People focus on account base hero rating way too much, like most of it is just useless 1-5 stars and a bunch of unlevelled 6 and 7 stars and levelled 6-7 stars that dont make it into the deck
That is true for the most part. Now with 7*, a lot of account have deep 7* rosters. Those 7-10 mil accounts are all deep 7* deep 7* roster accounts. Now it count be all r2 or R1’s. A had full of r3’s. But I do agree it’s unless to worry about. The deck itself is what you worry about. And so honing in on our own skills. I don’t like matching either… only cause want easy wins haha. So I don’t play. Easy peezy
As you know BG is known for terrible matchmaking. I'm a 2.8m rating player but almost all of my last 30-35 matches against 5-6m players. I can understand and tolerate a 1-2m rating difference. But how can I match against 8m+ rating players? This is so unfair. If you don't find an opponent with similar power just increase the duration of matchmaking time. I would happily wait 1-2 minutes for that. It's way better than playing against 3-4x powerful opponents
Matchmaking is doing it's job. Welcome to something called "competition". You're complaining about the same thing hundreds of others have done so already but none of you understand the whole point of BGs. It's getting quite ridiculous that these posts still exist.
It's not competition. It's unfairness. Check the other games. They have a matchmaking system.
Check clash royale. You can face max level people with max level decks in the mid-ladder because the only thing the matchmaker cared about was how many trophies you have.
Before the current system, people with an alt account that was cavalier would have a way easier time getting that account to GC than their main account that was top of progression. It really sucked having to Duke it out with other top-level paragons (no valiant at that time) to get to GC while people with smaller accounts got an easier path to GC.
BGs should not punish you for increasing your roster strength which was exactly what happened before. To compromise, kabam changed matchmaking to not care about your roster once you get to platinum so small accounts could still play to a certain degree without also making life painful for the large accounts at the top of Victory track.
@QalibZaman I love how you ignored the post that explained it all. I quoted it for you. Have a read and you'll understand why we have this matchmaking in place. Hope you understand and never post about it again.
Here's another good answer from DNA in the “Bad at Battlegrounds, OK” follow up thread (when asked if playing more affects your matchmaking, which the very last sentence refers to. But everything before is the general guide) .
Players are matched by one of two algorithms. One seeks to find players with similar roster strength in your tier. The other seeks to match against any other player within the same tier without regard to roster strength.
At low VT tiers, the first algorithm dominates. The game tries to find matches of similar strength. It can’t always do so, it sometimes has to match against whoever happens to be looking at the time, but it tries. The reason for doing this is to deliberately make it easier for low strength players to enter matches with other players of similar strength, so the outcome of the match is more likely to be relatively even.
The problem with this kind of matching is that while it can seem fair to individual players it is unfair to the competition as a whole. If players always matched that way, lower strength players would have an easier time promoting than they should, because they would never face the strongest players in the game. Imagine an Uncollected player facing no one but other Uncollected players and then placing first at the end of the season. That would make a mockery of the entire competition.
So at some point, the “training wheels” have to come off, and players have to face whoever is there ahead of them, and not just hand picked opponents they can beat. Somewhere around *PLATINUM* 2 or so, the match maker shifts from matching by strength to matching against whoever is there. From that point on, no matter how strong your own roster is, you still have to face whoever is in those tiers, whether they are as strong as you, stronger than you, or extremely stronger than you.
As far as I’m aware, no amount of participation afffects who you match against. However, because who sits in each tier changes throughout a season as players promote upward in VT, the level of participation by everyone as a whole can affect how easy or difficult a particular tier is on any given week of the BG season. The more everyone participates, the faster everyone moves up to their eventual tier. This causes stronger players to end up higher and leave lower tiers, making them in effect easier. That’s the only way in which “participation” changes who you match against. Your own participation level means nothing, but how active everyone is will affect whether you face strong accounts or those accounts promote up into GC quickly and you never see them as a result.
Once you have got past platinum it is Mano a Mano there will be no mercy I have beaten accounts much stronger than mine so just tough it out. I can understand if it's lower brackets but after certain level you will end up fighting the whales ans big sharks.
