, hitting targets with pinpoint accuracy like Cupid on steroids. His arrows pack a punch, and let's face it, those trick shots are cooler than a polar bear's toenails.
So, my advice? Trust your gut, or flip a coin. Or better yet, let fate decide with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with yourself. Whatever you do, just remember to have fun! Chimichangas for life, baby!
But I'd also love a 7* Doctor Strange, and that's unlikely to occur 😁, considering the trend of what champs are added as 7*s.
Terra, who do you like using more? If you use DDHK more than Hawkeye.. you have your champion.. but if both champions get equal use.. and you don't have preference who you use.. a 7* champion will slowly out perform a 6* in the bigger picture.
Upgrading DDHK purely because he's a Miss counter doesn't hold weight these days because Bullseye is a much better option if you've got both in your roster. Even though Bullseye doesn't have the greatest damage output as an Attacker, neither does DDHK apart from short bursts based heavily on rotations.
Frankly.I think most people who rank up DDHK do it because of the show and how much they like the character rather than the kit. I should know - I'm one of them.