Dubble K.O

Ever had a dubble K.O in your career of Marvel COC? 😉
This was my first dubble K.O in a career of 8years of Marvel COC!
This was my first dubble K.O in a career of 8years of Marvel COC!

But also (in theory), that shouldn’t happen because I thought there was something about those “ticks” being processed first on one player, then on the other player (not simultaneous) ?
Same if hits are involved (with some type of recoil, etc, the attack and return damage aren’t simultaneous. One technically happens before the other).
So in the fight-ending scene (wait, in BG is there actually such a thing, I don’t pay attention, or just in other game modes ?), whose animation was shown ? Yours or your opponent’s?
@DNA3000 , thoughts ?
Theirs at top was a true KO / KO.
Which is different from a KO on one side and a (rounded) 0.0% on the other.
But seriously, OP must have delivered a final blow while taking rock field dmg down to 0. Pretty crazy. I've never seen it before.
The KO in both lines is key - as you say, many Herc wins has him at 0% health, but not saying KO.
And while you’re on the subject of TIME.
Has the game maybe started tracking fights in fraction of seconds now ?
Instead of in WHOLE # of seconds ?
Initially when BG came out, and Max pts for Fight Duration was 15000, you could calculate out exactly the Points based on ((120 sec - Duration) / 120) * 15000.
(which initially was always a whole number with that 15000 max in the calc, so the only fractional/unrounded numbers that came into play were HP Remaining from Attacker/Defender, toward those cases of “why isn’t it a tie”).
But not always a whole number anymore since they changed to 10000 max. (15000 / 120 is whole number, while 10000 / 120 is not). Even if duration itself is a whole # of seconds.
But anyways..
I have NOT been able to do the same calculation lately, and have it come out to what the game has actually been awarding for Duration Points. Was getting like 50-60 pts difference.
Even tried lowering the Max Time to 119 or 118 (in case they changed it to factor in that “dead time”) in that equation, and still was getting some result that is NOT what the game said in some (most, or all) people's pics.
Use @QueenMcoc 's Herc fight pic above (the 84 sec one where their Herc finished 0.0% with obviously 1 HP, but many other pics of non-Herc fights have same calculation issue recently).
((120 - 84) / 120) * 10000 = 3000. Pic shows actual of 2944 pts.
((119 - 84) / 119) * 10000 = 2941. Very close, but still 3 pts off.
((118 - 84) / 118) * 10000 = 2881.
So wondering if maybe Fight Duration in the internal workings of the game are no longer on strict 1 second increments ??
However, I have done no extensive analysis to prove that. That's just what I believe is happening by piecing together various conversations and observations.
Incidentally, I dropped a bug report on the double KO with Kabam to take a look at it. However, that's going into a normal bug observation queue, so I don't necessarily expect any update on that for a while.