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Valiant Players, what are you choosing from the Daily Super Event Selector?

Kabam CrashedKabam Crashed Posts: 136 ★★★★
I thought this would be a fun one. After the event closes, I will post the actual results from the data to see how closely they line up with the results of this poll.

Valiant Players, what are you choosing from the Daily Super Event Selector? 174 votes

Titan Shards
TV_Addict_2017DecksieTerrakus234MysterioKisHinMadMax78PikoluCloudVIIStrifeSpadeHunterEwell65SSS69DocWestItsClobberinTimeKrishna24GravityAzenstarSirGamesBondILoveDrDoom2x2yHydrothc 33 votes
Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
GamerMasterSmokeCrys23DrZolaVaniteliaRaganatorDanielRandZoreelMpd1CristalmanzuffyKDoggg2017AzKicker316BENJI830phillgreenRagnarok13GoesSlowFrankWhiteKing_L0kiB34rJZ734 113 votes
7-Star Sig Stone Crystal
PantherusNZBendyHeinz11Balm82BigTuna_2054MagrailothosNescioRepto23228horrendous_tooJollyHawkWhoDaPooHeroByChanceDisthene_TTempest_024Drummerboips3Giantwalrus565raahmynutsVedant_Mehta 28 votes


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    DarkPhoenix369DarkPhoenix369 Posts: 57
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    T4A for the first 3 weeks since that'll get me to 1.5 t4a and I can fully form one when SoS ends next month. Then probably 7 star sig stones cuz theres nowhere else to get those rn
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,717 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    My answer would change if you plan to use this data for designing rewards once this daily super event becomes permanent.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,717 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments

    My answer would change if you plan to use this data for designing rewards once this daily super event becomes permanent.

    The actual data from the event will be used for that purpose, this poll is just for fun.
    That's great. I am excited to see how this poll data aligns with the actual one!
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,353 ★★★★★
    7-Star Sig Stone Crystal
    Ill probs go 7 star sigs just to help get some champs sig up more that i want to get up
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    Super_Cretu90Super_Cretu90 Posts: 62
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    I am a Paragon player but, honestly, 1 signature stone per day is too low. I know signature stones are still hard to obtain, but X2 signature stones would make it fairer for Valiant players.
    Just my opinion.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,590 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments

    T4A for the first 3 weeks since that'll get me to 1.5 t4a and I can fully form one when SoS ends next month. Then probably 7 star sig stones cuz theres nowhere else to get those rn

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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,717 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments

    1) Titan shards aren’t valuable in my book
    2) Have enough T4 to R3 to rank one champ - waiting to see what comes in the Mr Sinister deals. Need to start getting more
    3) I don’t have a 7 star awakened who benefits greatly from high sig. Those that do I can’t dupe… so sig stones aren’t a priority

    Yeah that's what I think too. Would it be wise to save more sigs for a potential good awakened champ in future (like domino or serpent), or just get more cat frags for immediate benefit.
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,353 ★★★★★
    7-Star Sig Stone Crystal

    1) Titan shards aren’t valuable in my book
    2) Have enough T4 to R3 to rank one champ - waiting to see what comes in the Mr Sinister deals. Need to start getting more
    3) I don’t have a 7 star awakened who benefits greatly from high sig. Those that do I can’t dupe… so sig stones aren’t a priority

    Yeah that's what I think too. Would it be wise to save more sigs for a potential good awakened champ in future (like domino or serpent), or just get more cat frags for immediate benefit.
    I have an angela that i want sigged up higher since every bit of sigs will be helpful atm shes sig 60
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    LokxLokx Posts: 677 ★★★
    Titan Shards
    I’m close to forming a t4 crystal. With this sos, ima form a single crystal with additional t4 left over. So gonna use the start of the event to focus on t4 then switch over to titans. The reason for titans is because i have no need for 7* sig yet and i just enjoy collecting champs.
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    VaniteliaVanitelia Posts: 376 ★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    I am more focused on rank-up resources vs champ acquisition. T4a is not as accessible, so I'll be going with those. Yes, crystal pulls are rng-based, but if you dupe one, that's 20 sigs vs 1/day you'd get.
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,414 ★★★★
    edited June 24
    Wow I was gonna make this poll lmao. Anyway stuck between the t4a and the sig stone. I’m only half of a t4a away from my next r3 but I’ll probably just get the t4a from July 4th.

    I think t4a is probably more valuable rn but it’ll depreciate in value much faster that sig stones will. I’ll probably take the t4a for a while then switch over to sig stones.
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,139 ★★★★
    Titan Shards
    Ah bollocks, I selected Titan on accident, I meant the t4A
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,976 ★★★★★
    Still debating between t4a and sig stone.
    Likely the sig stone for the first few days, and will reevaluate after a week or so.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,860 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    Another rank 3 is far more valuable than the risk of a bad titan pull
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    11993451199345 Posts: 496 ★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    T4A all day baybay!!
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,564 ★★★★★
    edited June 24
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    Until i find out what will 4th of July sales bring... Picking the t4a
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    Crys23Crys23 Posts: 783 ★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    To get a full titan crystal it would take about 3 months. And your pull could be someone like Blade. No, thanks.
    If you pick sig stones, 30 per month, it comes to about 5 per class. So if you want to add 20 sigs to your fav champ or one that needs it, thats 4months.
    The obvious choice right now is T4a. It comes out to just about a full catalyst per month. Add in AW, BG and Raid rewards, Season of Whatever rewards, and you could get a R3 per month. I have a bunch of 7* I'd like to r3, some duped, some unduped. Sigs and even awakening gems will come soon enough. In the meantime I want to get as many champs as possible to highest available rank.
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    PantherusNZPantherusNZ Posts: 1,734 ★★★★
    7-Star Sig Stone Crystal
    I grabbed the T4A from the Poolies event and wish I hadn't - I would prefer to rank up more champs to R2 than an R3 so they're just sitting there doing nothing, meanwhile I'm struggling for T6CC as it is.

    I'm taking the Sig Crystals so that I can start building them up now, by the time I really want/need them, I should have enough to make a difference.
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