Which champs/masteries got changed?

After awakening my x23 I finally got rid of my falcon avatar (in game) and got x23 instead. After the update Falcon is back.
I did not change my masteries.
This leads me to the conclusion that either those champs changed or some masteries in the last update.
I did not read either falcon or x23 would get a change and I can't find any information of champion changes in 16.1 anywhere.
Does anyone have an explanation?
I did not change my masteries.
This leads me to the conclusion that either those champs changed or some masteries in the last update.
I did not read either falcon or x23 would get a change and I can't find any information of champion changes in 16.1 anywhere.
Does anyone have an explanation?
Maybe other people see it as spam mate, they are allowed their opinions even if its not the same as yours
To the OP, how much did the two champs PI go up or down? What were the two seperate totals for them before and after the changes you think happened that no-one else seems to have bee affected by? More details would probably help
(waits to be flagged. UPDATE: and there it is!! So I see @FilmScorpion has no problem flagging a valid reply. Always double standards with people like him)
Why the aggression in every post mate? Calm the feck down
Yes, easy to understand
Why get offended by others having opinions you dont share? They think that, then let them flag it, not important at all in any way at all
OK, now I AM going to flag you. And I'm not your "mate". Why are you picking a fight with ME? I didn't flag your post. There's about 100 other people on here, who could have flagged you while I was off reading other threads.
Where am I picking a fight? Read what I wrote, not what you think i wrote
And, please, flag away, its not important
I did read what you wrote.
"FilmScorpion has no problem flagging a valid reply. Always a double standard with people like him".
That's picking a fight, when you sling baseless accusations at someone. Referring to someone in the third person, like they aren't even in the conversation. That's rude. And using phrases like "people like him". That's rude. Learn some respect.
Own what you post and own what you flag in the forums.
No. This is why the names were hidden. It leads to arguments on who Flagged who.
Lol, respect is earned, and you have shown you deserve none. Flag me, then act like a kid when called out for it, I think its you that needs to learn respect, and grow up while your at it
The more divided this community the worse it is for everyone.
Oh and the rest of this "discussion" is cancer.
Yes, that's a possibility, but only temporary. I've seen champs that jumped other champs pi during boosts.
To the others: wow, just wow...