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A thought on Parry / Dexterity

TerraTerra Posts: 8,128 ★★★★★
Why are these even masteries to begin with? Why aren't they baked into the original framework of the game?
They're so instrumental to anyone's success of the game everyone has them.

Having them enabled by default, and making a tutorial on how to use them (not too dissimilar from the act 1 training grounds) could be very helpful.
Maybe turning the precision effect of Dexterity passive would be good too.


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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,718 ★★★★★
    Well if it was in base kit, you will have story quest and aq incursion bosses with parry mastery, which means

    You cannot bypass autoblock champs like medusa or omega sentinel.

    And you have a risk of getting parried in story quests lol.
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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,128 ★★★★★

    Well if it was in base kit, you will have story quest and aq incursion bosses with parry mastery, which means

    You cannot bypass autoblock champs like medusa or omega sentinel.

    And you have a risk of getting parried in story quests lol.

    Base kit of the *player*, as to not be locked behind a mastery.
    Not of every champion.
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    Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Posts: 256
    that's the point of "masteries"?!?

    base kit is the GAME. core rules. on top of that are piles of conditionals for each class, rarity, and individual kit.

    ON TOP of that, "our valiant summoner" has extra abilities.

    you're right, Parry and Dex are unavoidable. past a certain point. there are still new accounts, there are still people joining, learning to block, learning 2 hit 5 hit whatever combos. Kabam made them cost almost nothing now to unlock the masteries, because they're essentially required. but they need to be unlocked for the new account to have an actual learning curve.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★
    Yeah it would certainly be fun to not be able to turn dex off in matches where you don't want it
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    UltragamerUltragamer Posts: 487 ★★★
    I don’t see having them auto enabled as a good thing.
    1. It’s already in a mastered tree that has useful things but not many useful things so being able to us points on parry and dex to get mystic dispersion nice
    2. Being able to turn Dex off for dorm, buffet, mojo and all those annoying champs or nodes to dex against is very nice
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    I can understand wanting them enabled, but there have been nodes in the past where taking parry off is beneficial
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    Average_DesiAverage_Desi Posts: 215 ★★
    Making Dex precision passive CANNOT happen. So much of the game has already been designed with dexterity being a buff. Changing that would change a or make so many other things unbalanced or void.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,478 ★★★★★
    Terra said:

    Well if it was in base kit, you will have story quest and aq incursion bosses with parry mastery, which means

    You cannot bypass autoblock champs like medusa or omega sentinel.

    And you have a risk of getting parried in story quests lol.

    Base kit of the *player*, as to not be locked behind a mastery.
    Not of every champion.
    But that's what he's saying. The "base" champion is one without any masteries. What separate's us and the non-competitive defenders is masteries. Those are "base" versions of champions. If Parry and Dex were part of all champions regardless of masteries, then all story, MEQ and SQ defenders would have those abilities.
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