Did you like super event!!!

I didn't see any poll regarding this. I started this one. IMO super event is good and needs to be parmanent. I always prefer fix reward not RNG based reward. Which work only 10-20% in your favour. Just curious to know how you guys are seeing it.
Do you like super event and want this to be parmanent
Do you like super event and want this to be parmanent
It’s great to have it all in one place!
Btw a lot of small stuff went missing.
I just wish they didn't take those away.
I find happiness in Small things too. And now they are Gone.
5* sigs = gone
6* sigs = gone
Puny Relic stuff shards/fragments = gone
Massive time saving arena boosts = gone
Multiple full T4cc = gone
15% attack Boost's, which I used in arena = reduced to 1
Idk what else is missing. But there are many things feels missing.
1 daily crystal missing. Mehh no biggie.
Trash daily/weekly objective = gone. Massive W
I like the new rewards. It's about damn time they updated those.
Reduced the grind, also a W
But y u tuk away so much small important stuff I shouldn't care about but I did.
1 daily Crystal = guaranteed 50% T6B, 15% TCC or 50% T3A, plus the third selector with titan shards, etc.
I do agree that they could have put the 10.000 ember brick in one of the milestones and 1xT4CC, but you can easily earn very nice rewards now by auto playing while working or doing whatever you like.
There are good things and I'm sure not ignoring the bad part of it.
People who don't use arena boosts might not have the idea how big of a time saver are those 'insignificant' crystals.
r4 3* with 3x boost gives 19-21k points a fight, r5 4* gives 13-15k points. You do the math.
Those crystals also give 2x or 2.5x 4* boosts
That turn those 15k points to 45k per fight.
T4cc for a progressing player is absolutely important. I know it's value cuz I occasionally run my alt account and I have put extra efforts to save up 200 crystals at this time.
And for my main, I was short a t5cc. I popped 100 t4cc, theres gold and t5cc after selling, Its simple resource management and not hoarding in this case.
I just cant turn a blind eye to 5 and 6* sigs.
Only Uber whales have all their 5 and 6* at sig 200. Small things just adds up over time. Good rewards are updated and these are some of the free things that are gone.