Time is the tiebreaker we know this because at the very start of battlegrounds kabam told us that time was the tiebreaking factor
First, it is because using the underlying actual HP numbers, results can come out with fractional component. Even the Time now results in a fractional number (originally when max Time points was 15,000 this was not the case, would always be a whole number. But now time max points only 10000 can come out fractional).
Then points are rounded when shown on screen. But actual, unrounded, values are used when adding together and determining who won.
As to “Kabam said time would be tie-breaker”. That sort of generality was also said for AW initially with Diversity I think. Didn’t mean an absolute tie-breaker, just that it is another points category that gets used in addition to the more obvious Kills or HP, etc in those game modes. It is NOT like when Time was added to AW (which indeed is a true tie-breaker since they have no points of their own).
Finally, YES, there have been plenty of examples of an ACTUAL TIE, which results in that fight banner being split down the middle, half-red, half-blue. Most of those are because of same HP, same Time.
But as to tie-breaker (there isn’t), there have been examples of points “looks like a tie” (but isn’t) where some have been with the winner being the one with faster time, while others examples have been winner even though they had longer time.
Time is the tiebreaker we know this because at the very start of battlegrounds kabam told us that time was the tiebreaking factor
First, it is because using the underlying actual HP numbers, results can come out with fractional component. Even the Time now results in a fractional number (originally when max Time points was 15,000 this was not the case, would always be a whole number. But now time max points only 10000 can come out fractional).
Then points are rounded when shown on screen. But actual, unrounded, values are used when adding together and determining who won.
As to “Kabam said time would be tie-breaker”. That sort of generality was also said for AW initially with Diversity I think. Didn’t mean an absolute tie-breaker, just that it is another points category that gets used in addition to the more obvious Kills or HP, etc in those game modes. It is NOT like when Time was added to AW (which indeed is a true tie-breaker since they have no points of their own).
Finally, YES, there have been plenty of examples of an ACTUAL TIE, which results in that fight banner being split down the middle, half-red, half-blue. Most of those are because of same HP, same Time.
But as to tie-breaker (there isn’t), there have been examples of points “looks like a tie” (but isn’t) where some have been with the winner being the one with faster time, while others examples have been winner even though they had longer time.
It is possible to tie in BG, but the actual scores that are compared go to a couple more decimal places than what’s displayed; that means you can have the same score shown on both sides and still have a winner because the 0.4 point difference in health or time wasn’t shown.
If the match is a tie, as in 1 fight Win, 1 fight Loss, 1 fight Tie. Then nobody wins the match, the match is a Tie.
Other times an individual Tie fight may be in a match where someone wins the other 2 fights so doesn’t matter.
* and tagging @Logan1823 because the one non-original screenshot included earlier with 2 Hercules both on their 1 HP safety when time expired on both sides was from their separate post up here today also. In that case, 1HP safety on both sides, 29,999 pts on both sides. But because each person's Hercules probably has different Max HP that the other person's did.
And you can probably assume the actual Max HP for their Herc's are not 30,000. So dividing 1 by some other number like 32745, versus 36923 for the other person (examples) would come out to a slightly different calculated, unrounded, number, which determined who won.
Well, I do know that time is the deciding factor if you and your opponent have the same points.
It says Tie or Draw I dont remember
First, it is because using the underlying actual HP numbers, results can come out with fractional component. Even the Time now results in a fractional number (originally when max Time points was 15,000 this was not the case, would always be a whole number. But now time max points only 10000 can come out fractional).
Then points are rounded when shown on screen. But actual, unrounded, values are used when adding together and determining who won.
As to “Kabam said time would be tie-breaker”. That sort of generality was also said for AW initially with Diversity I think. Didn’t mean an absolute tie-breaker, just that it is another points category that gets used in addition to the more obvious Kills or HP, etc in those game modes. It is NOT like when Time was added to AW (which indeed is a true tie-breaker since they have no points of their own).
Finally, YES, there have been plenty of examples of an ACTUAL TIE, which results in that fight banner being split down the middle, half-red, half-blue.
Most of those are because of same HP, same Time.
But as to tie-breaker (there isn’t), there have been examples of points “looks like a tie” (but isn’t) where some have been with the winner being the one with faster time, while others examples have been winner even though they had longer time.
In GC:
+1 who had lower points.
-1 who had higher points.
No tokens
You have to lose a match to lose a token.
You have to win a match to get token.
Then nobody wins the match, the match is a Tie.
Other times an individual Tie fight may be in a match where someone wins the other 2 fights so doesn’t matter.
* and tagging @Logan1823 because the one non-original screenshot included earlier with 2 Hercules both on their 1 HP safety when time expired on both sides was from their separate post up here today also.
In that case, 1HP safety on both sides, 29,999 pts on both sides. But because each person's Hercules probably has different Max HP that the other person's did.
And you can probably assume the actual Max HP for their Herc's are not 30,000. So dividing 1 by some other number like 32745, versus 36923 for the other person (examples) would come out to a slightly different calculated, unrounded, number, which determined who won.