The big science decision

Following up on my previous post, I’ve decided that I’ll rank the 6* I like because 7* crystals are the worst thing in the world
2 great candidates for r5 here and I guess I could wait and use my gem on RG (wanted to save for SIM but hey, we don’t know how good he’ll turn out) so I’ll just let the community decide. Pretty much 100% battlegrounds focused
I didn’t want to make a double poll, so if anyone wants to pick my next skill r5 here, I’d appreciate that too. My current picks for r5 are Massacre, Mantis, Korg, or Killmonger
2 great candidates for r5 here and I guess I could wait and use my gem on RG (wanted to save for SIM but hey, we don’t know how good he’ll turn out) so I’ll just let the community decide. Pretty much 100% battlegrounds focused
I didn’t want to make a double poll, so if anyone wants to pick my next skill r5 here, I’d appreciate that too. My current picks for r5 are Massacre, Mantis, Korg, or Killmonger

For your skill rankup it’s again a case of do you need offense or defense, but also are you doing the ccp challenges and are you choosing Masacre. If you’re not, I’d do masacre, if you are, I’d do korg
I did the challenges and picked double Starky so massacre could 100% be a good choice
I'd assume you're kinda screwed if they get 5 armors or more but I could be wrong.
Would also love your 2 cents on the skill rank up
I actually think photon would be a better rankup than korg but since you’re using catalysts you won’t have enough for 2 science rankups. I personally think korg is more annoying than killmonger and sig 200 on korg is more important imo than killmonger who gets away with just a dupe.
I wanted to say Mantis but two things:
1. I'm not 100% sure how hard a r5 would hit. My r3 usually hits for about 400k so a r5 should be hitting for about 300k? Don't quote me on that though cause I could be wrong lol she definitely hits hard though.
2. Korg and KM would be useless even if you pulled the 7* cause they need awakening and a bunch of sigs to really be threats, so if you did pull one of them as 7* after you r5 the 6* you would still be better of using the 6*.
Also, contrary to popular belief he's not a trash attacker, just needs a bunch of synergies but with them he's good.
Rank up killmonger in skill.
Just curious cause I haven't used mine, I thought the armor buffs would ruin his sp2 damage completely.
This was a one off, and one I learned from (luckily my defender was harder and I still won that match), but I'll def be more careful from here on out.
I would say RG due to unavailability as a 7* though. But...Photon is pretty great as well and I use my ascended one a ton. Just waiting to awaken my 7* version.
2. You can fracture your shield with zero issues, as a matter of fact on most metas you're better off letting them fracture with a heavy as soon as the match starts so you can start doing parry heavy and getting massive damage right off the bat.