Once you have got past platinum it is Mano a Mano there will be no mercy I have beaten accounts much stronger than mine so just tough it out. I can understand if it's lower brackets but after certain level you will end up fighting the whales ans big sharks.
Why do you want the same rewards as us Valiants with huge rosters when you can't put the same effort as us in the game, and rank up your champs and get huge rosters like us?
The first week is always bad, but it gets better after that. Of course, there are always some packed Valians who farm points in lower levels, I have met several of them in P1>D3. But, on the bright side - it could be you they give their walkovers to 😜
Your account size has no impact on match making after P2. Before P2, they try to find similar accounts, but if none are available, you meet those in your bracket.
From a 💩 5.3 mill Valiant, with mostly only R5s and 7R2+ in his deck, focus on HQ and necro. Explore act 8, do a necro run, become valiant. Get the number of R5s and 7R2+ up.
1-2 minutes? You'd be looking at 15 minute queues not 1-2 lmao
You find the opponent in 10-15 seconds. The algorithm just randomly selects someone. I don't think it's the right thing
That is correct, hence 15-minute queues if you want it to look for and match you with an account your size.
It is the right thing cause if you get paired up with accounts your size you will get to GC before a lot of Valiants. Why should you get into GC before most Valiants and big accounts when we're all competing for the same rewards? How is that even remotely fair?
There is a GC for that. And even with same size accounts you need the skill to reach there. I'm okay to play against 4-5m rating players. But 8m+ is too much.
One could say the same about fair matchmaking, bronze silver, and gold are there for you if you want fair matchmaking.
Play with a weaker account in gold and see if it's fair or not. It's the same thing. I was facing against paragons when I was a cavalier.
My alt is 600k rating or so, and I can assure you that up until platinum 2, i was facing similar level accounts. Once I hit platinum 2, I started seeing much bigger accounts, as anybody will.
I sailed through the lower levels. Why? Because i waited for bigger accounts to be out of lower levels before I bothered to do any sort of pushing in bg's with my small account.
Everybody that hits GC, or even high vibranium starts off in Platinum when the season starts.
As you know BG is known for terrible matchmaking. I'm a 2.8m rating player but almost all of my last 30-35 matches against 5-6m players. I can understand and tolerate a 1-2m rating difference. But how can I match against 8m+ rating players? This is so unfair. If you don't find an opponent with similar power just increase the duration of matchmaking time. I would happily wait 1-2 minutes for that. It's way better than playing against 3-4x powerful opponents
I can understand you being frustrated by the situation, but to say matchmaking is “unfair” I believe is inaccurate. In long distance running for example everyone starts from the same point regardless of strength or stamina, and each runner places to how they perform. You have to remember it’s a competition, and competition is going to be fierce at the starting line. Why not wait a bit until the field thins out and try again at a later time? You may find you get more favourable matchups, and it might lessen the frustration. The length of a season gives ample opportunities for this approach.
I quoted it for you.
Have a read and you'll understand why we have this matchmaking in place.
Hope you understand and never post about it again.
(when asked if playing more affects your matchmaking, which the very last sentence refers to. But everything before is the general guide)
Your account size has no impact on match making after P2. Before P2, they try to find similar accounts, but if none are available, you meet those in your bracket.
From a 💩 5.3 mill Valiant, with mostly only R5s and 7R2+ in his deck, focus on HQ and necro. Explore act 8, do a necro run, become valiant. Get the number of R5s and 7R2+ up.
This is the way, I have spoken.
What are your thoughts on Blade? And his addition to the Titan pool?
Once I hit platinum 2, I started seeing much bigger accounts, as anybody will.
I sailed through the lower levels. Why? Because i waited for bigger accounts to be out of lower levels before I bothered to do any sort of pushing in bg's with my small account.
Everybody that hits GC, or even high vibranium starts off in Platinum when the season starts.
In long distance running for example everyone starts from the same point regardless of strength or stamina, and each runner places to how they perform.
You have to remember it’s a competition, and competition is going to be fierce at the starting line.
Why not wait a bit until the field thins out and try again at a later time?
You may find you get more favourable matchups, and it might lessen the frustration.
The length of a season gives ample opportunities for this approach.