Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Arcade Gaslighting, Missing 2/5 Promised Immunities



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    Graves_3Graves_3 Posts: 1,372 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I mean his dot covers all of those, so I think it's fair to assume that it was just a typo. They deleted the tweet and it's not active now that his bundle is in game, so it's not false advertising

    Okay, y’all want actual lawyer brain response?

    Kabam put out a false or misleading statement about their product. This is one of several elements required to prove a claim of false advertising. Intentional or not doesn’t matter.

    HOWEVER, Kabam removed that information relatively quickly and well prior to any product being sold, and published the correct information subsequent to that point (the deep dive and in game). This was still done several days prior to any product being sold.

    Further, depending on the jurisdiction, the only remedy for unintentional false advertising is a court order removing that particular falsehood. Well, it’s already gone. Not a whole lot to do there.

    So basically, stop bandying around the phrase “false advertising” like it has power. It does not.
    You maybe right legally speaking but when it comes to PR, not acknowledging a mistake and taking responsibility for it would leave a bad taste with the customer. Next time somebody wants to spend money, they will think twice and some of them may decide not to. Keep repeating the same mistakes and a lot of them will stop. Doesn’t matter at that point whether legally they are liable for false advertising or not.
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,577 ★★★★★
    Indefensible as usual.
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    WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Posts: 284 ★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Wicket329 said:

    I mean his dot covers all of those, so I think it's fair to assume that it was just a typo. They deleted the tweet and it's not active now that his bundle is in game, so it's not false advertising

    Okay, y’all want actual lawyer brain response?

    Kabam put out a false or misleading statement about their product. This is one of several elements required to prove a claim of false advertising. Intentional or not doesn’t matter.

    HOWEVER, Kabam removed that information relatively quickly and well prior to any product being sold, and published the correct information subsequent to that point (the deep dive and in game). This was still done several days prior to any product being sold.

    Further, depending on the jurisdiction, the only remedy for unintentional false advertising is a court order removing that particular falsehood. Well, it’s already gone. Not a whole lot to do there.

    So basically, stop bandying around the phrase “false advertising” like it has power. It does not.
    It does come down
    Lokx said:

    Let's see if they're going to take accountability and address it, or stay quiet.

    Take accountability for what? A single tweet that went out before anything else and was deleted? It wasn't in his deep dive. It wasn't anywhere listed as such where we had access to his information.

    So what accountability should there be?
    Someone who replied to me made a good point, mistakes happen but they still could have addressed it in the live stream. I don’t think that would take away all the people who would complain because not everyone watches the live stream. But it would have been a more beneficial move to make.
    Are you aware of the Streisand effect?
    As in Barbara Streisand?
    Yes, actually. If I remember right, it’s the idea of a good idea coming from a disliked source and therefore being treated as a bad idea.
    No, it's the idea of bringing more attention to something by acknowledging it more than it needs to. If kabam openly acknowledged that there was a mistake that they deleted very quickly deleted and was answered by spotlights, deep dives and gameplay before the sale went up, people who never knew about it would start screaming about compensation even if they didn't buy the package. They deleted the tweet, what more is necessary?
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 636 ★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Miike gone and Kabam is already pulling stuff like this, Miike wouldn't have stood for such trickery.

    Complete bait and switch.

    If you think this was intentional you’ve completely lost the plot.
    Bold of you to assume I had a plot to lose
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    kus234kus234 Posts: 223 ★★
    So I tried Kabam Support.. Negative
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    pseudosanepseudosane Posts: 3,887 Guardian
    The tweet that was spread around was removed several days prior to sale of the early access bundles.
    the deep dives that advertise the champs had no mention of said immunities.
    Reading is key, what is the problem here again?
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    WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Posts: 284 ★★

    Not gonna lie, if I bought him and he wasn't as advertised, I would be pissed to.

    Would be no different than me buying a new car expecting the sport package and ending up eith the basic package, but being charged for the sport package.

    Except he hasn't been advertised as that since he was available to buy
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★

    The tweet that was spread around was removed several days prior to sale of the early access bundles.
    the deep dives that advertise the champs had no mention of said immunities.
    Reading is key, what is the problem here again?

    From what I can tell, the issue is that (a) what appears to be inaccurate information was posted publicly in an official channel, (b) it could be both possible and probable that the inaccurate info was screenshot and shared, (c) although the inaccurate info was removed after a short time, the correction appears to have been done without any fanfare or additional notice, and (d) subsequent correct info shared in different official online channels didn’t mention or specifically correct the inaccurate info previously shared.

