What Would You Rather Do?

Trying to gage something here. For me personally it's a no brainer since you could at least earn revives via Apothecary and 22h events, whereas the Incursions revives are currently locked behind a paywall in unit cost (and barely give health for what it's worth)
With a tough fight like Abs, you at least know what to expect , with Incursions though, you always seem to get nodes that counter your strategy. I stopped using Bullseye and I never got bleed immune bosses or debuff immune/punish nodes or running the stun lock strategy and constantly running into One Eye Open.
With a tough fight like Abs, you at least know what to expect , with Incursions though, you always seem to get nodes that counter your strategy. I stopped using Bullseye and I never got bleed immune bosses or debuff immune/punish nodes or running the stun lock strategy and constantly running into One Eye Open.
What Would You Rather Do? 60 votes
On the other hand I expect Zone 25 Saga Incursions might cost me a fortune. Would require more than Revive Man. More like Revive Country or Revive Planet.
Easy fix, if a certain overpowered defender node is on boss then just prevent other overpowered nodes to overlap? Like if A is present make sure node D just can't appear?
This method is very humane and quick to release but ofc we will have to wait for next special incursions month to have hopes of a change.
Give up
Ignore my vote, I'm not in a healthy mood rn, 22h without sleep.
A lot of us were surprised when there were no revives/potions to go along this event (like they did that one time where they had a store that would reset weekly)
What I was hoping to achieve with this thread was to show that the vast majority would prefer to do the content that Kabam identified as a pain point and even offered as a bonus point. I know the specific example here is just 1 fight but I'm sure we'd prefer all our SOS/WOE fights to be a lot harder over being trapped in a situation where you spent units to clear an incursions boss but later had to quit out.
I'm sure there's different ways of going about it, for example as a 22hour event but the last milestone. That could give players more incentive to maximize those events as well as I'm sure many aren't too fond of the solo crystal shard rewards