Who’s the best Kabam DLL champion?

So Kabam DLL is the designer of Photon, Kate Bishop, Absorbing Man, Kushala and Serpent. We’ll probably see more champs designs by him but for now who is the overall best in your opinion (in both offense and defense)?
Mine is probably Photon or Kushala, but all of them are so good
Mine is probably Photon or Kushala, but all of them are so good
Who’s the best Kabam DLL champion? 197 votes
I wouldn’t say that she requires “skill” to play. The only thing is perfect release and that not difficult for most competent summoners. Since I see her everywhere.
Most of the work gets done for you, the cold snap damage is insane. Just heavy them into the corner and do nothing. Yes such a balance champ. It’s why we won’t see her as a 7* for a long long time, despite her being in the 7* poll all those months ago.
Abs man however, is so important in filling a niche. Technically, not as difficult as Kate to design because his comic inspiration was easier to design but they really did well with finding and filling the niche here.
I dont agree with Photon..yes she is an insane champ but i just feel that any champ that disables a mastery should get an automatic negative mark on such polls. It is lazy designing and she really is overloaded with debuffs. Too overpowered in my opinion.
Its more difficult getting a balanced champ then creating an overpowered one. I like Kushala too but just got her as a 6* and using her in alliance events to understand her better. Too early for me to comment. Therefore both Kate and Abs man get my vote.
Abs Man for Dual Threat
That would definitely be worse though yeah didn't think about that lmao I'll definitely use that as an argument as well next time someone complains about Photon shutting down willpower.
Was one of the most dangerous and annoying defenders ever when she was released. Her design (going Untouchable when parried, unblockable AND undexable specials in PLF) was unprecedented, and forced many players to change their playstyle, and call for nerfs and rebalancing. If you didn't have the perfect counter for her, you were screwed. She worked as intended and has gotten more bans than any champ I've ever seen, and still gets them. Her utility still makes her a dual threat, and she is one hell of a counter to Mystics, and to falter/miss/untouchable/invisible, power gain, regen, champs who use non-contact attacks, etc..etc...etc.
And I've used other champs against him too. They beat him easily.
She's still intimidating to many players.