How long have you been playing mcoc?

This is the second in a series of polls to understand the mcoc community. Please check out my other polls as well and share with your alliance!
How long have you been playing mcoc? 183 votes
But had to start new account 2 years after, since I lost my old phone XD
What a trip down memory lane, when mcoc was much more simple.
2 weeks after the game was released
I wish the titles would be ordered by date it was obtained. That would make it easier to show off how old you are in the game
Well, the main question when i first ever play this game. I play it first time as far as i known (not exactly), it was, atleast in 2015, the first loading i know is of thanos, amd the month is june 2018 but i am busy in other games during that time and i also don't have my personal device to get him. I also don't know how to connect account and make it available at anytime any device. I created this account for fun and connect it to kabam and delete it after nearly 1 month but if i don't connect it with kabam, i probably never do this comment nor playing this game right now. But since i saw this game it becomes my favourite game.