So what happened to rebalance?

After Onslaught Bullseye and White Tiger rebalance information is yet to be announced... has rebalance taken a backseat in the game so far? It's past 6 months now for Bullseye and White Tiger.
Onslaught and such were a bit later than normal, and so is bullseye/white tiger.
They've had plenty of time.
They are probably working on Nov sales as July 4th sales have already been finalized .it will be released on time.
Considering all that I don't think u can say they had plenty of time.
Kabam already not releasing buff for months and these rebalancing will destroy a chance of an old champ to shine again.
Don't forget those months are gone when we used to get 4 buffs in a month
We don't even get 2 buffs in a month which is why I don't like rebalancing just to make sure that an old champ gets updated