    Add the fact that there’s not a single or main location to get official info and there’s at least a suggestion that players could have missed the correct info if they didn’t monitor the various MCoC channels for a revision.

    This, to me, seems to be the main basis for the complaints unless I’m missing something.

    Whether it warrants relief from Kabam or Google/Apple I have no idea. Personally, I think the damage done is likely minimal if any, but I would also err on the side of throwing some in-game materials to anyone who spent US$100s to buy a champ released this way. The old notion of caveat emptor, in my opinion, shouldn’t be the governing principle for online purchases like this one.

    Dr. Zola
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    pseudosanepseudosane Posts: 3,887 Guardian
    DrZola said:

    The tweet that was spread around was removed several days prior to sale of the early access bundles.
    the deep dives that advertise the champs had no mention of said immunities.
    Reading is key, what is the problem here again?

    From what I can tell, the issue is that (a) what appears to be inaccurate information was posted publicly in an official channel, (b) it could be both possible and probable that the inaccurate info was screenshot and shared, (c) although the inaccurate info was removed after a short time, the correction appears to have been done without any fanfare or additional notice, and (d) subsequent correct info shared in different official online channels didn’t mention or specifically correct the inaccurate info previously shared.

    Add the fact that there’s not a single or main location to get official info and there’s at least a suggestion that players could have missed the correct info if they didn’t monitor the various MCoC channels for a revision.

    This, to me, seems to be the main basis for the complaints unless I’m missing something.

    Whether it warrants relief from Kabam or Google/Apple I have no idea. Personally, I think the damage done is likely minimal if any, but I would also err on the side of throwing some in-game materials to anyone who spent US$100s to buy a champ released this way. The old notion of caveat emptor, in my opinion, shouldn’t be the governing principle for online purchases like this one.

    Dr. Zola
    Disagree here. This was just proliferation of incorrect information, which would have been easily rectified by actually reading abilities. It was a mistaken tweet, is all it was.
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    Dirty_DozzDirty_Dozz Posts: 368 ★★★
    For everyone calling people "Kabam bootlickers" for not condemning them: realizing that mistakes happen isn't the same a bootlicking. The thing is, it was a single tweet that was up for who knows how short of time. Clearly that should've demonstrated that the information was incorrect and wasn't meant to be disseminated. Should they have said something? Absolutely, but it's not as big a deal as everyone is acting. It's not like they left the incorrect tweet up until the pre-sale bundles were released, and THEN removed the tweet, all while twisting their vaudeville villain mustaches. The tweet was removed and replaced rather quickly, the deep dive came out with the correct information, etc. There were myriad chances to take a look and be like "wait a minute".

    People taking a single (removed) tweet as gospel, ignoring all other information, and then being mad about the actual product being different is insane.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★

    For everyone calling people "Kabam bootlickers" for not condemning them: realizing that mistakes happen isn't the same a bootlicking. The thing is, it was a single tweet that was up for who knows how short of time. Clearly that should've demonstrated that the information was incorrect and wasn't meant to be disseminated. Should they have said something? Absolutely, but it's not as big a deal as everyone is acting. It's not like they left the incorrect tweet up until the pre-sale bundles were released, and THEN removed the tweet, all while twisting their vaudeville villain mustaches. The tweet was removed and replaced rather quickly, the deep dive came out with the correct information, etc. There were myriad chances to take a look and be like "wait a minute".

    People taking a single (removed) tweet as gospel, ignoring all other information, and then being mad about the actual product being different is insane.

    We can't apply logic to most of the community. They just want the opportunity to complain and cry foul. Obviously it wasn't that important because is literally the only post about it.

    They've already moved on when they didn't get the attention they wanted.
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    Deder80Deder80 Posts: 693 ★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Good find
    Advertising with 5 immunities just to release with 3 is peak false advertisement

    Yes they can say plans change tho 🤣

    Oh man! Thank you! I didn’t even catch this. I bought the 6* bundle because of the 5 immunities. Now I want a refund and rank down tickets. I took my arcade to r5 and 100 sigs. I’m pissed now
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,668 ★★★★★
    edited June 11
    I barely pay attention to these details, because I'm not going to have Arcade for a year, but even I was "aware" of the crazy immunities. It was definitely augmented via other sources when it came out because it was so valuable.
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    kus234kus234 Posts: 223 ★★
    Wow it's so funny.. Kabam is still silent ..
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,618 ★★★★★
    kus234 said:

    Wow it's so funny.. Kabam is still silent ..

