Comic Book Thread
Member Posts: 5,831 ★★★★★
Lets talk about comics. Don't be afraid to necro this thread in the future guys
Luckily the current Ultimate Spider-Man run has been super well thought out and written, gonna be a shame when that one ends and we're left with the mess that Zeb Wells made in 616
Kabam's re-imagining of Classic Covers, from years back..
I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.
YES. It's by Al Ewing who also wrote Immortal Hulk and is a brilliant writer. I have loved everything I have read that he's written: Immortal Hulk, Mighty Avengers and Captain America and the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, US Avengers, Ultimates and Ultimates 2, the GOTG series he did, Valkyrie: Jane Foster, the Empyre event and the two Defenders miniseries he did recently.
He's one of two writers I think can practically do no wrong, the other being Kelly Thompson who has written Black Widow, Captain Marvel, A-Force, West Coast Avengers, Deadpool and two Jessica Jones miniseries and is currently doing Birds of Prey for the Distinguished Competition - the only one of their titles I am reading.
Witchblade and Witchblade/Vampirella Team Up are some classic favs. The 2nd one hilarious.
Anybody remember the Bone comics? It was about a family of human bones.
What If....when Rogue abosrbed Thor's powers 😂
I have a John Wick variant that I hope one day I can get autographed by Keanu Reeves.
Found it cool that they named the prof x arena after dawn of X, a run that I want to get into at some point. Love Easter eggs like this.
Some of Millar's writing is even offensive.
and that's before you get into the fact that Stark opposes using Ulysses' powers for stupid reasons when in the 1990s Stark set up his own proactive, go-after-the-bad-guys-first group in Force Works. AND THEN in the epilogue, they claimed that no, actually, Stark was opposing it because he didn't trust anyone other than Carol running the precog programme, not that he didn't like the whole changing the future thing.
Civil War was a mess, CW2 is a mess. I pray to gods I don't believe in that they never do Civil War 3.