What are you going to do with the NC runestones?

We can exchange the runestones for 18k shards, or a 7* NC. While NC is good, he isn't broken or gamebreaking by any means, and need high sig preferably. So what is objectively the best use for 120 runestones.
What are you going to do with the NC runestones? 193 votes
He's still good unduped, just not quite as good. Not like some champs that straight up need the dupe to be useful.
Dr. Zola
NC is fantastic and I can’t wait for more people to realize how good he is. The grind for 120 stones was hard but it’s worth it for my boy 🥹
Wish they let us get a NC specific AG or something though. Really sucks that you have to spend money to get the dupe
I was picking gold