Arcade Gaslighting, Missing 2/5 Promised Immunities

ZacTheSwordZacTheSword Member Posts: 63 ★★
On initial advertising, Kabam posted details and descriptions of Arcade as a 5 immunity defender we can see this in the screenshot below here. The significance of advertising 5 immunities sparked the community as this was one of the first few rupture immune champions potentially added to the game, and making Arcade advertised as a top polkadot power defence placement in alliance war. His view by the community was poised as a *top* war defender.

Now today that pre-bundles are out, people buying him have realised that he only is poison, shock and incinerate immune, and his abilities in no place say anything to do with bleed and rupture immunity. This is a big deal as his value as a defender has dropped substantially and has been mis-advertised.

In addition, kabam's response to this was to take minimal responsibility, placing the blame on us by saying that we should have "just read the deep dives carefully" when the deep dives itself has always been inaccurate and misrepresentative of a champion's full kit and abilities. (Such as the infamous shocker deep dive drama), They also quietly changed their tweet to a very vague description and did not put disclaimers to admit their mistake

I get that this is less related to this mistake made, but the confusion around this gaslighting and miscommunication was all the more worsened by the fact that ccp beta members were unable to access and playtest arcade at the beginning today, which left us without much arcade testing to show that he didnt actually have those immunities.
Arcade's current value as a defender has plummeted tremendously than seen as before and now looks as weak as a 2-3/5 defender. If you are putting the blame on us for taking what you guys say at face value, the community is just going to trust your words less and wont take you seriously. I want a refund


  • dpatel21dpatel21 Member Posts: 21
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★
    Blame that social media manager intern!
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    It is almost as if the community team was suddenly and unexpectedly stretched very thin and so they didn’t catch this in the time between the post being written and going live.

    I do think Pikolu is onto something, that Arcade probably had an earlier draft where he did have all five immunities and was toned down. But the comms team was given the five immunity information to run with before that change was made, they drafted and scheduled the tweet to post, and then in the shuffle of everything that happened in the last week or so it fell off the radar.

    Would it have been better for them to make an explicit statement that Arcade would not have five immunities after that tweet went out? Objectively yes. But this is a very clear, very human error, not a malicious attempt to mislead the community.

    Agreed @Wicket329 and I think any suggestion to that effect is off-base. It looks like a simple human error, and you’re spot on to point out the potential effect of personnel changes and departures.

    Dr. Zola
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★

    Let's see if they're going to take accountability and address it, or stay quiet.

    Take accountability for what? A single tweet that went out before anything else and was deleted? It wasn't in his deep dive. It wasn't anywhere listed as such where we had access to his information.

    So what accountability should there be?
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,616 ★★★★★

    I still don't understand how can a human being have so many immunities, when gods, demons, mutants and other lab experimented characters have only 1-2 immunities or none (see Thor and others).

    I know it is a game and they want people to spend more money to purchase the new champions, but they should really add relevant immnuties to all characters if they give more immunties to human beins than they do to gods, demons, etc.

    My point exactly 😂
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,616 ★★★★★

    I still don't understand how can a human being have so many immunities, when gods, demons, mutants and other lab experimented characters have only 1-2 immunities or none (see Thor and others).

    I know it is a game and they want people to spend more money to purchase the new champions, but they should really add relevant immnuties to all characters if they give more immunties to human beins than they do to gods, demons, etc.

    My point exactly 😂
    ahmynuts said:

    I think I see what happened. They confused his ability to deal out those effects with his ability to be immune to those effects.
    Whether or not they need to be held accountable for the mishap is not for me to say, but I think that's at least what happened there.

    This is very possible as mistakes do happen. But a lot of people spent money on this champ expecting him to have these immunities.
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 209 ★★
    I won't be going after Arcade in any rarity.. Hulkling destroys him with ease. Anybody with a Hulkling on deck will nullify Arcade as a defender in most matchups.. At least he has cool animations on his specials though.. :/
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