    They aren't really obligated to respond
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    World EaterWorld Eater Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    kus234 said:

    Wow it's so funny.. Kabam is still silent ..

    They aren't really obligated to respond
    Obligated , no but this is the way now. Minimal , if any , communication and it’s been getting worse and worse ever since netmarble took over.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    kus234 said:

    Wow it's so funny.. Kabam is still silent ..

    They aren't really obligated to respond
    Obligated , no but this is the way now. Minimal , if any , communication and it’s been getting worse and worse ever since netmarble took over.
    you mean in 2017.... 7 years ago.. when the game was barely 3 years old and barely getting started?
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,618 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    kus234 said:

    Wow it's so funny.. Kabam is still silent ..

    They aren't really obligated to respond
    Obligated , no but this is the way now. Minimal , if any , communication and it’s been getting worse and worse ever since netmarble took over.
    Agreed. But in this particular instance. I'll go a bit easier on them. Since miike made his exit the mods haven't been very active on here if at all. I think we've had one message from crashed since then.
    The thread where that guy Is asking for people's ages is still up so maybe we can use its continued existence to gauge whether or not they have even been looking at the forums to be able to respond here
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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,191 ★★★★★

    I didn't buy the bundle, I didn't read the deep dive, I didn't see the tweet. But surely as a company, advertising a champion with X immunities, deleting the incorrect tweet, surely as a social media manager you'd realise that you should put up a follow up tweet correcting the confusion?

    What social media manager?

    This is not a rhetorical question. The guy who handled all of these issues as they came up has abruptly left the company. Jax said on stream that they would do all they could to make it so the players wouldn’t feel Miike’s absence but that inevitably we would, because he did so much behind the scenes work. This is a prime example of that.

    Could it have been handled differently? Yes! Absolutely! But put the pitchforks down and understand for a second that we are dealing with humans who are scrambling to adapt to a new workplace without the guidance of the most experienced person they had there.

    Is it reasonable to be upset about this situation? Yes. It is totally valid to be irritated by how it was handled. But this is not a “BoYcOtT kAsCaM” situation. Take a breath. Take a beat. Realize that if you are going to spend money to acquire a champion, you should maybe at least watch their deep dive first or, better yet, wait until content creators have put out videos on them.

    This just feels like some people wanting to be angry about something and y’all, isn’t that exhausting?
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    World EaterWorld Eater Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    kus234 said:

    Wow it's so funny.. Kabam is still silent ..

    They aren't really obligated to respond
    Obligated , no but this is the way now. Minimal , if any , communication and it’s been getting worse and worse ever since netmarble took over.
    you mean in 2017.... 7 years ago.. when the game was barely 3 years old and barely getting started?
    You’re right, it wasn’t the acquisition of netmarble. I was mistaken.

    The drop in communication seems to coincide with Seungwon Lee assuming the role of CEO at Kabam on January 17th 2022.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★
    edited June 11

    ahmynuts said:

    kus234 said:

    Wow it's so funny.. Kabam is still silent ..

    They aren't really obligated to respond
    Obligated , no but this is the way now. Minimal , if any , communication and it’s been getting worse and worse ever since netmarble took over.
    you mean in 2017.... 7 years ago.. when the game was barely 3 years old and barely getting started?
    You’re right, it wasn’t the acquisition of netmarble. I was mistaken.

    The drop in communication seems to coincide with Seungwon Lee assuming the role of CEO at Kabam on January 17th 2022.
    Yeah. I'm sure he came in and immediately told Kabam to make communication worse. That's probably it.

    I don't remember ever hearing about communication complaints before Jan 2022. You're probably right.

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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,510 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I didn't buy the bundle, I didn't read the deep dive, I didn't see the tweet. But surely as a company, advertising a champion with X immunities, deleting the incorrect tweet, surely as a social media manager you'd realise that you should put up a follow up tweet correcting the confusion?

    What social media manager?
    You right, but more so the guy that deleted the thread could have spent a further 15 seconds clarifying the mishap to prevent everyone's overreaction.
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